PRIDE week 2020

20. - 26. júla

Tohto roku sa 25. júla koná Dúhový Pride v online priestore. V nadväznosti na tento festival a ako vyjadrenie podpory myšlienke, že všetci ľudia sú si rovní bez ohľadu na ich sexuálnu orientáciu alebo rodovú identitu, zaradilo Kino Lumière do svojho letného programu aj výber filmov s označením PRIDE týždeň. Spomínané snímky pracujú s motívom LGBTI, ktorý v niektorých prípadoch ostáva iba okrajovou, v iných je centrálnou tematikou vybraných snímok.

Filmy pod heslom PRIDE si môžete pozrieť so zľavneným vstupom, ak za lístok zaplatíte kartou Lumierka alebo sa preukážete Cinepassom FFi 2019.
Tohto roku sa niektoré tituly uvádzajú v kombinácií so sekciou €urópske filmy za €uro, a sú k videniu za symbolické 1€-vé vstupné.
Z výberu dávame do pozornosti film Víkend na chate, ktorý je neopozeranou novinkou a na území SR sa premieta len v Kine Lumière.

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Girl; Lukas Dhont, 2018, versions: CS : fra

Lara is a 15-year-old girl, born in the body of a boy, who dreams to become a ballerina. Show more

2D Stream CS 15
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Matthias a Maxime / PRIDE týždeň

Matthias et Maxime ; Xavier Dolan, 2019, versions: CS : fra

Matthias a Maxime sú už od detstva nerozlučnými kamarátmi. Keď sú však počas natáčania študentského filmu vyzvaní, aby sa pobozkali pred kamerou, všetko sa náhle zmení. Zdanlivo nenarušiteľné puto je zneistené pochybnosťami, aké city k sebe v skutočnosti prechovávajú. Xavier Dolan je opäť tu, tentoraz s príbehom o dvoch od detstva nerozlučných kamarátov Matthiasa a Maxima. Keď sa pri natáčaní študentského filmu pobozkajú, ako to od nich žiada scenár, spustí sa reťazec udalostí vedúci k množstvu otázok, spochybňovaniu vlastnej sexuality a prehodnocovaniu vzájomných citov. Xavier Dolan ubral z hravosti a bezstarostnosti zlomených sŕdc, ktorými oplývali Imaginárne lásky, dynamiky filmov Mami! či Laurence Anyways a vstúpil do vôd komornej sociálne ladenej drámy o jednej obyčajnej potláčanej láske a obyčajnom živote tridsiatnika, syna alkoholičky. Show more

2D Stream CS 15
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Girl; Lukas Dhont, 2018, versions: CS : fra

Lara is a 15-year-old girl, born in the body of a boy, who dreams to become a ballerina. Show more

2D Stream CS 15
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Let There Be Light

Nech je svetlo; Marko Škop, 2019, versions: OR , SS : slk, deu

Milan has three kids and because he wants to take financially good care of his family he travels for work into Germany. While he is shortly home during Christmas, he finds out that his oldest son Adam is a member of a half-military group. Adam's name is also mentioned while investigating a case of bullying leading to death in school. The father is deciding what to do while he is slowly uncovering the true face of his son, family, the society around him and finally his own as well... Show more

2D Stream OR SS 15
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Thelma; Joachim Trier, 2017, versions: CS : nor

A confused religious girl tries to deny her feelings for a female friend who's in love with her. This causes her suppressed subconsciously-controlled psychokinetic powers to reemerge as seizures with devastating results. Show more

2D Stream CS 15
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Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Portrait de la jeune fille en feu ; Céline Sciamma, 2019, versions: SS , CS : fra

Brittany, 1760. A talented painter Marianne is commissioned to leave to a manor house on an isolated island and do a wedding portrait of Héloise – a young woman from a rich family who has just left the convent to go to Milan and fulfill her mother’s wish. Héloise refuses the arranged marriage and sitting for the portrait. Marianne therefore disguises herself as a lady’s maid and secretly paints her at night from memory. Gradually, a mutual attraction grows between the two women, strengthened by the approaching end of Héloise’s freedom. Show more

2D Stream 2D4K SS CS 15
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Thelma; Joachim Trier, 2017, versions: CS : nor

A confused religious girl tries to deny her feelings for a female friend who's in love with her. This causes her suppressed subconsciously-controlled psychokinetic powers to reemerge as seizures with devastating results. Show more

2D Stream CS 15
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Pain and Glory

Dolor y gloria; Pedro Almodóvar, 2018, versions: CS : spa

SalvatorMallo is a famous film director with a long, successful career to his name. But now, his world has begun to collapse. Consumed by emptiness, he can pursue his art no longer. To proceed with his life’s work, he must find a reason to create something new; he must unearth the root cause of his burnout. Mallo retreats into his memories, reminiscing on his childhood in the 1960s, when his family emigrated to Valencia. He attempts to relive his burning passion for his first love, who he met in Madrid, as well as the pain caused by their separation –a time when he felt intoxicated by life. Writing became both his escape and his liberation. The magic of cinema brought him both fame and redemption for his life’s failures. Pain and Glory looks at the tortuous process of separating one’s work from one’s life and from the passions that lend life meaning and hope. The film is the latest opus from the pen of cult Spanish director/screenwriter Pedro Almodóvar, starring his favourite, tried-and-true onscreen collaborators: Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz. Show more

2D Stream CS 12