€uro-filmy za €uro 2023

€urópske filmy za €uro

V Kine Lumière sa začiatkom leta začal projekt €urópske filmy za €uro. Počas celého leta až do konca augusta uvedieme desiatky súčasných európskych filmov, ktoré boli ocenené na medzinárodných festivaloch a stali sa obľúbenými titulmi divákov Kina Lumière. Mnohé z týchto titulov vstúpili do distribúcie len nedávno, niektoré patria k stáliciam cyklu €uro-filmy. Je si z čoho vyberať! Projekt, ktorý organizujú Slovenský filmový ústav (SFÚ) a Asociácia slovenských filmových klubov (ASFK), potrvá do 31. augusta. Projekcia sa uskutočnia v Slovenskej národnej galérií na Riečnej 1 a v Novej Cvernovke na ulici Račianska 78. Tešíme sa na stretnutie!

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The Bohemian Life

La vie de bohème; Aki Kaurismäki, 1992, versions: OR , CS

Three struggling artists try to make passable livings in Paris despite knock backs and tragedies. Show more

2D OR CS 12
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Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain; Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001, versions: CS : fra

Amélie lives in the Montmartre district of Paris, a world unto itself. She waits tables at the local bistro, shops at the local greengrocer, and greets her neighbours like in a small town. Nothing special has ever happened in her life, except for her mother's curious death, which Amélie's father still mourns. Amélie would probably have remained resigned to her lonely fate if one day she hadn't discovered a hidden treasure in her apartment in the form of an old box containing mementos of her former tenant's childhood. Not only does Amélie decide to deliver the box to its owner years later, but she also comes to the realisation that she can help improve and repair the world around her. Then one day, when she discovers a man collecting discarded likenesses of strangers at the station's photo machines, Amélie falls in love. But it takes some time before she meets Nino and allows him to decipher her cryptic messages. Show more

2D CS 12