Festival One World 2021

5. - 11. of November 2021

Aké je to byť Rómom v stredoeurópskom regióne? Čo všetko dokážeme urobiť kvôli predstave dokonalého života? A ako sa zachováme, keď zrazu prídeme o existenčné istoty? Čo pre nás znamená kontakt? Medzinárodný festival dokumentárnych filmov Jeden svet pripravuje pre divákov po prvý raz hybridný ročník, ktorý bude kombinovať to najlepšie z online sveta so živými stretnutiami v kine. Od 5. – 11. novembra premietne vyše 50 dlhometrážnych filmov, ktorých spoločným menovateľom je aktuálna téma festivalu: Buďme v kontakte!
V Kine Lumiére sprístupní festival Jeden svet svoju súťažnú sekciu Slovensko a Česko za ľudské práva, pozostávajúcu s nových slovenských a českých dokumentárnych titulov. Sekcia bude sprístupnená aj nepočujúcim a zrakovo znevýhodneným divákom, čo znamená, že všetky projekcie budú k dispozícii s audiokomentárom a titulkami pre nepočujúcich divákov. Projekcií sa zúčastnia aj tvorcovia filmov osobne a diskusie s nimi budú tiež tlmočené do znakového jazyka. 

Vstupenky si viete zakúpiť prostredníctvom Go Out, alebo počas festivalu v Kine Lumière. Vstupenku na film je možné zakúpiť najskôr 2 dni pred premietaním a najneskôr 15 minút pred premietaním. Ak máte permanentku, musíte si tiež rezervovať online svoje miesto na premietaní.

Ak sa nedostavíte do kinosály najneskôr 5 minút pred premietaním, vaša rezervácia prepadne.

Koľko stoja lístky na filmy?

Ceny jednorazových lístkov:

  • lístok na premietanie do kina – 5€
  • lístok na premietanie do kina (dôchodca/študent/ ZŤP) – 4€
  • Filmový kabeinet deťom - 2€

More info

Reconstruction of Occupation

Rekonstrukce okupace; Jan Šikl, 2021, versions: OR : ces, slk

Jan Šikl has spent many years seeking out and collecting private film archives – faded footage of family lives, celluloid echoes of celebrations and everyday moments. It was in this way that Šikl eventually came across several hours of footage showing the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. These unique images long remained unseen – until 2021, when historical memory awakened from its long slumber. Reconstruction of Occupation is a cinematic adventure of a truly archaeological nature in which anonymous faces are transformed into living witnesses of the events that sent Czechoslovakia into two more decades of bondage. Show more

2D OR 12
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Hungry Bear Tales

Mlsné medvědí příběhy; Alexandra Májová, Kateřina Karhánková, 2020, versions: SD : slk

One is big while the other is tiny: Nedvěd and Miška are constantly hungry bears whose everyday adventures revolve around tracking down a good munch. Hungry Bear Tales episodes explore how these funny hairy animals became chums, cooked dinner and tried truffles, celebrated Christmas in the summer (because they hibernate through winter), and argued but soon made up. They even organized a big feast for bears from around the world. These stories full of humour, adventure, and morals are great entertainment for kids and all ages. So three cheers for the bears! + predfilm: Cez paľubu! Krátky nemý animovaný pilotný film pripravovanej série pre deti sa pohráva s biblickým príbehom o arche, v ktorej mal Noe zhromaždiť páry niektorých zvierat, aby ich zachránil pred istým vyhynutím, no tvorcovia tu pridávajú drobný bonus – zvierací pár, ktorý by Noe určite zachrániť nechcel. Tvorí ho spomalený chameleón a prekvapivo rýchly a vrtký kivi. Show more

2D Stream SD U
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My Sunny Maad

Moje slunce Mad; Michaela Pavlátová, 2021, versions: OR , CD : ces

When Herra, a young Czech woman, falls in love with Nazir, an Afghan, she has no idea what kind of life awaits her in post-Taliban Afghanistan, nor of the family she is about to integrate into. A liberal grandfather, an adopted child who is highly intelligent and Freshta, who would do anything to escape her husband's violent grip. (imdb.com) Show more

2D Stream OR CD 12
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Chickens, Virus and Us

Slepice, vírus a my; Filip Remunda, 2020, versions: OR : ces

A delightful tale about one family’s experiment during the coronavirus crisis. By casually exploring the adoption of chickens, this Czech family discovers the challenges inherent in the commercial egg industry. Show more

2D OR 15
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A New Shift

Nová šichta; Jindřich Andrš, 2020, versions: OR

Tomáš Hisem has been working underground as a coal miner for 25 years. When the mine has to close due to the general decline of coal mining, he is offered a new career as a computer programmer. He enrols in a state-funded re-education programme, preparing him for one of the most in-demand jobs. Tomas takes up the challenge and gets ready to transform his life radically. But will a forty-something long-haired, subterranean punk rocker who has spent his whole life performing hard physical labour fit in with the young and trendy digital crowd? Show more

2D Stream OR 12
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Čiary; Barbora Sliepková, 2021, versions: OR : slk

The Lines depicts the everyday hustle and bustle of contemporary Bratislava, an exemplary post-socialist city whose inhabitants cope with the constant grind of urban construction, collapsing traffic and rising housing prices, in addition to their own woes. Blanka is a woman in her 50s, as alone in her apartment as in her life. Matuš, a young and motivated activist, hopes to become a municipal councillor despite his lack of marketing savvy. A cool real estate agent sells the dream of a happy life through Bratislava apartments. Two road workers paint traffic markings and when their shift is over, they drink beer in their boarding rooms and ponder the indifference of the city inhabitants. Danko, a queer music composer, lives in the city center with his mother in a modest flat. He takes long walks, listening to urban sounds, trying to capture the rhythm around him. Show more

2D Stream OR 15