BABY cinema

- ciema for parents -

Kino Lumière prepared a cycle of customized film screenings under the name Baby cinema, which will be happening every Wednesday at 10am. It's a time and place meant for parents who can attend the screenings with their baby girl or boy. Without worries and fears that their little baby would interrupt something or annoy others. The mom or dad can enjoy the film, while holding their tiny one. The screenings are adjusted - there is gentle light during the whole projection and the sound is lowered so it would not harm the ears of the children or bother them during sleeping.

This type of screening is popular and well known abroad, and in some of the Slovak cinemas. We are more than happy to include them into the programme of Kino Lumiere.
It is up to the parents to decide until what age their little ones can stay calm and able to attend, we would recommend to consider it until they reached the age of 16 months.


 19/2/2020 - Jojo Rabbit

26/2/2020 - Judy 

- standard fee: 5€
- with Senior discount or for the holders of the FK card (Film Club card): 4€
- with Lumierka card: 3€
- for babies it's for free

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Grey Zone

Šedá zóna; Daniela Meressa Rusnoková, 2024, versions: ES , OR languages: slk

An authorial documentary film directed by Daniela Meressa Rusnoková brings a sensitive perspective on the little-discussed topic of premature births and saving highly immature infants born in the so-called “grey zone”. Through a testimony of a mother who represents the voice of many others, it raises fundamental questions of neonatology and depicts the journey of maternal care for children with special needs. What dilemmas and ethical issues must doctors and parents face? Where do we stand in supporting children with disabilities and their families and how can we improve? Panel Discussion After the screening of the film Grey Zone, we invite you to an expert panel discussion. We will raise the topics of support for families with children with disabilities, care for premature babies and maternal mental health disorders. We will also discuss topics such as early intervention, effective guidance for parents after returning from hospital, child stimulation, palliative care, support for bereaved parents and abandoned children, as well as support from the state and the possibilities of inclusive education in Slovakia. With experts, we will attempt not only to answer these questions, but also to explore other challenges we face in this area. Speakers: Erika Tichá, special and therapeutic educator, vision therapist from the non-profit organisation Early Intervention Centre Bratislava; Lucia Kubíny from Tanana, a civic association focused on support for families after the loss of a child; Marek Roháček from the civic association Návrat; Monika Fričová from the Platform of Families of Children with Disability; Vladislav Matej from the Social Reform Foundation SOCIA; Anna Symington-Maar from the inclusive school and kindergarten Rozmanita; Daniela Meressa Rusnoková, director of the film Grey Zone. Hosted by Frederika Hazeová.

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2D ES OR 12
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Hypnóza | BABY kino

Hypnosen; Ernst De Geer, 2023, versions: CS languages: swe

André a Vera sú partneri nielen v súkromí, ale aj v podnikaní. Všetko podriaďujú vlastnému start-upu. Ich uhladený osobný život musí vyhovovať všetkým škatuľkám, ktoré vedú k úspechu. Práve ich čaká zásadný krok: prestížna súťaž pod vedením uznávaného guru, ktorý otvára brány veľkého biznisu. Prezentácia je pripravená, prejavy vypilované, budúcnosť jasná. Až kým nespokojnú Veru nenapadne zájsť si na hypnoterapiu. Tá odštartuje reťaz udalostí, ktoré odhalia, ako málo majú v skutočnosti hrdinovia svoj život pod kontrolou. Debutujúci švédsky režisér Ernst de Geer nápadito prepája ostrú satiru na spoločnosť, z ktorej sa vytráca spontánnosť, s nežnou romantickou komédiou o páre, ktorý prežíva vážnu vzťahovú krízu.

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2D CS 15
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Czechoslovak Architecture 58–89

Architektura ČSSR 58-89; Jan Zajíček, 2024, versions: OR languages: ces, slk

The documentary feature Czech Architecture 58-89 is the first film that comprehensively maps Czech architecture of the second half of the 20th century. Brutally beautiful, though brutally neglected. Besides the grey flood of prefabricated blocks of flats, the second half of the twentieth century also saw the creation of exceptional, spiritual and timeless buildings that attracted attention even in the West. In his unique feature-length documentary based on the original idea of Vladimir 518, Jan Zajícek makes an expedition into the pre-revolutionary Czech architectural scene. Withaccounts of leading architects and theorists and impressive shots of the most interesting Czech (and to lesser extent Slovak) post-war buildings, he creates a plastic portrait of an era where a brave, modern and inspiring spirit flourished alongside the official and the structured. Show more

2D OR 7

10. 12. Tuesday

7,00 10:15
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Až na veky | BABY kino

Elskling; Lilja Ingolfsdottir, 2024, versions: CS languages: nor

Marie sa snaží skĺbiť kariéru so starostlivosťou o deti a domácnosť, zatiaľ čo Sigmund je neustále na cestách. Tak, ako mnoho iných vzťahov, aj ten ich začal bezstarostnou zamilovanosťou. Po rokoch manželstva však prichádza vážna kríza a Marie musí čeliť svojim najväčším obavám. Vzťah ale nemôže zachrániť bez toho, aby sama prešla úprimnou sebareflexiou. Debut nórskej scenáristky a režisérky Lilje Ingolfsdottir je na prvý pohľad rozvodovou drámou, pod povrchom sa však skrýva niečo viac – mnoho vrstevnatá charakterová štúdia ženy, ktorú kríza privedie k sebapoznaniu. Až na veky neprináša príbeh o hľadaní pravej lásky, ale naopak sviežim spôsobom skúma súčasné predstavy o romantických vzťahoch, rovnosti vo vzťahu a ženskej sile. Scenáristka a režisérka Lilja Ingolfsdottir vyštudovala The London Filmschool a FAMU. Jej celovečerný debut Až na veky (2024) mal svetovú premiéru na Medzinárodnom filmovom festivale v Karlových Varoch, kde získal päť ocenení. Napísala a režírovala okolo 20 krátkych a stredometrážnych filmov, ktoré boli uvedené na mnohých prestížnych festivaloch.

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2D CS 12

17. 12. Tuesday

7,00 10:15