Festival of freedom

6. - 8.11.2017

Festival slobody je multižánrový medzinárodný festival, ktorý pripomína a analyzuje obdobie neslobody na Slovensku. ​Prinesie množstvo zaujímavých filmov, výstavy, diskusie, divadelné predstavenia, či oceňovanie osobností, ​ktoré sa podieľali na boji proti totalite.

Festival slobody sa opäť tento rok rozšíri aj do regiónov ako jednodňová filmová prehliadka, ​​spojená s diskusiami a iným zaujímavým programom. 7. ročník Festivalu slobody organizuje Ústav pamäti národa.

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A German Life Ein deutsches Leben; rôzni, 2017, OV (nem.) + ST (cz) | Festival slobody

Ein deutsches Leben; rôzni, 2017, OV (nem.) + ST (cz) | Festival slobody; Christian Krönes, Olaf S. Müller, Roland Schrotthofer, Florian Weigensamer, versions: OR

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Afterimage Powidoki

Powidoki; Andrzej Wajda, versions: OR , CS

The story of charismatic painter Wladyslaw Strzeminski, who opposed social realism and maintained his own artistic freedom in spite of political obstacles. Show more

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The Chronicles of Melanie Melānijas hronika; Viesturs Kairišs, 2016, OV (lot.) + ST (cz) + eST (ang.) | MFF BA 2017

Melānijas hronika; Viesturs Kairišs, 2016, OV (lot.) + ST (cz) + eST (ang.) | MFF BA 2017; Viesturs Kairišs, versions: OR

Early morning of June 14, 1941, in Stalin-occupied Latvia: Soviet invaders break into the home of Melanie and Aleksandrs, journalists working for an independent Latvian newspaper, and force them to leave everything behind. At the train station, they get shoved into cattle cars destined for Siberia along with over 15,000 of their fellow citizens. In the face of frost, famine and ferocity, Melanie seeks strength only through writing hundreds of letters to Aleksandrs that never get sent, letters teeming with hope for a free Latvia and a better tomorrow. For the full 16 years, Melānija keeps a handwritten family chronicle for her son, Andrejs, as she herself no longer has hopes of returning to Latvia. Based on the true life story of Melānija Vanaga, the film is a celebration of the unyielding human spirit and an agonising account of the greatest tragedy ever to befall the Latvian nation. The motion picture is Latvia’s official entry for the Academy Award for the Best Foreign Language Film. Show more