Február 2017: Konkurs; Černý Petr; Lásky jedné plavovlásky; Hoří, má panenko; Taking Off; Očami ôsmich; Prelet nad kukučím hniezdom; Vlasy; Amadeus; Valmont; Goyove prízraky

18. februára oslávi 85. narodeniny významný český režisér Miloš Forman. Na rozdiel od svojich kolegov z československej novej vlny, ako boli Věra Chytilová, Jiří Menzel, Jan Němec či Evald Schorm, na pražskej FAMU vyštudoval dramaturgiu, a nie réžiu (ostatní boli absolventmi práve odboru réžie). V prvej polovici 60. rokov 20. storočia nakrútil v Československu viacero pozoruhodných filmov, ktoré kritici a historici označovali za veristické. Na filmoch Lásky jedné plavovlásky Hoří, má panenko úzko spolupracoval s Ivanom Passerom a Jaroslavom Papouškom. Oba sa ocitli v úzkom výbere filmov nominovaných na Oscara za najlepší cudzojazyčný film (v roku 1967, keď boli nominované Lásky jedné plavovlásky,vyhral film Clauda Leloucha Muž a žena a o dva roky neskôr zase film Sergeja Bondarčuka Vojna a mier). Už v tomto ranom období svojej tvorby nadviazal Forman spoluprácu s kameramanom Miroslavom Ondříčkom. V druhej polovici 60. rokov Forman vycestoval do Spojených štátov amerických. Vo svojom prvom americkom filme Taking Off spracúval podobné témy ako vo svojich československých filmoch – generačný konflikt a problematický vzťah jedinca a spoločnosti. Tieto témy tvoria podhubie aj jeho neskorších filmov. Za svoj nasledujúci film Prelet nad kukučím hniezdom získal päť hlavných Oscarov (najlepší film, najlepšia réžia, najlepší mužský herecký výkon v hlavnej úlohe, najlepší ženský herecký výkon v hlavnej úlohe, najlepší adaptovaný scenár). Pri príležitosti slávnostného udeľovania prestížnych cien bolo umožnené jeho synom, dvojičkám Petrovi a Matějovi, vycestovať za ním do Spojených štátov. Forman mohol aj na niektorých ďalších amerických filmoch spolupracovať s Miroslavom Ondříčkom (Taking Off, Vlasy, Ragtime), Amadea dokonca mohol čiastočne nakrúcať v Československu (aj za tento film získal Oscara za réžiu). Miloš Forman je jedným z vo svete najznámejších režisérov českého pôvodu.

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Talent Competition

Konkurs; Miloš Forman, 81´, 1963, OV (cz) | filmotéka; Miloš Forman, 1963, versions: OR

Two closely related episodes. Youths make problems for two local orchestras about to compete nationally, and in a talent competition a young girl gets stage fright, while another lies to her boss to compete. | Show more

2D OR 12
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Black Peter

Černý Petr; Miloš Forman, 85´, 1963, OV (cz) | filmotéka; Miloš Forman, 1963, versions: OR

Reality movie of a few days in the life of a Czechoslovak teenager when he starts work. Show more

2D OR 12
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Loves of a Blonde

Lásky jedné plavovlásky; Miloš Forman, 77´, 1965, OV (cz) | filmotéka; Miloš Forman, 1965, versions: OR

The story combines two bitter anecdotes in a documentary-like manner. The beginning is set in a town full of girls who want to get married. Their hopes seem to come true with the arrival of soldiers, but they soon find out the soldiers are reserves and therefore the prospects of marrying them are bleak. Andula, the main heroine, spends the night with a young pianist from Prague. Spellbound by the illusion of true love she sets out to find her lover in the capital… Show more

2D OR 15
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The Firemen's Ball

Hoří, má panenko; Miloš Forman, 1967, versions: OR , ES : ces

A milestone of the Czech New Wave, Milos Forman’s first color film The Firemen’s Ball (Hori, ma panenko) is both a dazzling comedy and a provocative political satire. A hilarious saga of good intentions confounded, the story chronicles a firemen’s ball where nothing goes right—from a beauty pageant whose reluctant participants embarrass the organizers to a lottery from which nearly all the prizes are pilfered. Presumed to be a commentary on the floundering Czech leadership, the film was “banned forever” in Czechoslovakia following the Russian invasion and prompted Forman’s move to America. The film is an excursion into the Czech petit-bourgeois relationships with their short lasting friendships, empty heads, “long” fingers, and no conscience whatsoever. All of these characteristics are portrayed against the background of a firemen’s ball. The director Miloš Forman and his cinematographer Miroslav Ondříček are truly merciless in their caricature of the Czech national character. The comedy soon becomes a tragic farce. Great attention is paid to details, gestures and dialogues. Show more

2D OR ES 12
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Taking Off

Taking Off; Miloš Forman, 1971, versions: SS : eng

Unable to deal with her parents, Jeannie Tyne runs away from home. Larry and Lyne Tyne search for her, and in the process meet other people whose children ran away. With their children gone, the parents are now free to rediscover/enjoy life. Show more

2D SS 15
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Visions of Eight

Visions of Eight; Director: various, 1973, versions: CD : ces

Visions of Eight is a film about the personal dreams which make the Olympic Games transcend the physical into the spiritual. when granted the authority to record the 1972 official film of the Games, the Wolper Organization elected to eschew the traditional documentary approach in favour of the human stories spelled out during the contests. Although the cameras recorded the tragic events surrounding the death of the Israli athletes, the film remains a non - political tribute to all the contestants and to the spirit of the Olympic Games.. Previous Olympic films were essentially sports reportage, an area now amply covered by television. This film is seen through the eyes of eight great directors, each of whom interpreted that part of the Olympiad spectacle that interested them most. Show more

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One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Miloš Forman, 1975, versions: SS , CS : eng

Exclusive screening of the legendary film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest directed by Miloš Forman, starring Jack Nicholson. The film is part of the Restored Classics series celebrating Jack Nicholson's 86th anniversary. The screening will take place on April 24th at 8:00 PM in auditorium K1. A criminal pleads insanity after getting into trouble again and once in the mental institution rebels against the oppressive nurse and rallies up the scared patients. Show more

2D SS CS 15
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Hair; Miloš Forman, 1979, versions: SS , CS

Claude leaves the family ranch in Oklahoma for New York where he is rapidly indoctrinated into the youth subculture and subsequently drafted. Show more

2D SS CS 12
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Amadeus: Director’s Cut; Miloš Forman, 1984, versions: OR , CS : deu, eng, fra, ita, lat

The incredible story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, told by his peer and secret rival Antonio Salieri - now confined to an insane asylum. Show more

2D OR CS 15
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Valmont; Miloš Forman, 131´, 1989, OV (angl.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Miloš Forman, 1989, versions: SS

Set in Baroque France, a scheming widow and her lover make a bet regarding the corruption of a recently married woman. The lover, Valmont, bets that he can seduce her, even though she is an honorable woman. If he wins, he can have his lover to do as he will. However, in the process of seducing the married woman, Valmont falls in love. Based on the same novel as "Dangerous Liaisons." Show more

2D SS 15
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Goya’s Ghosts

Goya’s Ghosts; Miloš Forman, 110´, 2006, OV (ang.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Miloš Forman, 2006, versions: CS

Painter Francisco Goya faces a scandal involving his muse, who is labeled a heretic by a monk. Show more

2D CS 15