Cannes in Lumière 2022

May 2022

Cyklus Cannes v Lumièri uvedie počas dvanástich májových dní to najlepšie, čo za posledných päť rokov zaujalo v programe festivalu na Azúrovom pobreží. „Pôjde o jedinečnú šancu vidieť spolu všetkých päť filmov, ocenených Zlatou palmou na MFF Cannes v rokoch 2016 až 2021 s výnimkou roka 2020, keď sa festival pre pandémiu nekonal. Cyklus doplní päť titulov, ktoré za posledné roky na festivale zarezonovali a odniesli si tiež niektoré z ocenení,“ hovorí Zita Hosszúová, manažérka Kina Lumière  a dopĺňa, že „každý deň sa odpremietajú dva filmy. Jeden držiteľ Zlatej palmy a druhý film s iným ocenením. V programe cyklu diváci nájdu aj premiérový film Paríž, 13. obvod.“


Cannes v Lumièri slávnostne otvorí dynamicky nakrútený čiernobiely film oceňovaného francúzskeho režiséra Jacquesa Audiarda Paríž, 13. obvod.Film citlivo a s porozumením sleduje krátke obdobie v živote súčasných tridsiatnikov, ktorí sa vyhýbajú záväzkom a samotu zaháňajú večierkami, povrchnými známosťami a náhodným sexom. V centre pozornosti sú tri mladé ženy a jeden muž, ktorých životy sa na chvíľu pretnú v štvrti Les Olympiades, v parížskom 13. obvode. Výrečná Émilie pracuje v callcentre a privyrába si prenájmom voľnej izby. Nadviaže intímny vzťah so svojím novým atraktívnym nájomníkom Camillom. Toho priťahuje nedobytná Nora, ktorá trávi noci videohovormi s cam girl Amber. Film si kladie otázku, či mladí ľudia dnes túžia po láske a porozumení.


Päticu filmov ocenených Zlatou palmou tvoria v cykle francúzsky Titán (2021) Julie Ducournau, ktorý kontroverznou témou i zobrazením vyvolal vlani po udelení ceny veľkú diskusiu. Premietnu sa aj kórejský film Parazit (2019), ktorý nakrútil Joon Ho Bong. Film sa po získaní Zlatej palmy stal aj vôbec prvým ázijským filmom oceneným Oscarom v hlavnej kategórii Najlepší film. Päticu titulov uzatvárajú japonská dráma Zlodeji (2018) Hirokazua Koreedu a koprodukčné európske filmy Štvorec (2017) Rubena Östlunda a Ja, Daniel Blake (2016) Kena Loacha.


Cyklus ponúkne aj muzikálovú drámu Annette (2021) od režiséra s nezameniteľným rukopisom Leosa Caraxa, ktorý v Cannes vlani získal Cenu za réžiu, i vizuálne pôsobivý film Portrét ženy v plameňoch (2019) francúzskej režisérky Céline Sciamma, ocenený za scenár aj Queer palmou. Za scenár získala cenu aj talianska dráma Šťastný Lazzaro (2018) Alice Rohrwacher, za réžiu bola ocenená zasa čiernobiela snímka Studená vojna (2018) poľského režiséra Pawła Pawlikowského. Vo výbere ocenených filmov z Cannes je aj film Dievča (2018) Lukasa Dhonta, ocenený Queer palmou, cenou FIPRESCI a za kameru.


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I, Daniel Blake I, Daniel Blake

I, Daniel Blake; Ken Loach, versions: OR , CS

The socially engaged, disturbingly topical drama tells the story of Daniel Blake, a 59-year-old joiner from Newcastle, who falls ill with heart disease and so applies for sickness benefit. While he strives to plough through the absurd red tape involved in getting financial assistance, and being compelled to seek a job in defiance of the doctors’ recommendations, he meets the single mother Katie and her two children. To escape a hostel for the homeless in London, the fatherless family must move into a flat some 300 miles away. Each in their own way, Daniel and Katie do their best to overcome the hardships, while retaining their own dignity. The latest film by the well-co-ordinated tandem of the director Ken Loach and the screenwriter Paul Laverty is an outspoken criticism of the social-assistance machinery, which results in the humiliation and degradation of individuals, reducing them to an irrelevant ledger entry. This year, I, Daniel Blake deservedly received the Palme d’Or, the highest prize awarded at the Cannes Film Festival. Be2Can Show more

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Cold War Zimna wojna

Zimna wojna; Paweł Pawlikowski, versions: SS , CS : fra, pol

A passionate love story between two people of different backgrounds and temperaments, who are fatefully mismatched and yet condemned to each other. Set against the background of the Cold War in the 1950s in Poland, Berlin, Yugoslavia and Paris, the film depicts an impossible love story in impossible times. Show more

2D Stream 2D+4K SS CS
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The Square The Square

The Square; Ruben Östlund, versions: OR , ES , CS : dan, eng, swe

The Square is a poignant satirical drama reflecting our times - about the sense of community, moral courage and the affluent person's need for egocentricity in an increasingly uncertain world. Christian is the successful curator of a modern art museum - he lives in the epicenter of the art community and takes his work very seriously. A few days before the opening of the prestigious exhibition The Square he is mugged, which he can neither shake off or let pass unnoticed. Christian embarks on a hunt for the perpetrator and ends up in situations that turn steadily more amusing, and make him question his own moral compass. Simultaneously he has to deal with the PR agency the museum hired to help market the upcoming exhibition. Something which takes an unexpected turn and plunges both the curator and the museum into crisis. Be2Can Show more

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Dívka Girl

Girl; Lukas Dhont, versions: CS : fra

Lara is a 15-year-old girl, born in the body of a boy, who dreams to become a ballerina. Show more

2D Stream CS
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Annette Annette

Annette; Leos Carax, versions: CS : eng, fra

A stand-up comedian and his opera singer wife have a 2 year old daughter with a surprising gift. Show more

2D 2D+4K Stream CS
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Shoplifters Manbiki kazoku

Manbiki kazoku; Hirokazu Koreeda, versions: CS

A family of small-time crooks take in a child they find on the street. Show more

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Parasite Gisaengchung

Gisaengchung; Joon Ho Bong, versions: CS : kor

This dark comedy is following the story of a poor but trigger family which decides to infiltrate into a rich businessman's household - Mr Park's. What will happen when two completely different worlds meet? The film was awarded with a Golden Palm in Cannes 2019. Show more

2D Stream CS
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Portrét ženy v plameňoch Portrait de la jeune fille en feu

Portrait de la jeune fille en feu ; Céline Sciamma, versions: SS , CS : fra

Brittany, 1760. A talented painter Marianne is commissioned to leave to a manor house on an isolated island and do a wedding portrait of Héloise – a young woman from a rich family who has just left the convent to go to Milan and fulfill her mother’s wish. Héloise refuses the arranged marriage and sitting for the portrait. Marianne therefore disguises herself as a lady’s maid and secretly paints her at night from memory. Gradually, a mutual attraction grows between the two women, strengthened by the approaching end of Héloise’s freedom. Show more

2D Stream 2D4K SS CS
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Titane Titane

Titane; Julia Ducournau, versions: CS , ES : fra

Cannes 2021 Palme d‘Or Following a series of unexplained crimes, a father is reunited with the son who has been missing for 10 years. Titane: A metal highly resistant to heat and corrosion, with high tensile strength alloys. Show more

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Happy as Lazzaro Lazzaro felice

Lazzaro felice; Alice Rohrwacher, versions: OR , CS : ita

Lazarro is a young man so kind and honest that he almost comes across as stupid. He lives in a remote corner of Italy in an isolated community of farmers that lost contact with the outside world decades ago. They diligently work for their cunning mistress without any wages, education or decent life conditions. However, as they have no frame of reference, they live a relatively happy life. Once the group of enslaved villagers is accidentally discovered by the police, the farmers discover the liethey’ve been living and set out for the city to fulfill their dreams. While the others are going through a reality check, Lazarro still remains almost movingly honest and inartificial in the midst of the modern world, a remnant of a past long lost. The magical film by Alice Rohrwacher paying an impressive homage to classical cinema won the prize for best screenplay at last year’s Cannes Festival. Show more

2D Stream OR CS
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Paris, 13th District

Paris, 13th District | Les Olympiades ; Jacques Audiard, 2021, versions: CS : fra

Paris, 13th District today. Emilie meets Camille, who is attracted to Nora, who crosses the path of Amber. Three girls and a boy redefine what modern love is. Show more

2D 2D+4K CS 15