European Film Awards 2020

Filmy, ktoré získali cenu EFA

Európske filmové ceny udeľuje každoročne od roku 1988 Európska filmová akadémia ako uznanie za vynikajúce výsledky v oblasti európskeho filmu. Ceny sa udeľujú v 19 kategóriách, z ktorých najdôležitejšia je Najlepší film. Obmedzujú sa na európsku kinematografiu a európskych producentov, režisérov a hercov.

Prehľad ocenených vo vybraných kategóriách v 33. ročníku Európskych filmových cien:
Európsky film: Chľast, réžia: Thomas Vinterberg
Európsky objav – Prix FIPRESCI: Sole, réžia: Carlo Sironi
Európsky dokument: Kolektív, réžia: Alexander Nanau
Európsky režisér/režisérka: Thomas Vinterberg, Chľast
Európska herečka: Paula Beer, Undine
Európsky herec: Mads Mikkelsen, Chľast
Európsky scenárista/sce­náristka: Thomas Vinterberg a Tobias Lindholm, Chľast
Cena EFA za novátorské rozprávačstvo: Mark Cousins, Women Making Films: A New Road Movie Through Cinema





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Another Round Druk

Druk; Thomas Vinterberg, versions: CS : dan

Four friends, all high school teachers, test a theory that they will improve their lives by maintaining a constant level of alcohol in their blood Show more

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Undine Undine

Undine; Christian Petzold, versions: CS : deu, eng

Undine works as a historian lecturing on Berlin's urban development. But when the man she loves leaves her, the ancient myth catches up with her. Undine has to kill the man who betrays her and return to the water. Show more

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The Painted Bird The Painted Bird | Nabarvené ptáče

The Painted Bird | Nabarvené ptáče; Václav Marhoul, versions: CS : ces, deu, rus

Adaptation of the novel by Jeryz Kośinski about how war is giving birth to pure evil. The black and white film is telling a story of the relationship between the cruelity and fear on one side and innocence and love on the other. The main character is a ten years old boy whose parents decide to send him to his aunt in an ukranian village to protect him from war. The aunt is suddenly dying and the boy is left abandoned in his fight for his future. Show more


23. 2. Sunday

5,00 15:20
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Charlatan Šarlatán

Šarlatán; Agnieszka Holland, versions: OR : ces

The drama of an extraordinary man, reflecting the age-old struggle of the two principles that have controlled humanity from the very beginning: Good and evil. Love and hate, cruelty and mercy, faith and betrayal. All that within one person against a background of historical twists. Mikolášek’s extraordinary abilities are redeemed in the battle with his own demons who force him into cynical violence. Show more

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