Fjúžn – festival nových menšín 2018

20. - 27.4.2018

Festival spája ludí najrozmanitejších kultúr, jeho snahou je zvyšovat povedomie o nových menšinách na Slovensku, prezentovat život, kultúru a tradície cudzincov a scitlivovat verejnost na témy migrácie a multikulturalizmu. Témou jeho 13. rocníka je dôvera, ktorá je dynamickou súcastou medziludských aj interkultúrnych vztahov. Neustále sa mení, buduje, stráca, nahrádza, prehlbuje, oslabuje. Hlavným motívom festivalu je odbúravanie strachu, budovanie pocitu bezpecia a viery v seba navzájom.

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I <3 My Muslim | fjúžn

I <3 My Muslim; Marjolein Busstra, 2018, OV (hol.) + AT; Marjolein Busstra, 2018, versions: OR

Carla is a 62-year-old Dutch woman who has converted to Islam to marry a 33-year-old Libian freedom fighter. The film shows their daily routine in Amsterdam, and how political events in the Middle East effect their lives. Carla has a no-nonsense attitude towards the tensions surrounding Islam and the Muslim community in her own country. Even though Fouad seems to truly Carla, they seek a second younger wife to provide him with children. This will put their relationship to the test. Show more

BD OR 15
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God Forsaken | fjúžn

Bohu žel; Saša Dlouhý, 2018, OV (cz); Saša Dlouhý, 2018, versions: OR

he Czech Republic has been shaken by a virtual refugee crisis for several years now. This documentary by Saša Dlouhý places the hysteria in sharp contrast to the real picture of the lives of six people who are looking for a refuge in this country. "I haven't seen my son in four years, and I've never met my granddaughter; we only talk on Skype," says Zurab, a Georgian who has been waiting for asylum in Prague for 20 years. Vladimir from Russia, who was persecuted by his government for his public apology for the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, was more fortunate: he received asylum for his whole family. The Syrian Hadí, meanwhile, feels totally unwelcome in the Czech Republic. The stories of six people escaping war or persecution are similar. They are united by a desire for a fresh start. Representatives of refugee organisations in the film wonder what has happened to the solidarity of Czech society since the early 1990s, when it offered a helping hand to thousands of Bosnians fleeing Yugoslavia. And they ask against whom the hate disguised as patriotism is directed. Show more