Január 2017: Anna a vlci, Carmen, Čarodejná láska, Krvavá svadba, Mamička oslavuje sté narodeniny, Plač pre banditu

Španielsky režisér Carlos Saura sa 4. januára 2017 dožíva 85 rokov. Aj keď na poli hraného filmu začínal s neorealistickými Delikventmi (1960), postupne, inšpirovaný surrealizmom Luisa Buñuela, vkladal viac a viac do svojich filmov metafory a symbolizmus, aby sa vyhol dobovej cenzúre. Jeho filmy prešli vývojom a stali sa sofistikovaným vyjadrením času a miesta, prelínaním fantázie a reality, prítomnosti s minulosti. Saurove filmy sú politickými alegóriami, kritikou vtedajšieho režimu či analýzou psychologických dopadov represívnej spoločnosti. Po definitívnom páde Francovho režimu Saura ako keby stratil svojho „arcinepriateľa“ a obrátil sa k fúzii hudby a hraného filmu (tzv. flamenco trilógia). Dnes je aj vo svojom úctyhodnom veku stále aktívnym režisérom, nakrúca najmä hudobné dokumenty.

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Blood Wedding

Bodas de sangre; Carlos Saura, 67´, 1981, OV (špan.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1981, versions: SS

Group of dancers put Lorca's 'Blood Wedding' on stage, the tragic play about a married man who is still in love with his ex girlfriend, and tries to get back to her despite her planned wedding. Show more

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Carmen; Carlos Saura, 98´, 1983, OV (špan.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1983, versions: CS

A group of flamenco dancers are rehearsing a very spanish version of the Prosper Merimee's drama. Antonio (the coreographer) falls in love with Carmen (the main dancer). Their story then turns similar to the play. Show more

2D CS 15
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A Love Bewitched

El Amor brujo; Carlos Saura, 99´, 1986, OV (špan.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1986, versions: CS

In a Gypsy village, the fathers of Candela and José promise their children to each other. Years later, the unfaithful José marries Candela but while defending his lover Lucía in a brawl, he is stabbed to death. Carmelo, who secretly loves Candela since he was a boy, is arrested while helping José and unfairly sent to prison. Four years later he is released and declares his love for Candela. However, the woman is cursed by a bewitched love and every night she goes to the place where José died to dance with his ghost. Show more

2D CS 12
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Weeping for a Bandit

Llanto por un bandido; Carlos Saura, 99´, 1964, OV (špan.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1964, versions: CS

José María "El Tempranillo" fleeing from justice, takes refuge in Sierra Morena. After a period of hard learning, he becomes the leader of a group of bandits. Show more

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Anna and the Wolves

Ana y los lobos; Carlos Saura, 1973, versions: SS

The young but traveled Ana arrives in a manor in the countryside of Spain to work as nanny of three girls and finds a dysfunctional family: the matriarch is a sick old woman obsessed by death and having constant nervous breakdown; her son José was raised dressing girl's clothes until his First Communion and is obsessed by military clothes and stuffs; Juan, the father of the three girls, is a pervert since his childhood that writes pornographic letters to Ana; his wife Luchy has suicidal tendencies; and the mystic and religious eremite Fernando, who was inflicted to flagellation in his childhood, lives recluse in a cave. The presence of Ana disturbs the three brothers with tragic consequences. Show more

2D SS 15
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Mama Turns a Hundred

Mamá cumple cien años; Carlos Saura, 94´, 1979, OV (špan.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1979, versions: CS

Ana is alive and married with Antonio; they arrive in the manor in the countryside of Spain where she worked as a nanny many years ago, for the centennial birthday of the matriarch. In their reunion, she finds that Jose died three years ago; Juan left his wife Luchy; Fernando is still living with his mother and unsuccessfully trying to fly a hang glider; and the three little girls are grown-up. Further, she discovers that the dysfunctional family is completely broken, and Luchy in embezzling mother's money. When Juan arrives for the celebration, he plots with Fernando and Luchy to kill the mother to get the inheritance. Meanwhile, Antonio has a brief affair with Natalia. Show more

2D CS 15