Slovak Film Week 2020 ONLINE

20.10. - 10.11. 2020
virtuálna sála Kina Lumiere: Kino doma

Týždeň slovenského filmu sa tento rok uskutoční netradične.

Prehliadka od roku 2015 predstavuje domácu tvorbu uplynulého roka. Toto podujatie zamerané na prezentáciu a podporu slovenského filmu sa tento rok uskutoční už po šiestykrát. Tentoraz však prehliadka toho najlepšieho zo slovenskej kinematografie za rok 2019 prebehne v redukovanej podobe a online – na platforme Kina Lumière a na Počas prehliadky si od 20.10. do 10.11. môžete každý utorok a štvrtok o 20:20 pozrieť v programe Kina Doma výber tých najlepších filmov, ocenených počas 10. ročníka národných filmových cien Slnko v sieti, ako bonus budú pred nimi uvedené krátke videá s tvorcami filmov. Od 20.10. do 26.10. budú filmy prístupné aj cez

Pripravené sprievodné podujatia – diskusné panely, semináre či besedy – sú z dôvodu neistej situácie počas núdzového stavu odložené na neskorší termín, keď sa budeme môcť stretnúť opäť v kine bez obmedzení.

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Hurry, He's Coming

Utekajme, už ide!; Dušan Rapoš, 1986, versions: OR : slk

Comedy about the luck, Indian magic and infidelity. In original language only (Slovak.) Show more

2D Stream OR 12
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Loli paradička

Loli paradička; Richard Staviarsky, Víťo Staviarsky, 2019, versions: OR

Romantic comedy about love between two "outsiders" in East Slovakia. Milan is a candy seller on fairs and Veronka one day tries to steal sweets from him, simply because she is hungry. He feels sorry for her and invites her for a lunch and that is how the story of these two begins. He is different, since he has only one leg and she is a Roma girl. They both start to plan their life together but will the society accept such an unusual couple? Show more

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Watchmakers apprentice

Hodinářův učeň ; Jitka Rudolfová, 2019, versions: SD : slk

A fairy-tale about love, greed and pettiness, as well as human courage and resourcefulness. When Urban is born, three spirits gather above his cradle to foretell his fate. The two good spirits speak of love and wealth, while the bad one tells of poverty and endless woes. Which of the prophesies is stronger? Urban soon becomes orphaned and is taken as an apprentice by a stingy watchmaker. When Urban grows up, he falls in love with the watchmakerʼs daughter Laura, and the wedding day is soon coming. The Master sends his apprentice into the world to find a mythical watch that predicts death. Nobody knows if it exist at all, but if Urban doesnʼt return with the watch, Laura will not become his wife. So the watchmakerʼs apprentice embarks on a mission full of obstacles that he must overcome with bravery, a quick mind, and good heart. Show more

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Punk Never Ends!

Punk je hned!; Juro Šlauka, 2019, versions: OR : ces, slk

A film inspired by the closely observed life of punks, who spend their lives on the periphery of the city. A thirty-year-old drug addict lives in a decaying sublet at a dump with his partner and his two-year-old son. His “idyllic” world is suddenly threatened by a letter from the social services. In fear of losing the child, the punk pulls himself together and attempts to resolve the situation. His impulsive behaviour, however, does not take any account of the consequences, and all the opportunities turn into a free fall. Show more

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Amnestie; Jonáš Karásek, 2019, versions: OR : ces, slk

Film Amnesty is reflecting the events happenig in Czechoslovakia, after the president giving amnesty to all prisoners, except the most difficult cases. The amnesty lead to chaos, an uprising in prisons... Show more

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The Good Death

Good Death; Tomáš Krupa, 2018, versions: SS : eng

Terminally ill Janette wants to die with dignity, but it’s not possible in the United Kingdom, where she lives. She therefore decides for voluntary assisted dying. Janette must plan her journey to Switzerland before her rapidly advancing disease makes it impossible. Her son Simon has also inherited muscular dystrophy and, therefore, has much more sympathy regarding her decision than daughter Bridget. The question of whether we own our own life or whether it owns us is the primary impetus behind this title. Show more

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Let There Be Light

Nech je svetlo; Marko Škop, 2019, versions: OR , SS : slk, deu

Milan has three kids and because he wants to take financially good care of his family he travels for work into Germany. While he is shortly home during Christmas, he finds out that his oldest son Adam is a member of a half-military group. Adam's name is also mentioned while investigating a case of bullying leading to death in school. The father is deciding what to do while he is slowly uncovering the true face of his son, family, the society around him and finally his own as well... Show more

2D Stream OR SS 15