MittelCinemaFest 2019

20. - 24. 11. 2019

 17. ročník Stredoeurópskeho festivalu talianskeho filmu MittelCinemaFest ponúka reprezentatívnu vzorku najnovších talianskych filmov s dôrazom na diela novej generácie filmových tvorcov, ktorí zaujali na mnohých medzinárodných festivaloch. Okrem debutujúcich režisérov nebudú chýbať ani veľké mená ako Marco Bellocchio o Gabriele Salvatores. Desať filmov uvádzaných počas piatich dní nám poodhalí súčasné Taliansko a príbehy jednotlivcov, bojujúcich o svoje miesto na zemi. Jednou z nosných tém aktuálneho ročníka je odlišnosť v tých najrozličnejších podobách, výzva milovať aj tých, ktorí nie sú presne takí ako my. 

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Bangla; Phaim Bhuiyan, 2019, versions: SS : ita

Phaim is a young muslim of Bangladeshi origins. At 22, he lives with his family in Torpignattara, multietnical neighborhood of Rome. He works as a stewart in a museum and is the leader of a rock group. During a concert in which he's supposed to play, Phaim meets Asia, a girl that is his exact opposite: pure instinct, no rules. Between the two it is a sudden attraction and Phaim will need to understand how to reconcile his love for this girl with the most unbreakable rule of Islam: no sex before the wedding night. Show more

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Volare | MittelCinemaFest 2019

Tutto il mio folle amore; Gabriele Salvatores, 2019, versions: SS : ita

Od Vincentovho narodenia prešlo dlhých šestnásť rokov a tie neboli neboli pre nikoho jednoduché. Zložité boli pre Vincenta, ponoreného do svojho sveta, pre matku Elenu a aj pre jej druha Mária, ktorý si chlapca adoptoval. Willi je chlapcovým biologickým otcom a kedysi chcel byť spevákom bez záväzkov a vyhraneného štýlu. Jedného večera sa konečne rozhodne spoznať svojho nepoznaného syna, zistí však, že je iný, než si ho predstavoval. Netuší, nemôže vedieť, že nepatrné gesto zodpovednosti je len začiatkom veľkého dobrodružstva, vďaka ktorému sa otec a syn zbližujú, spoznávajú, začínajú sa mať radi. Je začiatkom cesty vzájomného sebapoznávania, ktoré sa rodí inštinktívnym spôsobom a mimo zaužívaných schém. Dokonca aj Elena s Máriom, nasledujúci svojho syna, si nakoniec dokážu povedať veci, ktoré by si možno nikdy nepovedali. Ocenenia a festivaly: Busan International Film Festival 2019: Icons / Cinema Italian Style 2019 / Festival du Film Italien de Villerupt 2019: Panorama / La Biennale di Venezia 2019: Fuori Concorso Show more

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The Law of White Spaces

La legge degli spazi bianchi; Mauro Caputo, 2019, versions: SS : ita

Everything is written in the white spaces, between two letters. One day doctor Fleischmann realizes that he has to face the fact he is losing his memory. Show more

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As Needed

Quanto Basta; Francesco Falaschi, 2018, versions: CS : ita

Arturo, a 40-year old chef with a troubled past, is assigned to serve community services as a cooking teacher at the San Donato Institute for a group of guys with Asperger’s syndrome. Guido, 20-year old with a great talent and a lot of passion for cooking, is one of the pupils. In the meantime, Arturo is trying to convince his teacher Celso to open a restaurant together, but in vain. Just as Arturo was nearing end of his sentence and planning to move in the north to manage a restaurant owned by the shady fixer Corradi, he is invited by Anna, the institute’s psychologist, to accompany Guido as a mentor to a cooking talent show in Tuscany. Arturo hates talent shows but reluctantly accepts. Furthermore, Arturo finds out that the the president of the show’s jury is his ex-business partner Daniel Marinari, now became a celebrity chef, who Arturo considers responsible for his past troubles. Arturo e Guido will forcibly have to spend time together for several days, both during the various tests and in the time between them. Bit by bit, though, their conflictual relationship will turn into a friendship that will make both of them question their prejudices and that will lead Arturo toward new personal and professional choices. And it will be the right at the end of the show, during the final competition, that the true winners and losers will be decided Show more

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Dcéra moja | MittelCinemaFest 2019

Figlia mia; Laura Bispuri, 2018, versions: SS : ita

Keď Vittoria v jedno leto dovŕši desať rokov, zistí, že má dve mamy: Tina (Valeria Golino) je milujúca matka, ktorá má s dcérou harmonický vzťah. Ale je tu aj Angelica (Alba Rohrwacher), krehká a impulzívna žena, ktorej život je poriadne zamotaný. Keď sa ich tajná dohoda po narodení dieťaťa náhle prevalí, obe ženy dramaticky bojujú o jeho lásku. Vittoria prežije leto plné nezodpovedaných otázok, obáv, odhalení, ale aj dobrozdružstiev a víťazstiev, po ktorom už nič nebude tak ako predtým. Ocenenia a festivaly: Festa do Cinema Italiano 2019: Competitiva - Prémio do Júri / ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2019: Premio della Critica / AFI Los Angeles International Film Festival 2018: World Cinema / Berlinale 2018: Competition / BFI London Film Festival 2018: Love / BIF&ST – Bari International Film Festival 2018: Italiafilmfest - Premio Mariangela Melato la Miglior Attrice Protagonista (Valeria Golino, Alba Rohrwacher) Denver Film Festival 2018: Krzysztof Kieslowski Award for Best Feature Film Haifa International Film Festival 2018: Golden Anchor Competition - Best Film / Hong Kong International Film Festival 2018: Firebird Awards - Jury Prize / Italian Film Festival Cardiff 2018 / Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2018: Horizons / Vancouver International Film Festival 2018: Focus on Italy Show more

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The Champion

Il Campione; Leonardo D'Agostini, 2019, versions: SS : ita

Christian is an extremely talented as well as unpredictable and rebel football player. After his latest “screw-up”,the president of his team decides to assign him a personal tutor, to help him in controlling his temper. Valerio is a shy and solitary professor, the exact opposite of the “Champion”. Sparks will fly between the two at first, but soon their relationship will change both for the better. Show more

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Materstvo | MittelCinemaFest 2019

Hogar; Maura Delpero, 2019, versions: SS : spa

Hogar je miestom plným kontrastov, v ktorom sa predčasné materstvo nedospelých dievčat stretáva sprísnymi pravidlami a kresťanskou láskou mníšok riadiacich sa sľubom čistoty. Sestra Paola pricestovala z Talianska do Buenos Aires, aby zavŕšila noviciát a prijala večné sľuby. Lu a Fati sú sedemnásťročné deti, ktoré sa príliš rýchlo stali matkami. Príbeh troch rozličných žien, ktorých vzájomné spolužitie ovplyvňuje ich životy a ich vzťah k materstvu. Ocenenia a festivaly: AFI Los Angeles International Film Festival 2019: New Auteurs / Annecy Cinema Italien 2019: Concorso - Prix du Public / BFI London Film Festival 2019: Love / Busan International Film Festival 2019: World Cinema / Chicago International Film Festival 2019: New Directors Competition / CPH PIX - Buster 2019: 20 films 20 talents / Festa del Cinema di Roma 2019: Alice nella città - Panorama Internazionale / Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla 2019: Las Nuevas Olas Festival du Film Italien de Villerupt 2019: Compétition / Haifa International Film Festival 2019: New Italian Cinema / Hamburg International Film Festival 2019: Vitrina / Les Rencontres du Cinéma Italien à Grenoble et en Isère 2019: Panorama / Locarno Festival 2019: Concorso internazionale - Menzione Speciale, Label Europa Cinemas, Premio della Giuria Ecumenica, Secondo Premio della Giuria dei Giovani / Mar del Plata International Film Festival 2019: Competencia Argentina / MittelCinemaFest 2019 / Reykjavík International Film Festival 2019: Features / Stockholm International Film Festival 2019: Discovery / Donostia - San Sebastián International Film Festival 2016: Europe - Latin America Co-production Forum - The ARTE International Prize Show more

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Zajtra bude nový deň | MittelCinemaFest 2019

Domani è un altro giorno; Simone Spada, 2019, versions: SS : ita

Giuliano (Marco Giallini) a Tommaso (Valerio Mastandrea) sa poznajú tridsať rokov a pred sebou majú veľkú skúšku ich priateľstva. Tommaso už dlhšie žije a pracuje ako učiteľ robotiky v Kanade. Giuliano ostal v Ríme a pôsobí ako herec. Obaja sú Rimania telom i dušou, hoci s rozdielnymi povahami. Giuliano je výbušný extrovert, Tommaso je tichý a zdržanlivý. Giuliano, herec plný energie, zvodca a milovník života je v poslednom štádiu ťažkej choroby a po roku sa rozhodne svoj boj vzdať. Dvom nerozlučným priateľom ostane jediná, tá najťažšia úloha – rozlúčiť sa. Majú na to štyri dni predĺženého víkendu. Keď Tommaso príde do Ríma, postačí im pár viet, aby sa medzi nich vrátilo špeciálne puto, schopnosť všetko obrátiť na žart a odohnať od seba strastiplnú realitu. Dvaja priatelia tak začínajú spomienkovú „road movie“. Pár vecí treba uzavrieť, ale hlavne zas objaviť, prežiť a spoznať starý dobrý svet ako niečo, prečo sa oplatilo žiť: pre neporušené a nenarušiteľné puto priateľstva. Ocenenia a festivaly: Festival du Film Italien de Villerupt 2019: Compétition / Lavazza Italian Film Festival 2019: New Italian Cinema Show more

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Dafne; Federico Bondi, 2019, versions: SS : ita

Dafne (Carolina Raspanti) is a witty young woman with Down syndrome, who is a spring of contagious energy. She is fiercely independent, but still lives with her parents, Luigi (Antonio Piovanelli) and Maria (Stefania Casini). Suddenly Maria dies and the family’s balance is shattered. Luigi falls into depression, tormented by the future, by the moment when he will leave his daughter alone… Thanks to her job and her lifelong friends, Dafne instead deals with the loss with the thoughtlessness of a child and the bravery of a young woman, and tries to shake her father up. Until one day something unexpected happens: they decide to leave together for a hike in the mountains to the town where Maria was born. Along the walk, they will discover a lot about each other and they will learn together how to go beyond their limits. Show more

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The First Traitor

Il traditore; Marco Bellocchio, 2019, versions: CS : ita

In the early 1980’s, an all out war rages between Sicilian mafia bosses. Tommaso Buscetta, a made man, flees to hide out in Brazil. Back home in Italy, scores are being settled, and Buscetta’s allies are killed off one after another. Arrested and then extradited by the Brazilian police, Buscetta makes a decision that will change the entire story of the Mafia: He decides to meet with Judge Falcone and betray the eternal vow he made to the Cosa Nostra. Show more

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