Nemecká jeseň | November 2017

November 2017: Oberhausenskí II; Mladý Törless; Baal; Lovecké výjavy z Dolného Bavorska; Aj trpaslíci začínali mladí; Aguirre, hnev Boží; Strach jesť duše; Stratená česť Kataríny Blumovej; V behu času

Začiatkom novembra uvedieme pod názvom Oberhausenskí IIpásmo krátkometrážnych filmov, na ktorých sa podieľal jeden či viacerí signatári tzv. Oberhausenského manifestu. V druhej časti prehliadky, ktorá potrvá až do druhej polovice decembra, vám ponúkneme výber z filmov tzv. nového nemeckého filmu. V novembri budete mať možnosť vidieť dlhometrážny hraný debut Volkera Schlöndorffa Mladý Törless, adaptáciu novely Roberta Musila Zmätky chovanca Törlessa, ako aj jeho film z konca 60. rokov Baal, v ktorom sa herecky predstavili Schlöndorffov kolega režisér Rainer Werner Fassbinder (od neho premietneme v novembri film Strach jesť duše) a jeho niekdajšia manželka a spolurežisérka (film Stratená česť Kataríny Blumovej) Margarethe von Trotta. Akousi čerešničkou na torte bude dvojica filmov Wernera Herzoga Aj trpaslíci začínali malí Aguirre, hnev Boží. Najmä prvý z nich, raritne uvádzaná svojrázna anarchistická vízia vzbury skupiny trpaslíkov, ponúka vskutku pozoruhodný divácky zážitok vymykajúci sa mnohým konvenciám. Prehliadku Nemecká jeseň, ktorá sa koná pod záštitou ministra kultúry Slovenskej republiky Marka Maďariča, organizuje Slovenský filmový ústav v spolupráci s Goetheho inštitútom.

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The Oberhausener II

Die Oberhausener II; rôzni, 1961 – 1968, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; versions: OR

Short movies from Oberhausen manifesto. Show more

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Young Torless

Der junge Törless; Volker Schlöndorff, 1966, versions: OR , SS : deu

At a boarding school in the pre-war Austro-Hungarian Empire, a pair of students torture one of their fellow classmates, Basini, who has been caught stealing money from one of the two. The two decide that rather than turn Basini in to the school authorities, they will punish him themselves and proceed to torture, degrade, and humiliate the boy, with ever-increasing sadistic delight. As each day passes, the two boys are able to justify harsher treatment than previously given. Torless is a passive member of the group but observes rather than participates and frustrates the tormentors by dryly analyzing their behavior. Show more

2D OR SS 15
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Baal; Volker Schlöndorff, 1969, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Volker Schlöndorff, 1969, versions: OR

Baal explores the cult of the genius, an anti-heroic figure who chooses to be a social outcast and live on the fringe of bourgeois morality. Show more

2D OR 15
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Hunting Scenes from Bavaria

Jagdszenen aus Niederbayern; Peter Fleischmann, 1969, OV (nem.) + ST (cz) | Nemecká jeseň; Peter Fleischmann, 1969, versions: OR

Abram returns to his small village and although his repairing skills are needed, people's suspicion about his sexual preferences make his life hard. Show more

2D OR 15
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Even Dwarfs Started Small

Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen; Werner Herzog, 1970, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Werner Herzog, 1970, versions: OR

The inhabitants of an institution in a remote country rebel against their keepers. Their acts of rebellion are by turns humorous, boring and alarming. An allegory on the problematic nature of fully liberating the human spirit, as both commendable and disturbing elements of our nature come forward. The film shows how justifiable revolt may be empowering, but may also turn to chaos and depravity. The allegory is developed in part by the fact that the film is cast entirely with dwarfs. Show more

2D OR 15
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Aguirre, the Wrath of God

Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes; Werner Herzog, 1972, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Werner Herzog, 1972, versions: OR , SS

In the 16th century, the ruthless and insane Don Lope de Aguirre leads a Spanish expedition in search of El Dorado. Show more

2D OR SS 15
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Fear Eats the Soul

Angst essen Seele auf; Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1974, versions: OR

An almost accidental romance is kindled between a German woman in her mid-sixties and a Moroccan migrant worker around twenty-five years younger. They abruptly decide to marry, appalling everyone around them. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum

Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum; Volker Schlöndorff, Margarethe von Trotta, 1975, OV (nem.) + ST (cz) | Nemecká jeseň; Volker Schlöndorff, Margarethe von Trotta, 1975, versions: OR

A young woman's life is scrutinized by police and tabloid press after she spends the night with a suspected terrorist. Show more

2D OR 15
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Kings of the Road

Im Lauf der Zeit; Wim Wenders, 1976, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Wim Wenders, 1976, versions: OR

A traveling projection-equipment mechanic works in Western Germany along the East-German border, visiting worn-out theatres. He meets with a depressed young man whose marriage has just broken up, and the two decide to travel together. Show more

2D OR 15