Slovak Film Week 2019

6. - 12. 4. 2019


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Talks with TGM

Hovory s TGМ; Jakub Červenka, 2018, versions: OR

This is a film about Masaryk and Karel Čapek, two extraordinary men, the best that ever lived in our country; about the fact that the first republic, which they symbolised, had a deep content and a meaning in terms of its underlying concepts. But also about the fact that the emotions can sometimes be stronger than an idea, even in the case of exceptional people. And it is also a film about the relation between literature and life: that the first reflects the second, but that in no way is it to be taken for granted. To attain one´s inner truth is the most difficult thing in the world. Show more

2D OR 12
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The Cellar

Pivnica; Igor Voloshin, 2018, versions: OR

The theme of the project comes from a worldwide problem of disappearance ofthe children, that in most cases ends tragically. The causes of disappearance are various. According to research, the parents of the children play a big part on these disappearances – disagreements, altercations, bad social background – all these arouse the child’s need to get away from home, escaping these negative surroundings and finding comfort in drugs, on the street or with someone, who “understands” them. Project “The Cellar” leads off from these observations and tries to point out the need of the´thoughts about the consequences, that can be caused by innocent party and intense atmosphere in the family Show more

2D OR 15
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Backstage; Andrea Sedláčková, 2018, versions: OR

A story about young dancers from a small town whose friendships, loves, dreams of fame and views of the world become more complicated when a good-natured railway station worker, Hugo, enters their lives. A riveting dance film for young audiences about dreams, ambitions and the importance of family and friendship. Show more

2D OR 12
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Válek; Patrik Lančarič, 2018, versions: OR

Miroslav Válek is a significant personality who in the past century left such a mark on Slovak culture that not to come to terms with him would mean leaving his essential role without any reflection. the film makes a responsible and objective contribution to this reflection. Válek’s “inner conflict” constitutes the basic starting point of the film. the conflict between Válek the poet and Válek the politician. the conflict between the intimate and the public, and vice versa. Show more

2D OR 12
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Occupation 1968

Okupácia 1968; Director: various, 2018, versions: SS , ES

A documentary project about August 1968 is a collective subjective view on soldiers of the “allied” armies, on the occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968, and on the role the soldiers played in it. The main question is how a “small fry” behaves in the face of a “big story”. What role do their personal responsibility, personal point of view or morals play, and what happens when they have to choose between saving one’s life and obeying orders? Show more

2D SS ES 12
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Panel o slovenskom hranom filme 2018

Panel o slovenskom hranom filme 2018 | TSF 2019; 2019, : slk

In Slovak only, Discussion about the Slovak film. Show more

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Vycestovacia doložka pre Dubčeka

Vycestovacia doložka pre Dubčeka; Juraj Lihosit, 2018, versions: OR : slk

Trigon production in cooperation with the RTVS made a documentary film which follows the events connected with giving away the doctorate “honoris causa” prize by the University of Bologna in 1988 and Dubček’s trip to Italy, who was going to take it over in person. The perspective is not on Dubček himself but on the machinery of Czechoslovak power organs which were deciding in the past who is allowed to travel to the West. The documentary works with many archive materials, reports of tracking and monitoring. Show more

2D OR 12
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Dežo Ursiny 70

Dežo Ursiny 70; Maroš Šlapeta, Matej Beneš, 2018, versions: OR : slk

The film is capturing a concert, made as a celebration of Dežo Ursiny’s unique work, who was one of the founders of modern Slovak rock music. His production was very colourful and various - developing from big beat, molded into musicals, soundtracks, until it transformed into his very individual and specific style. The concert was organized by Ursiny’s son, Jakub, on his fathers 70th birthday which he unfortunately didn’t live to see. Show more

2D OR 12
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My Unknown Soldier

Môj neznámy vojak; Anna Kryvenko, 2018, versions: OR

When the armies of Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968, not only Czechoslovak citizens but also the occupiers were suffering, as they were often called in the army at the last minute. Almost 50 years after the unfortunate moment of the European history, we are discovering surprising humanity in the soldiers, who tried to cope with the terrible aftermath, which they had personally caused. For the first time we uncover stories of desperate personal sacrifices of soldiers who have committed suicide not being capable of living with the guilt from what they caused, even though indirectly, as they were executors of someone else’s will. This film is not about general justice, it is a story about becoming an “occupier” without his or her own intention. Show more

2D OR 15
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Niečo naviac

Niečo naviac; Palo Kadlečík, Martin Šenc, 2018, versions: OR

Thirteen years old Dorotka wants to be an actress so she is rehearsing in the theater. She is different from her colleagues since she has the Down syndrome. The story is trying to discover what is truth and what myths about this syndrome and unfolds how people with this ailment sometimes have something even “more”. The film helps to understand how the people with these diagnose can be a useful and helpful members of their family and also for the society. Show more

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The Flower Shop

La fleurière; Ruben Desiere, 2017, versions: SS

In the back room of a flower shop, Tomi, Rasto and Mižu are digging a tunnel in order to break into the safe of a nearby bank. After heavy rainfall, the underground maze gets submerged by water and they are forced to stop working. TRAILER Show more

2D SS 12
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Toman; Ondřej Trojan, 2018, versions: OR : ces

Amazing story of a mysterious person Zděnek Toman, who’s real name was Zoltán Goldberg from slovak village Sobranec. Toman was a man of many faces and names, leader of the the foreign secret services, unscrupulous businessman and carierrist. One day he got an essential task - to find money for the communist party which would help them to win the elections. Toman was very successful and he managed to financially cover not just the party’s needs but also to obtain some extra for himself and his family. His methods and sources were very questionable - he was helping to smuggle and transport the Eastern European Jews who survived the holocaust, escaped the Polish pogroms and Soviet gulags through Czechoslovakia to Palestina, of course for some commissions. The price he had to pay for his carriere was very high and touched the destiny of his family and close ones. The film is showing the situation in the post-war Czechoslovakia between the years 1945-1948. Show more

2D OR 12
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Inde; Juraj Nvota, Marian Urban, 2018, versions: OR

The life and times of a wanderer, prisoner, fencer, photographer, visual artists, pilgrim, performer, joy and freedom seeker, Alex Mlynárčik, in moving pictures, photographs and in the contradictions of the era in which he lived and lives. A story of a century which formed the modern identity, culture and fundamental values of Slovakia – not only as a part of Czechoslovakia, but also as an independent state, and mostly as a part of the European Community to which our protagonist, with his work and life, integrally belongs. Alex Mlynárčik, through his work, friends, attitudes and acts, always formed an organic part of this story – and mostly he became its co-creator. Show more

2D OR 12
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March or Die

Pochoduj nebo zemři; Michael Kaboš, 2018, versions: SV , OR : slk, ces

Hundreds of young Czechs and Slovaks fought in Indochina in the ranks of the French Foreign Legion, others as soldiers of US Army in Vietnam War. Their fates in the remote battlefields of Vietnam are an uncharted chapter of history. Until the Velvet Revolution in 1989 they were criminalized. At the same time, it was the most massive combat deployment of Czechoslovaks since the end of World War II. In the jungle and forests they fought for survival. Their stories were forgotten for many years; The French and the Americans lost the war in Indochina, although the communism in Czechoslovakia also didn't won. And where belong those who fought and survived; they are losers or winners? Or just confused adventurers directed by fate? These are dramatic and controversial stories that tell us about the dark side of our common history. Show more

2D SV OR 15
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Parralel; Matyas Brych, Vladimír Kriško, 2017, versions: OR

Eric is living with his dog in a small apartment. His life is a stereotypical circle, spinning around overwriting texts about knights and dragons from a book and walks with his dog. Everything changes when his dog dies... Show more

2D OR 15
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Pásmo animovaných filmov | Týždeň SK filmu

Pásmo animovaných filmov | Týždeň SK filmu; 2018, versions: OR : slk

In Slovak only. Short animated films. Show more

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Prípad Kalmus

Prípad Kalmus; Adam Hanuliak, 2018, versions: OR : slk

Monštrám 20. storočia odhaľujú rodáci pamätné dosky a busty. Aktivista, performer a výtvarník Peter Kalmus zasahuje. Láme kosáky, nebojí sa komunistických hláv, na fašistov útočí blatom, jeho bojiskom je verejný priestor. Dokument predstavuje Petra Kalmusa v troch líniach: ako občianskeho aktivistu, ktorého zásahy vo verejnom priestore, ho viac-krát doviedli až pred súd, pričom aktéri – oslavujúci komunistický či fašistický režim - takej represii u nás nečelia. Druhou líniou je jeho časozberná, pedantná a často provokatívna výtvarná tvorba a stavba pomníkov pre obete režimov a napokon treťou líniou je jeho osobná, komplikovaná povaha, ktorá uniká glorifikácii. Show more

2D OR 15
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Intimate Enemy

Dôverný nepriateľ; Karel Janák, 2018, versions: OR

Andrej, a programmer, is developing his project of an intelligent home. To make his program perfect he moved with his wife Zuzana to the test house. He is striving to implement a bonus into the software, the care of his wife. Suddenly someone else, someone mysterious takes control over the software. Idyll of perfect life is changing into nightmare and struggle for survival. Show more

2D OR 15
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Workshop LITA

Workshop LITA; 2019, : slk

In Slovak only. Workshop about the problems of the audiovisual copyrights Show more

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Keď draka bolí hlava

Když draka bolí hlava; Dušan Rapoš, 2018, versions: OR

Barborka and Tomík are spending the vacation with their grandmother and grandfather under the Dragon stone. Grandpa has a helper in his blacksmithery - a two-headed dragon. One day the kids with the dragon decide to sleep over in a cave where they find an old map. Dragon, of which one head is speaking Slovak and the other Czech starts to tell a story about the beginning of the Dragon Kingdom, love of a prince and princess, a curse, evil dragon and wicked dwarf but also about the secret of the Forget-me-not meadow… Show more

2D OR 12
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Jan Palach

Jan Palach; Robert Sedláček, 2018, versions: OR

The biographical film follows Jan Palach during 1968 and 1969 and shows final 6 months of his life and the decision. Show more

2D OR 12
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Doktor Martin: Záhada v Beskydách | Týždeň SK filmu

Doktor Martin: Záhada v Beskydech; Petr Zahrádka, 2018, versions: CV : ces

Doctor Martin, well known from a tv serial already, in the film is solving not only personal issues of his life but also detective mysteries. Show more

2D CV 15
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Spirit of Jaguar

Tieň jaguára; Pavol Barabáš, 2018, versions: OR

Four friends, who feel fulfilled by the untouched nature of our Mother Earth, are heading into the Amazonian jungle for a challenging journey. They paddle down the wild rivers and hike through deep forests to become a part of the Indian Hodi tribe. The mysterious Sierra Maigualida Mountains, which haven´t been crossed by any European human being ever before, hides them from the surrounding world. Living side by side with Indians in their natural way of life and spending many days in their village show them how to respect the nature and its balance. Indian tribe Hodi represents the opposite of our western culture. It is their pleasure from the simple things and happiness from life versus our never- ending urge and desire to buy and possess. Show more

2D Stream OR 12
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Spirit of Jaguar

Tieň jaguára; Pavol Barabáš, 2018, versions: OR

Four friends, who feel fulfilled by the untouched nature of our Mother Earth, are heading into the Amazonian jungle for a challenging journey. They paddle down the wild rivers and hike through deep forests to become a part of the Indian Hodi tribe. The mysterious Sierra Maigualida Mountains, which haven´t been crossed by any European human being ever before, hides them from the surrounding world. Living side by side with Indians in their natural way of life and spending many days in their village show them how to respect the nature and its balance. Indian tribe Hodi represents the opposite of our western culture. It is their pleasure from the simple things and happiness from life versus our never- ending urge and desire to buy and possess. Show more

2D Stream OR 12
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Tlmočník; Martin Šulík, 2018, versions: OR , SS : deu, eng, rus, slk

A book by a former SS officer detailing his time and deeds in Slovakia falls into the hands of the interpreter, Ali Ungár. He realises that the SS officer is responsible for the death of his parents. He travels to Vienna but, in place of the killer, he finds only his son, Georg, a former teacher who has distanced himself from his father’s past throughout his life. However, the interpreter’s visit awakens his interest and he decides to find out who his father actually was. Show more

2D OR SS 12
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The Magic Quill

Čertí brko; Marek Najbrt, 2018, versions: SD

A fairy tale, featuring the landlady Margaret, the devil Boniface, the bribable councilors Fake and Chatterbox and the lazy tailor Greasy. In Hell, the devils have a quill that writes human sins into the Book of Sins and the devils go and pull the sinners down to Helll. One day, Boniface goes on Earth, Greasy the Tailor steals the quill from him. The Devils back in Hell think nobody is sinning and everything is all topsy-turvy. Boniface admits to Margaret that he is responsible for the whole mess. Together, they not only save the town of Pytlov from destruction, but Boniface learns what true love is. Show more

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Hmyz; Jan Švankmajer, 2018, versions: ES , OR : ces

Animated/featured movie inspired by the Čapek brothersʼ play Pictures from the Insectsʼ Life and the Franz Kafkaʼs Metamorphosis. – A pub in a small town. Pub is closed, the chairs upturned on tables. On a coat-stand hang various insect costumes: a crêpe-paper skirt, cardboard butterfly-wings, and gleaming black and iridescent beetle shells. The six amateur thespians at the table are: the Director, Rose, William, Mr. Forrest, Nettle, Miss Jilly. Tramp is at home, laid up with sciatica. Mrs. Dung-Beetle and Mayfly have not yet turned up. During the rehearsal the amateur actors own life stories interweave with those of the Čapek brothersʼ characters. Show more

2D ES OR 15
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Filmový kabinet deťom: Mimi & Líza a ďalší

Filmový kabinet deťom: Mimi & Líza a ďalší; 2019, versions: OR : slk

In Slovak only. Selection of short animated films for kids with a playful discussion about the making of the animation. Show more

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The Band

Kapela; Ladislav Kaboš, 2018, versions: SS

A story of a band forming under very difficult circumstances in a Romani village. Tragicomedy about the troubles of young boys who decided to change their lives. One day they were working on constructions and the other they showed to the world how talented they are - Gypsy Band performed on a well known Slovak festival Pohoda 2017 where they immediately caught people’s heart with their amazing, passionate and energy boosting music. Show more

2D SS 12
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Dubček; Laco Halama, 2018, versions: OR

This is the first film about well-reputed man of Czechoslovak and Slovak history – Alexander Dubček - the leader of many important social changes during Sixties. Suddenly, on August 21st, 1968 the armies of five countries of Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia and buried the process of democratization for good. Show more

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Freiheit; Jan Speckenbach, 2017, versions: SS , OR

Nora (40) walks out on her husband and two children without a word of explanation. She is driven by an irresistible force. She wants to be free. She roams through a museum in Vienna, has sex with a young man and hitchhikes randomly on to Bratislava. She hides her identity by telling little lies. Once a woman of means leading a comfortable bourgeois life, Nora now changes her look, works as a maid and makes friends with a young Slovakian stripper, Etela, and her husband Tamás, a cook. Meanwhile in Berlin, Noras husband Philip is trying to manage the family, his job as a lawyer and his affair with Monika. Against his own convictions he has to defend a racist teenager in court. The only person Philip really opens up to is the unconscious coma patient beaten up by his young client. Nora’s desire for freedom is Philip’s chain. Show more

2D SS OR 15
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The Last Self-portrait

Posledný autoportrét ; Marek Kuboš, 2018, versions: OR , ES

After a years-long creative (non) hiatus, well-known Slovak documentarian Marek Kuboš has finished his new film. It appears, as one would expect, to be a documentary. At first glance, that is. This cinematic hybrid is Kuboš’s unconventional attempt at self-reflection – as an artist, a son, as well as an ordinary person. Using his finished but unreleased work, he presents a singular, honest confession about why he is seriously considering ending his film career, or at least in the form it has taken to date. Along with many nowestablished Slovak filmmakers, as well as everyday people, he searches for less-than-simple answers to his less-than-simple questions… “I've long felt that through documentary filmmaking I can’t say what I want to, what calls out to me. I’ve butted against internal and external boundaries that have paralyzed me as a documentarian. And so I’ve decided to shoot a film from my own perspective: how I see it and what to do about it… I like quantum physics, where it’s normal that something simultaneously is and isn’t in a certain place. It’s actually in two places at the same time. It’s the same with this film.” (Marek Kuboš) short film: MONSTRUM, d. Martin Snopek, 2018, 7', no words, DCP 2D Show more

2D Stream OR ES 12
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Febiofest 2018 | The Bright Spot

Svetlé miesto; Dušan Trančík, 2018, versions: OR

A film about luminaries of political, cultural and social life in the Moravian/Slovak borderlands, where the early 1900s saw a historic blossoming of the rapport between Czechs and Slovaks. Luhačovice, the first Austro-Hungarian spa town under Czech control, was home to a celebration of Slavic culture, a place where major talents and intellects joined forces to build a modern spa with a Slavic spirit in a few short seasons. Slovakia was represented impressively: the spa director was Cyril Holuby, and a significant role was played by spa physician Pavel Blaho, who, as a member of the transitional Czecho-Slovak government in Skalica, was later instrumental in ensuring Slovak participation in the new polity. The third Slovak personage was architect Dušan Jurkovič, whose architecture, influenced by the Slovak vernacular, gave the spa its stamp of originality. Show more

2D OR 15
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Pásmo filmov Rudolfa Urca

Pásmo filmov Rudolfa Urca; 1966, versions: OR : slk

In Slovak only. Short films of Rudolf Urc. Show more

BD OR 12
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Udelenie Ceny Petra Mihálika

Udelenie Ceny Petra Mihálika; 2019, : slk

In Slovak only. Award of Peter Michálik Show more

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Cirkus Rwanda

Cirkus Rwanda; Michal Varga, 2018, versions: OR : mul

Rosťa Novák, the principal of Cirk La Putyka ensemble, father, professional, artistic workaholic and perfectionist, agrees to make a joint project with the Future Vision Acrobats from Rwanda. For the first time in his life, Rosťa heads to the African continent. Right away it becomes clear that this will not be an easy feat. How will he deal with his culture shock? Will he be able to join the European sense for accuracy with the African haughtiness? The new show is about the clash of the two very different cultures. The question, though, is, whether this mutual project will produce winners or losers. Show more

2D OR 12
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Pavúk: horolezec storočia

Pavúk: horolezec storočia; Ľubomír Ján Slivka, 2018, versions: OR

Portrait of a controversial figure of the slovak mountaineers Pavol Pochyl (1945 - 2000), known under his nickname as the Spider. His motto was that impossible is only one of the possibilities. His life story is shocking even today. He conquered all of the steep walls of the Tatras and helped out in many ways how to solve the pathwalks in the mountains. His character stayed being an unsolved mystery, evoking many legends and myths. Beside having many admirers he also had for his uncompromising opinions and fame many detractors. The documentary captures the pros and cons of the mountaineers personality who was in memoriam awarded by the organization JAMES as the Mountaineer of the century in 2001. Show more

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Seminár: Rudolf Urc - tvorca a interpret histórie

Seminár: Rudolf Urc - tvorca a interpret histórie; 2019, : slk

In Slovak only. Seminar about the life and creation of Rudolf Urc. Show more

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Smutné jazyky | Týždeň SK filmu

Smutné jazyky; Anna Grusková, 2018, versions: OR

Germanist from the Comenius University in Bratislava, Jozef Tancer, is looking for the diminishing German dialects which more than 700 years were forming in the area of nowadays Slovakia into a very unique shape. His scientific interest becomes more and more personal. Through famous yet supressed stories he gets to know how the dramatic events as the second world war and the collective feeling of guilt after affected the lives of “Carpathian Germans in Slovakia”. Show more

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Websterovci; Katarína Kerekesová, Anna Vášová, Zuzana Dzur, 2018, versions: OR : slk

Stories from the web of Websters. Animation shorts for kids. Show more