Adrenalin Film festival 2916

7. - 9. 11. 2016

 Tento rok je ponuka festivalu pestrejšia viac než kedykoľvek pred tým. V programe nájdeme jeden z najočakávanejších filmov tejto sezóny – The Fourth Phase, dokument o legende snowboardingu Eerovi Ettalovi pod názvom Ender, či film zameraný na ochranu prírody Jumbo Wild. Adrenalin Film Festival je tak určený nielen pre fanúšikov extrémnych športov, ale aj pre tých, ktorí by radi objavili niečo nové a pozreli si zaujímavé filmy z oblasti športu v priestore nášho kina.

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Sammy C Project+Jasná Adrenalín; versions: OR

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The Fourth Phase

The Fourth Phase ; Jon Klaczkiewicz, 2016, versions: OR

Iconic snowboarder Travis Rice and friends embark on a multi-year mission to follow the North Pacific Gyre's flow. As Rice and the crew experience the highs and lows of a journey unlike any previously attempted, cutting-edge cinematography captures some of the world's most remote environments bringing breathtaking scenery and thrilling action to viewers worldwide. Show more

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Ender; Juka Metssaaho, 2015, versions: ES

The story of Eero Ettala, a professional snowboarder from Finland. The documentary tells about his career and includes his friends' and colleagues' comments. Show more

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Atlantic; Jan-Willem van Ewijk, 2014, OV; Jan-Willem van Ewijk, 2014, versions: ES

A Moroccan fisherman sets off on an epic journey towards Europe on his wind surfboard. But the pursuit of dreams does not come without sacrifice. Show more

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Ruin and Rose

Ruin and Rose; Ben Sturgulewski, versions: OR

RUIN AND ROSE takes its audience to “a world without water, consumed by sand,” as described by acclaimed writer/director Ben Sturgulewski – a new addition to MSP’s production team for 2016. “We set out to create a bold cinematic experience unlike anything else that ski movie audiences have seen before,” says Sturgulewski. The film’s storyline follows a young boy on his journey to discover the lost wonders of winter in a time when endless dunes dominate the landscape. His quest is juxtaposed against images of winter in the here and now, creating a balance between spectacular skiing and a journey into forgotten lands of myth and magic. Show more

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Jumbo Wild

Jumbo Wild; Nick Waggoner, 2015, versions: OR

Patagonia presents Jumbo Wild -a gripping, hour-long documentary film by Sweetgrass Productions that tells the true story of the decades-long battle over the future of British Columbia's iconic Jumbo Valley and highlights the tension between the protection of wilderness and the backcountry experience and ever-increasing development interests in wild places. Set against a backdrop of incredible backcountry ski and snowboard footage, Jumbo Wild documents all sides of a divisive issue bringing the passionate local fight to protect the Jumbo Valley to life for the first time. Show more