Freedom Festival 2016

8. - 10. 11. 2016

Festival slobody je multižánrový medzinárodný festival, ktorý pripomína a analyzuje obdobie neslobody na Slovensku. Jeho program tvoria filmy, divadelné predstavenia, výstavy či diskusie, tematicky mapuje obdobie neslobody v rokoch 1939 až 1989 nielen v našej krajine, ale aj v medzinárodnom kontexte. Filmová časť festivalu ponúkne krátke filmy, dokumenty aj celovečerné hrané filmy o prenasledovaných a útlaku v období neslobody.

Vstup na jednotlivé predstavenia je voľný.

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FS: Sound in the Silence

Sound in the Silence; Daniel Dluhý, 2017, OV (sk) | Festival slobody; 2017, versions: OR

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Under The Sun

Under The Sun; Vitalij Manskij, 106´, 2015, OV (kór) + ST (cz; Vitalij Manskij, 2015, versions: CS , OR

North Korean girl Zin-mi is getting ready to celebrate the anniversary of supreme leader Kim Jong Il. Acclaimed Russian filmmaker Vitaly Mansky obtains permission to film her entire family, but only according to a carefully prepared script, so as not to disrupt the image of a happy life. However, the film turns out in complete contradiction to the propaganda. The filmmakers let the camera run as the scenes were being pre-arranged by the North Korean "directors". Or they focused the camera at small, telling details that/* the masters of manipulation let slip. Shots that should never have happened were artfully inserted into the story of a seemingly happy life in a modern-day Potemkin village. Show more

2D CS OR 12
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Son of Saul

Saul Fia; László Nemes, 2015, versions: CS , OR

Two days in the life of Saul Auslander, Hungarian prisoner working as a member of the Sonderkommando at one of the Auschwitz Crematoriums who, to bury the corpse of a boy he takes for his son, tries to carry out his impossible deed: salvage the body and find a rabbi to bury it. While the Sonderkommando is to be liquidated at any moment, Saul turns away of the living and their plans of rebellion to save the remains of a son he never took care of when he was still alive. Be2Can Show more

2D CS OR 15
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Poselství Jana Palacha

Poselství Jana Palacha; 2008,

Režisérka Kristina Vlachová sa vo svojom filme sústredila na rodinné zázemie študenta Jana Palacha, jeho priateľov, spolužiakov a učiteľov, aby objasnila motív jeho zápalnej obety. Archívy Ministerstva vnútra ČR vydali nové dokumenty, doposiaľ neznáme fotografie a ďalšie informácie o Palachovi. Našli sa aj nikdy nezverejnené filmové zábery z jeho pohrebu a z demonštrácií, ktoré po ňom nasledovali. Film by chcel prispieť k lepšiemu porozumeniu zmyslu Palachovej absurdnej obety. Show more

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RINO - Story of the spy

RINO - Příběh špióna; 2015,

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Tichá bolest

Tichá bolest; 1990,

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