Crème de la Crème 2024

Crème de la Crème 2024 - 9. ročník prehliadky francúzskej kinematografie

9. ročník Crème de la Crème - Dni francúzskeho filmu sa tento rok uskutoční od 29. mája do 2. júna 2024 v kinách po celom Slovensku a v Kine Lumière!  Tešiť sa môžete na 6 výnimočných premiér a niekoľko repríz. 

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Other People's Children

Les Enfants des autres; Rebecca Zlotowski, 2022, versions: ES , CS : fra

Rachel loves her life, her students, her friends, her guitar lessons, even her ex. When she falls in love with Ali, she grows close to his 4-year-old daughter Leila. She tucks her in, looks after her, and loves her like a mother... which she isn't. Not yet. Rachel is 40. The desire for her very own family is growing stronger, and the clock is ticking. Is it too late?

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2D ES CS 12
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Daaaaaali!; Quentin Dupieux, 2023, versions: CS/ES , ES : fra

A French journalist meets the iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí on several occasions for a documentary project that never came to be. Show more

2D CS/ES ES 15
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Jeanne du Barry - Kráľova milenka | Crème de la Crème

Jeanne du Barry; Maïwenn, 2023, versions: CS , ES : fra

Jeanne, mladé dievča z chudobných pomerov so záľubou v kultúre aj iných radostiach života, vďaka svojej inteligencii a pôvabu postupne stúpa po spoločenskom rebríčku. Ako kurtizánka sa stane obľúbenkyňou kráľa Ľudovíta XV., ktorý nevie o jej postavení, ale získa vďaka nej späť svoju chuť do života. Prepukne medzi nimi vášnivé milostné puto. Jeanne sa napriek všetkým konvenciám a správnym mravom sťahuje do Versailles, kde jej príchod vzbudí na dvore pohoršujúci rozruch... Show more

2D CS ES 15
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Les Indésirables

Les Indésirables; Ladj Ly, 2023, versions: CS/ES : fra

This charts the journey of a fierce young woman, Habi, and a budding new mayor, Pierre, crossing paths in an underprivileged suburb on the outskirts of Paris. Habi, a native of the suburb who is involved in social orgs helping locals, becomes a political figure. Pierre, meanwhile, is a former doctor who takes the city's reins after the mayor's death and sets off to follow his agenda. Show more

2D CS/ES 15
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Tori and Lokita

Tori et Lokita; Jean-Pierre Dardenne / Luc Dardenne, 2022, versions: CS , ES : fra, ita

From two-time Palme d'Or-winners Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, Tori and Lokita is a heart-stopping thriller that casts an unflinching eye on the trials of the young and dispossessed. Show more

2D CS ES 15
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The Young Lovers

Les jeunes amants; Carine Tardieu, 2022, versions: CS , ES : fra

Two lovers meet 15 years after the first encounter, in the corridor of a hospital. She's 71, he's 45. Opposed but mesmerized by each other, they reconnect. Widow, mother, grand-mother, Shauna wants to reaffirm she's a woman after all. Show more

2D CS ES 15
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The Young Lovers

Les jeunes amants; Carine Tardieu, 2022, versions: CS , ES : fra

Two lovers meet 15 years after the first encounter, in the corridor of a hospital. She's 71, he's 45. Opposed but mesmerized by each other, they reconnect. Widow, mother, grand-mother, Shauna wants to reaffirm she's a woman after all. Show more

2D CS ES 15
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Lucky Winners

Heureux gagnants; Romain Choay, Maxime Govare, 2024, versions: CS , CS/ES : fra

After winning the lottery, the happy winners will see their lives change into a nightmare. Show more

2D CS CS/ES 12
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Vincent Must Die

Vincent doit mourir; Stéphan Castang, 2023, versions: CS : fra

It follows Vincent who finds himself under attack for no apparent reason overnight. When the phenomenon intensifies, he must run and change his way of life completely.

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2D CS 15
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Daaaaaali!; Quentin Dupieux, 2023, versions: CS/ES , ES : fra

A French journalist meets the iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí on several occasions for a documentary project that never came to be. Show more

2D CS/ES ES 15
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Other People's Children

Les Enfants des autres; Rebecca Zlotowski, 2022, versions: ES , CS : fra

Rachel loves her life, her students, her friends, her guitar lessons, even her ex. When she falls in love with Ali, she grows close to his 4-year-old daughter Leila. She tucks her in, looks after her, and loves her like a mother... which she isn't. Not yet. Rachel is 40. The desire for her very own family is growing stronger, and the clock is ticking. Is it too late?

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2D ES CS 12
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The New Toy

Le nouveau jouet; James Huth, 2022, versions: ES : fra

Inspired by Francis Veber's 1976 classic "The Toy", about the richest man in France, opening his toy store to his spoiled child Alexandre, telling him to choose his new toy. He chooses Sami, an employee, and nothing can change his mind. Show more

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Les Indésirables

Les Indésirables; Ladj Ly, 2023, versions: CS/ES : fra

This charts the journey of a fierce young woman, Habi, and a budding new mayor, Pierre, crossing paths in an underprivileged suburb on the outskirts of Paris. Habi, a native of the suburb who is involved in social orgs helping locals, becomes a political figure. Pierre, meanwhile, is a former doctor who takes the city's reins after the mayor's death and sets off to follow his agenda. Show more

2D CS/ES 15
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Just the Two of Us

L'amour et les forêts; Valérie Donzelli, 2023, versions: CS

Follows Blanche Renard, who meets Greg Lamoureux and believes he is the one. However, she soon finds herself caught up in a toxic relationship with a possessive and dangerous man.

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2D CS 15
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Vincent Must Die

Vincent doit mourir; Stéphan Castang, 2023, versions: CS : fra

It follows Vincent who finds himself under attack for no apparent reason overnight. When the phenomenon intensifies, he must run and change his way of life completely.

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2D CS 15
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Lucky Winners

Heureux gagnants; Romain Choay, Maxime Govare, 2024, versions: CS , CS/ES : fra

After winning the lottery, the happy winners will see their lives change into a nightmare. Show more

2D CS CS/ES 12
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Daaaaaali!; Quentin Dupieux, 2023, versions: CS/ES , ES : fra

A French journalist meets the iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí on several occasions for a documentary project that never came to be. Show more

2D CS/ES ES 15
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Saint Omer

Saint Omer; Alice Diop, 2022, versions: ES : fra

Follows Rama, a novelist who attends the trial of Laurence Coly at the Saint-Omer Criminal Court to use her story to write a modern-day adaptation of the ancient myth of Medea, but things don't go as expected.

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2D ES 15
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Les Indésirables

Les Indésirables; Ladj Ly, 2023, versions: CS/ES : fra

This charts the journey of a fierce young woman, Habi, and a budding new mayor, Pierre, crossing paths in an underprivileged suburb on the outskirts of Paris. Habi, a native of the suburb who is involved in social orgs helping locals, becomes a political figure. Pierre, meanwhile, is a former doctor who takes the city's reins after the mayor's death and sets off to follow his agenda. Show more

2D CS/ES 15
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The Young Lovers

Les jeunes amants; Carine Tardieu, 2022, versions: CS , ES : fra

Two lovers meet 15 years after the first encounter, in the corridor of a hospital. She's 71, he's 45. Opposed but mesmerized by each other, they reconnect. Widow, mother, grand-mother, Shauna wants to reaffirm she's a woman after all. Show more

2D CS ES 15
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Lucky Winners

Heureux gagnants; Romain Choay, Maxime Govare, 2024, versions: CS , CS/ES : fra

After winning the lottery, the happy winners will see their lives change into a nightmare. Show more

2D CS CS/ES 12
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Other People's Children

Les Enfants des autres; Rebecca Zlotowski, 2022, versions: ES , CS : fra

Rachel loves her life, her students, her friends, her guitar lessons, even her ex. When she falls in love with Ali, she grows close to his 4-year-old daughter Leila. She tucks her in, looks after her, and loves her like a mother... which she isn't. Not yet. Rachel is 40. The desire for her very own family is growing stronger, and the clock is ticking. Is it too late?

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2D ES CS 12
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Just the Two of Us

L'amour et les forêts; Valérie Donzelli, 2023, versions: CS

Follows Blanche Renard, who meets Greg Lamoureux and believes he is the one. However, she soon finds herself caught up in a toxic relationship with a possessive and dangerous man.

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2D CS 15
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Lucky Winners

Heureux gagnants; Romain Choay, Maxime Govare, 2024, versions: CS , CS/ES : fra

After winning the lottery, the happy winners will see their lives change into a nightmare. Show more

2D CS CS/ES 12
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Vincent Must Die

Vincent doit mourir; Stéphan Castang, 2023, versions: CS : fra

It follows Vincent who finds himself under attack for no apparent reason overnight. When the phenomenon intensifies, he must run and change his way of life completely.

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2D CS 15
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Just the Two of Us

L'amour et les forêts; Valérie Donzelli, 2023, versions: CS

Follows Blanche Renard, who meets Greg Lamoureux and believes he is the one. However, she soon finds herself caught up in a toxic relationship with a possessive and dangerous man.

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2D CS 15
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Sibyl; Justine Triet, 2019, versions: CS , ES : fra

A jaded psychotherapist returns to her first passion of becoming a writer. However, her life is complicated by a desperate film actress who wants her help, and who draws her into a world of questionable ethics.

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2D CS ES 15
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The Young Lovers

Les jeunes amants; Carine Tardieu, 2022, versions: CS , ES : fra

Two lovers meet 15 years after the first encounter, in the corridor of a hospital. She's 71, he's 45. Opposed but mesmerized by each other, they reconnect. Widow, mother, grand-mother, Shauna wants to reaffirm she's a woman after all. Show more

2D CS ES 15
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Saint Omer

Saint Omer; Alice Diop, 2022, versions: ES : fra

Follows Rama, a novelist who attends the trial of Laurence Coly at the Saint-Omer Criminal Court to use her story to write a modern-day adaptation of the ancient myth of Medea, but things don't go as expected.

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2D ES 15