Ars Poetica 2017

21. - 24.11.2017

The Ars Poetica International Poetry Festival is welcoming towards a wide audience and offers a wide spectrum of poetics and artistic experiences. It presents poetry, which comes in various forms of originality but is simultaneously open towards different types of people, mindsets and walks of life.

"The Ars Poetica International Poetry Festival is open to all who want to give poetry a chance to unexpectedly and incidentally pique their interest through an experience that they had no idea they might go through. It is about experiencing the beauty of that which seems like a mere word at first glance, but is in fact so much more: poetry; beauty as natural as an ordinary day," said poet and creative director of the Ars Poetica Festival Martin Solotruk.


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Out + Yellow

Out; György Kristóf, 2017, versions: OR , ES , SS

Ágoston, a fifty-year-old man, takes up the opportunity to go abroad on a quest for the job of his long-forgotten dreams and gets caught up in the strangely absurd events of an Eastern European odyssey. Legend:
eAT - electronic english subtitles Show more

2D OR ES SS 15
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Neruda | Ars Poetica

Neruda; Pablo Larraín, 2016, versions: OR , CS

An inspector hunts down Nobel Prize-winning Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda, who becomes a fugitive in his home country in the late 1940s for joining the Communist Party. Show more

2D Stream OR CS 15
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Best Of Fest Anča 2017 | Ars Poetica

Best Of Fest Anča 2017; rôzni, 2016-2017, OV (bez slov) | Ars Poetica; Director: various, versions: OR

A selection of winning animated shorts from the latest Fest Anča International Animation Festival, which have been selected from over 1 600 films and over 70 countries. This year, the jury consisting of international guests awarded films in four categories. You will have a chance to see the best of animated shorts, student films, music videos and children's films from Finland, Canada, Estonia, USA, Chile and Switzerland. Show more

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Paterson | Ars Poetica

Paterson; Jim Jarmusch, 2016, versions: OR , CS : eng

Set in the present in Paterson, New Jersey, this is a tale about a bus driver and poet. A quiet observation of the triumphs and defeats of daily life, along with the poetry evident in its smallest details. Show more

2D Stream OR CS 12
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Steam on the River | Ars Poetica

Pára nad řekou; Robert Kirchhoff, Filip Remunda, 2015, versions: OR , SS

This documentary jam session loosely inspired by Puccini's La Boheme talks, in crazy situations, about three artists of the life, dying and death: Laco Deczi - trumpet, Jan Jankeje - double bass, Ľubomír Tamaškovič - saxophone. They do not do anything, they are simply trying to survive. source: Show more

2D OR SS 15
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A Selection Of Films By Juraj Štepka | Ars Poetica

Pásmo filmov Juraja Štepku; r. Juraj Štepka, 2009-2017, OV (sk) | Ars Poetica; Juraj Štepka, versions: OR

A Thousand Times Jááánošííík, or The Birth of a Legend (Tisíckrát Jááánošííík alebo zrod legendy) A film about three productions and a thousandth rerun of the legendary play by Stanislav Štepka and Radosin Naive Theatre. ...And Me, Katarina Kolnikova, (A já, Katarína Kolníková) A tribute to one of the most prominent personalities of Slovak theatre and a story of the invincible vitality of a simple village woman-actress, who never lost humor and her magical personality despite numerous troublesome experiences. Show more

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Coffee and Cigarettes | Ars Poetica

Coffee and Cigarettes; Jim Jarmusch, 2003, versions: OR , CS

A series of vignettes that all have coffee and cigarettes in common. Show more

2D OR CS 12
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Little Crusader | Ars Poetica

Křižáček; Václav Kadrnka, 2017, versions: OR , ES : ces

Knight Borek is searching for his missing son. Enthralled by the stories of children's crusades, little Jan has run away from home. Borek's crusade is a journey into his own subconscious, where he is forced to confront his greatest fear. Show more

2D OR ES 12