Festival of Freedom 2019

Festival slobody je multižánrový medzinárodný festival, ktorý pripomína a analyzuje obdobie neslobody na Slovensku. Prinesie množstvo zaujímavých dokumentárnych a hraných filmov, výstavy, divadelné predstavenia či diskusie.

Festival slobody sa opäť tento rok rozšíri aj do regiónov ako filmová prehliadka, spojená s diskusiami a iným zaujímavým programom.
9. ročník Festivalu slobody organizuje Ústav pamäti národa.

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Moscow Square

Moszkva tér; Ferenc Török, 2001, versions: SS : hun

The story is set in Budapest, during the tegime changes in 1989. In original language (Hungarian) and Slovak subtitles only. Show more

2D SS 12
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Konspirace 89 | Festival Slobody 2019

Konspirace 89; Andrea Sedláčková, 2019, versions: OR : ces

Rýchle zrútenie režimu v novembri 1989 viedlo k vzniku mnohých alternatívnych výkladov udalostí. Išlo o spontánny sled udalostí, alebo stáli za nežnou revolúciou temné sily od ŠtB po KGB či dokonca CIA? Dokument A. Sedláčkovej skúma teórie aj mýty z pohľadu aktuálnych poznatkov Show more

OR 12
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Toman; Ondřej Trojan, 2018, versions: OR : ces

Amazing story of a mysterious person Zděnek Toman, who’s real name was Zoltán Goldberg from slovak village Sobranec. Toman was a man of many faces and names, leader of the the foreign secret services, unscrupulous businessman and carierrist. One day he got an essential task - to find money for the communist party which would help them to win the elections. Toman was very successful and he managed to financially cover not just the party’s needs but also to obtain some extra for himself and his family. His methods and sources were very questionable - he was helping to smuggle and transport the Eastern European Jews who survived the holocaust, escaped the Polish pogroms and Soviet gulags through Czechoslovakia to Palestina, of course for some commissions. The price he had to pay for his carriere was very high and touched the destiny of his family and close ones. The film is showing the situation in the post-war Czechoslovakia between the years 1945-1948. Show more

2D OR 12
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Cold War

Zimna wojna; Paweł Pawlikowski, 2018, versions: SS , CS : fra, pol

A passionate love story between two people of different backgrounds and temperaments, who are fatefully mismatched and yet condemned to each other. Set against the background of the Cold War in the 1950s in Poland, Berlin, Yugoslavia and Paris, the film depicts an impossible love story in impossible times. Show more

2D Stream 2D+4K SS CS 15
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Larks on a String

Skřivánci na niti; Jiří Menzel, 1969, versions: OR : ces

Film which was hidden for 20 years, because it was revealing events from the 50ies, which were supposed to stay secret. Show more

OR 12
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Ballon; Michael Herbig, 2018, versions: CD

In 1979 and in the dvided Germany there two families dreaming about life in freedom. Show more

2D Stream CD 12