Revolt & Film

19. - 30. 8. 2019

29. augusta si pripomíname 75. výročie vypuknutia Slovenského národného povstania. Išlo o ozbrojené povstanie slovenského odbojového hnutia, ktoré bolo reakciou na vstup nemeckých okupačných vojsk na územie Slovenskej republiky. Povstalecká armáda vzdorovala nemeckým jednotkám dva mesiace a potom niektoré jednotky viedli ešte partizánsky boj. SNP sa stalo, pochopiteľne, aj veľkou témou pre filmárov, podobne, ako sa osudy rôznych odbojových hnutí či histórie partizánskych aktivít a akcií stali námetom pre diela iných národných kinematografií. Do cyklu uvádzaného v auguste tohto roka pod hlavičkou FILMOTÉKA špeciál sme zaradili filmy tematizujúce práve udalosti spojené s rôznymi formami odboja. Premietneme filmy vyrobené v rokoch 1957 – 1971, pričom dominantou programu sú práve diela tematizujúce SNP či pôsobenie partizánov na území Slovenska. Zvony pre bosýchStanislava Barabáša sú vypätou existenciálnou drámou, v ktorej dochádza k stretu dvoch partizánov a ich zajatca, nemeckého vojaka. Koprodukčný československo-francúzsky film Alaina Robba-Grilleta Muž, ktorý luže, hoci netematizuje SNP explicitne, sa dotýka motívov odboja spoločných obom krajinám, v ktorých koprodukcii film vznikol. Film nie je zasadený do konkrétneho časopriestoru (práve naopak, rôznymi spôsobmi sa snaží znemožňovať takúto lokalizáciu), no témy hrdinstva a zbabelosti či priam zradcovstva naviazané na odbojovú tematiku sú v ňom jasne čitateľné. Zbehovia a pútniciJuraja Jakubiska sa motívu partizánov dotknú len v jednej – prostrednej – poviedke (Dominika), no začleňujú ho do širšieho kontextu úvahy o vojne a o osude človeka v nej. Z domácej produkcie je do programu zaradené aj pásmo krátko- a stredometrážnych dokumentárnych filmov venovaných rôznym aspektom Slovenského národného povstanias názvom SNP v dokumentárnom filme. A napokon film Keby som mal puškuŠtefana Uhra ponúka detský uhol pohľadu na udalosti spojené so SNP (podobne ako na začiatku 60. rokov Barabášov film Pieseň o sivom holubovi). Do programu cyklu sme zaradili aj Kanály Andrzeja Wajdu (prvý film, ktorý vznikol o varšavskom povstaní v roku 1944), strihový dokument Michaila Romma Obyčajný fašizmus, tragikomédiu Jiřího Menzela ocenenú Oscarom pre najlepší cudzojazyčný film Ostře sledované vlaky, britský film Dlhý deň umierania (réžia: Peter Collinson), francúzsko-taliansku Armádu tieňov Jeana-Pierra Melvilla a koprodukčnú Bitku na Neretve Veljka Bulajiča o boji juhoslovanských partizánov.

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Kanály | Odboj a film

Kanał; Andrzej Wajda, 1957, versions: SS , CS : deu, pol

This, the very first film made about the 1944 Warsaw Uprising during which 200,000 died, captures the uprising’s last days when the German Army are overrunning one rebel position after another. When the Polish resistance fighters led by Lieutenant Zadra find escape routes cut off, their only remaining option is to descend into the city’s sewers and fight for their lives until the bitter end. The hopelessness of their heroic fight mirrors the Polish nation’s traumatic war experience. The screenplay of this iconic film was written by Jerzy Stefan Stawiński, who witnessed events at first-hand. The film won the Special Jury Award at the 1957 Cannes Film Festival, and became one of the first Eastern Bloc films to receive international success beyond the Iron Curtain. Show more

2D SS CS 15
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Obyčajný fašizmus | Odboj a film

Obvyknovennyj fašizm ; Michail Romm, 1965, versions: SD : slk

Documentary film made from nationalistic materials from the archives all over the world. Show more

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The Bells Toll For The Barefooted

Zvony pre bosých | MFF FEBIOFEST 2024; Stanislav Barabáš, 1965, versions: OR , CS : deu, slk

The destructive power of the last few weeks of war hangs in the air, illustrated by the story of two partisans returning to their unit after a battle while holding captive a 16-year-old German soldier. Wandering around the snow-covered hills, left to their own devices, and trapped in an absurd, existentialist vicious circle, they face both the harsh environment and their own selves. Their future looks grim. Yet midway through the film, events are disrupted by a woman whose last hope of finding happiness in life was crushed by the war. The impression that the film leaves had been accurately reflected in its intended name – Waiting for Death. With a free composition, sentimentally-philosophical poetics, and the metaphorizing photography of Vincent Rosinec, the ballad explores the value of friendship, bravery, and premature masculinity, and contemplates the very meaning of human existence. Show more

2D OR CS 15
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Closely Watched Trains

Ostře sledované vlaky; Jiří Menzel, 1966, versions: OR : ces

One of the most cherished Czechoslovak films of the 1960s. Ostře sledované vlaky (1966) was the recipient of the 1968 Oscar for Best Foreign Film. Similarly, this feature-film debut of director Jiří Menzel is also celebrated at home as a milestone of cinema, and as one of the key films of the New Wave. The legendary adaptation of an exuberant, yet delicate 1965 novella by Bohumil Hrabal tells the coming-of-age story of the young and inexperienced Miloš Hrma, serving as a station guard in central Bohemia at the close of the Second World War. Rather than taking an interest in the impending collapse of Nazi Germany, the timid young man focuses his attentions on women – as he seeks to lose his virginity and become a man. The lovely conductor Máša becomes the target of his efforts. Miloš’s colleagues, the station chief and dispatcher, may be opposed in spirit to the Nazi occupation, but given the tough penalties for resistance, choose to focus instead on day-to-day personal affairs. But among the duties of the railway staff is the requirement that they pay special attention to “closely watched trains” carrying armaments to the front. Ultimately, even Miloš ends up faced by a moment in which he has to partake in the “bigger” historical picture. Hrabal’s slender novella appealed to director Menzel for its unorthodox take on the war. As a film, Ostře sledované vlaky serves as a key 1960s step in de-mythologising the issue of the anti-Nazi resistance (hitherto a cornerstone of communist propaganda). Menzel’s simple story benefits considerably from the sensitive black and white cinematography of cameraman Jaromír Šofr. Twenty-three-year-old singer Václav Neckář delivers an exceptional performance as the charming and naive Miloš. Also offering an outstanding performance is Josef Somr, who plays Hubička, a train dispatcher who is the hedonistic lover of telegraphist Zdenička (in a famous scene Hubička imprints her thighs and buttocks with the office’s rubber stamps). The then 27-year-old director Menzel appears in the role of psychiatrist Brabec. The original credits neglected to mention that the role of the chicken thief was played by actor, playwright and dissident Pavel Landovský. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Man Who Lies

Muž, ktorý luže; Alain Robbe-Grillet, 1968, versions: OR : slk

The theme is truth and deceit, reality and illusion. The main character, similar to some modern Baron Munchhausen, passes himself off as a hero of the local uprising and thus mystifies the inhabitants of a small Slovak town and especially attracts the admiration of its women. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Long Day's Dying

The Long Day's Dying; Peter Collinson, 1968, versions: SS

The saga of three British soldiers and their German captive as they trek through the European countryside. Based on the novel by Alan White. Show more

2D SS 15
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The Deserter and the Nomads

Zbehovia a pútnici; Juraj Jakubisko, 1968, versions: OR

It is an apocalyptic picture of three wars presented in three stories. From WW I it is a story of a miliotary deserter, in which the cruelty of the battle-fields is moved further into the so-far peaceful hinterland (Deserters). From WW II it is a story about a law by which people justify their actions (Dominica). The third part is an image about living in the world destroyed by nuclear war (Pilgrims). Show more

2D OR 15
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The Army of Shadows

L’Armée des ombres; Jean-Pierre Melville, 1969, versions: OR , ES : fra

In 1942, French engineer and Resistant cell leader Philippe Gerbier is arrested and sent to a concentration camp. He manages to escape, and together with Felix Lepercq and Resistance hit-man Claude "The Mask" Ullmann, they kidnap the traitor that gave him away to the Germans and execute him. Gerbier travels to London to discuss Allied logistical support for the Resistance; meanwhile, Felix is captured by the Germans and tortured. Resistance members Mathilde, Guillaume "Bison" Vermersch, and the Mask try unsuccessfully to rescue him. But Jean François Jardie, brother of Resistance commandant Luc Jardie, sacrifices himself to deliver a cyanide pill to Felix in prison. As the months go by the organization continues its clandestine operations until the day a captured member, tortured by the Germans, becomes a threat to the mission. He will have to be assassinated. > Photo source : © Studio Canal Show more

2D OR ES 15
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SNP v dokumentárnom filme | Odboj a film

SNP v dokumentárnom filme; Director: various, versions: OR : ces, slk

Selection of short documentary films which we present at the occasion of 75th annyiversary of the Slovak National Uprising. Show more

2D OR 15
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Bitka na Neretve | Odboj a film

Bitka na Neretvi ; Veljko Bulajić, 1969, versions: SS : deu, eng, hrv, ita, srp

V roku 1943 nariadil Hitler totálne vyhladenie juhoslovanských partizánov. Partizáni spolu s tisíckami utečencov sa vydávali na dlhú cestu na sever k bosnianskym horám. Aby sa dostali do bezpečia museli prekročiť zradnú rieku Neretva cez jediný, stále existujúci most. Čelili útokom nemeckých tankov, talianskej pechoty, nepriateľskému letectvu ale aj chorobám a neúprosným prírodným živlom. Show more

2D SS 12
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Keby som mal pušku | Odboj a film

Keby som mal pušku; Štefan Uher, 1971, versions: OR : rus, slk

Events between the Slovak National Uprising and the liberation with the eyes of a 15 years old boy. In original language only. (Slovak) Show more