Február 2017: Druhé prebudenie Christy Klagesovej, Sestry alebo rovnováha šťastia, Olovená doba

21. februára sa dožije 75 rokov nemecká režisérka Margarethe von Trotta, jedna z výrazných osobností tzv. nového nemeckého filmu. Ešte predtým, než začala rozvíjať svoju režisérsku kariéru, hrala vo filmoch Rainera Wernera Fassbindera (Prečo posadol amok pána R., Bohovia moru, Americký vojak) a Volkera Schlöndorffa (Baal – spolu s Fassbinderom, Náhle vzplanutie, Rana z milosti). V roku 1971 sa vydala za Schlöndorffa (rozviedli sa v roku 1991), s ktorým spolupracovala aj ako režisérka (na filme Stratená česť Kataríny Blumovej). Vlastnú tvorbu Margarethy von Trotta podľa nej ovplyvnili (okrem iného) filmy Ingmara Bergmana zo 60. a 70. rokov 20. storočia, na ktorých ju zaujala schopnosť média filmu reprezentovať vnútorné psychické svety postáv. Vo februári uvedieme tri režisérkine skoré filmy z prelomu 70. a 80. rokov. Vo všetkých troch sú hlavnými protagonistkami ženy a práve ich osudy a vzťahy (často sesterské) sa stali dominantnými témami tvorby Margarethy von Trotta.   

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The Second Awakening of Christa Klages

Das Zweite Erwachen der Christa Klages; Margarethe von Trotta, 89´, 1978, OV (nem.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Margarethe von Trotta, 1978, versions: SS

Three people rob a bank to help a day care center that's in debt. Wolf is captured, Werner identified, police suspect Christa is the third. She and Werner ask Hans, a clergyman, to launder the money and give it to the kindergarten. He refuses. They try Ingrid, Christa's friend, who tries to help, but the school rejects the money. When tragedy strikes Werner, Hans helps Christa bolt to a collective in Portugal. Ingrid visits her; their relationship makes the collective nervous, so she returns to Germany and ceases living in hiding. The police are still looking for her and so is a witness to the robbery, Lena, a bank clerk. Lena's interest brings Christa's second awakening. Show more

2D SS 15
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Sisters, or The Balance of Happiness

Schwestern oder Die Balance des Glücks; Margarethe von Trotta, 92´, 1979, OV (nem.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Margarethe von Trotta, 1979, versions: SS

Sisters Maria and Anna live together. Maria is a most proficient executive secretary, encouraging Anna to finish her studies and start a career. Anna broods, threatens to quit university, takes pills, and keeps a diary. When Maria's relationship with Maurice, the son of her boss, starts to lead to love, Anna takes a selfish and drastic step that plummets Maria into solitude. No longer able to connect with Maurice, Maria does establish a relationship with Miriam, a typist at her office who becomes a surrogate younger sister. But Maria is intrusive as well as helpful. Can this or any relationship work out for this talented woman whose past seems to choke her soul? Show more

2D SS 15
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Marianne & Juliane

Die Bleierne Zeit; Margarethe von Trotta, 102´, 1981, OV (nem.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Margarethe von Trotta, 1981, versions: SS

Two sisters both fight for women's rights. Juliane is a journalist and Marianne a terrorist. When Marianne is jailed, Juliane feels obligated to help her despite their differing views on how to live. Show more

2D SS 12