German autumn | october 2017

Október 2017: Silný Ferdinand; Nemecko na jeseň; Patriotka; Kandidát; Vojna a mier; Sila citu; Útok prítomnosti na zvyšok času; Rôzne správy; Oberhausenskí I

V rámci cyklu Nemecká jeseň bude 2. októbra na pôde Filmovej a televíznej fakulty VŠMU v Bratislave prednášať o filme Rozlúčka so včerajškom (uvádzali sme vo Filmotéke v septembri) a o širších súvislostiach tvorby Alexandra Klugeho vzácny hosť, profesor Thomas Elsaesser. Následne pokračujeme vo Filmotéke s projekciami filmov, ktoré Kluge režíroval sám alebo v spolupráci s inými režisérmi (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Volker Schlöndorff a ďalší). Na dvoch uvádzaných filmoch – Kandidát Vojna a mier – sa podieľal aj slovenský kameraman Igor Luther. Filmy Silný FerdinandPatriotka lektorsky uvedie Tomáš Mészáros z Katedry teórie práva a sociálnych vied Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského. Koncom mesiaca potom uvedieme pod názvom Oberhausenskí I prvé z dvoch pásiem krátkometrážnych filmov, na ktorých sa podieľal jeden či viacerí signatári tzv. Oberhausenského manifestu (druhé pásmo uvedieme začiatkom nasledujúceho mesiaca). Tým sa prehliadka Nemecká jeseň prehupne do druhej polovice, v rámci ktorej ponúkne výber z diel obdobia tzv. nového nemeckého filmu.
Prehliadku Nemecká jeseň, ktorá sa koná pod záštitou ministra kultúry Slovenskej republiky Marka Maďariča, organizuje Slovenský filmový ústav v spolupráci s Goetheho inštitútom.

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Strongman Ferdinand

Der Starke Ferdinand; Alexander Kluge, 1976, OV (nem.) + ST (sk) | Nemecká jeseň; Alexander Kluge, 1976, versions: OR

The clownish security chief of a West German business is obsessed with protecting his factory from fancied and real breaches, especially from groups such as The Red Army Faction. Ferdinand's paranoia and methods can't be contained by his company. The sympathetically-drawn Ferdinand's ludicrous actions recall those of the cynical, disastrous axis between fascism and big business in 1930's Europe: satire of the rise of private security. Show more

2D OR 15
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Germany in Autumn

Deutschland im Herbst; rôzni, 1978, OV (nem.) + ST (cz) | Nemecká jeseň; Director: various, 1978, versions: OR

Germany in Autumn does not have a plot per se; it mixes documentary footage, along with standard movie scenes, to give the audience the mood of Germany during the late 1970s. The movie covers the two month time period during 1977 when a businessman was kidnapped, and later murdered, by the left-wing terrorists known as the RAF-Rote Armee Fraktion (Red Army Faction). The businessman had been kidnapped in an effort to secure the release of the orginal leaders of the RAF, also known as the Baader-Meinhof gang. When the kidnapping effort and a plane hijacking effort failed, the three most prominent leaders of the RAF, Andreas Baader, Gudrun Enslin, and Jean-Carl Raspe, all committed suicide in prison. It has become an article of faith within the left-wing community that these three were actually murdered by the state. The movie has several vignettes, including an extended set of scenes with the famous director Rainer Werner Fassbinder discussing his feelings about Germany's political situation at the time. Fassbinder's scenes almost seem to be candid documentary footage, but aren't. Other scenes include documentary footage of the joint funeral of Baader, Enslin, and Raspe. Show more

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The Patriotic Woman

Die Patriotin; Alexander Kluge, 1979, OV (nem.) + AT + eST | filmotéka; Alexander Kluge, 1979, versions: OR

A history teacher and a patriot goes out into the winter landscape carrying a shovel. She comes across a dead soldier killed at the battle of Leningrad. Show more

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The Candidate

Der Kandidat; rôzni, 1980, OV (nem.) + AT + eST | Nemecká jeseň; Director: various, 1980, versions: OR

In 1980 Franz Josef Strauss competed against Helmut Schmidt for the Office of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Show more

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War and Peace

Krieg und Frieden; rôzni, 1982, OV (nem.) + AT + eST | Nemecká jeseň; Director: various, 1982, versions: OR

At the peak of the Cold War, the short-range missile crisis, neutron bombs could have potentially annihilated Central Europe. Show more

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The Power of Emotion

Die Macht der Gefühle; Alexander Kluge, 1983, OV (nem.) + AT + eST | Nemecká jeseň; Alexander Kluge, 1983, versions: OR

In this intellectual perspective of what emotion is and does, director Alexander Kluge has divided the topic into 12 parts with titles such as “The Change,” “Act Five” or “The Shot.” Show more

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The Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time

Der Angriff der Gegenwart auf die übrige Zeit; Alexander Kluge, 1985, OV (nem.) + AT + eST | Nemecká jeseň; Alexander Kluge, 1985, versions: OR

An organic and fractured, yet humorous, intuitive, and poetic rumination on the integral – and correlative – nature of technology and (urban) identity, the intersection of film and new media in the creation of art, and the delusive quest to manipulate time. Show more

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Rôzne správy

Vermischte Nachrichten; Alexander Kluge, 1986, OV (nem.) + AT + eST | Nemecká jeseň; Alexander Kluge, 1986, versions: OR

The present becomes inflammed. Without prior events, the future and particularly a sense of the possible, there is no reality. Miscellaneous News are on the last page of the newspapers. With little oversight from editorial offices but with great emotional fuel. Show more

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The Oberhausen I

Die Oberhausener I; rôzni, 1958 – 1965, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Director: various, versions: OR

Short movies from Oberhausen manifesto. Show more