Occupation 1968

Neslávne výročie udalostí z augusta 1968 si pripomenieme viacerými filmami. Atmosféru vtedajších dní zachytávajú dokumenty Čas, ktorý žijeme (1968), Čierne dni (1968) a Tryzna (1969), k obdobiu od konca 40. rokov až po okupáciu Československa v auguste 1968 sa vrátil v snímke Keď hviezdy boli červené (1990) režisér Dušan Trančík a tejto téme sa venujú aj súčasné filmy Okupácia 1968 (2018) a Môj neznámy vojak (2018). V špeciálnej "galerijnej projekcii" (priebežne možný vstup a odchod z kinosály, projekcia krátkych dokumentov v slučke) uvedieme aj unikátne dobové dokumenty Jeseň I, II, III nakrútené sovietskou armádou.

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JESEŇ alebo sovietska propaganda | Filmotéka špeciál | Okupované leto

JESEŇ alebo sovietska propaganda; 1968, versions: OR

Unikátne dobové dokumenty Jeseň I, II, III nakrútené sovietskou armádou. Vstup voľný. Galerijná projekcia (do kinosály možný voľný vstup priebežne) Show more

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Okupácia 1968 | Okupované leto

Okupácia 1968; Director: various, 2018, versions: SS , ES

A documentary project about August 1968 is a collective subjective view on soldiers of the “allied” armies, on the occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968, and on the role the soldiers played in it. The main question is how a “small fry” behaves in the face of a “big story”. What role do their personal responsibility, personal point of view or morals play, and what happens when they have to choose between saving one’s life and obeying orders? Show more

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Jan Palach

Jan Palach; Robert Sedláček, 2018, versions: OR

The biographical film follows Jan Palach during 1968 and 1969 and shows final 6 months of his life and the decision. Show more

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When The Stars Were Red

Keď hviezdy boli červené; Dušan Trančík, 1990, versions: OR : slk

The film captures the troubled historical period from the late 40s up to the beginning of occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Army in August 1968. The story of hesitant and shy Jožko Brezík reflects the life of the creators and victims of the rotten morals of the 50s which, after a short period of optimism and hope, returned in 1968. Show more

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Den sedmý, osmá noc | Filmotéka špeciál | Okupované leto

Den sedmý, osmá noc; Evald Schorm, 1969, OV (cz); Evald Schorm, 1869, versions: OR

Dej filmu sa odohráva v malej dedinke, ktorú, ako sa zdá, niekto z diaľky sleduje, bez toho, aby bol on sám videný. Do dedinky prichádza divadelná skupina, aby tu predviedla biblické pašie. Ich predstavenie je prerušené výpadkom elektrického prúdu a medzi obyvateľmi dedinky sa začne z neznámeho dôvodu šíriť panika. Hovorí sa dokonca o evakuácii v železničných vagónoch... Filmové podobenstvo Evalda Schorma bolo bezprostrednou reakciou na okupáciu Československa v roku 1968. Z toho dôvodu bol film uvedený až po páde bývalého režimu. Jeho autor sa premiéry nedožil... Show more

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Okupácia 1968 | Okupované leto

Okupácia 1968; Director: various, 2018, versions: SS , ES

A documentary project about August 1968 is a collective subjective view on soldiers of the “allied” armies, on the occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968, and on the role the soldiers played in it. The main question is how a “small fry” behaves in the face of a “big story”. What role do their personal responsibility, personal point of view or morals play, and what happens when they have to choose between saving one’s life and obeying orders? Show more

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Spřízněni volbou | Filmotéka špeciál | Okupované leto

Spřízněni volbou; Karel Vachek, 1968, OV (cz); Karel Vachek, 1968, versions: OR

Dokumentárny film zachytáva atmosféru politického vzrušenia v období od 14. do 30. marca 1968, keď abdikoval Antonín Novotný z funkcie prezidenta republiky a následne bol 30. marca zvolený za prezidenta Československej socialistickej republiky armádny generál Ludvík Svoboda. Film bol natočený na 16 mm s kontaktným zvukom, bez komentára a hudby. Poprední politickí predstavitelia ako Ludvík Svoboda, Alexander Dubček, Josef Smrkovský, Oldřich Černík, Čestmír Císař, Ota Šik, František Kriegel, Bohuslav Laštovička, Alois Poledňák, Bohumil Lomský, Gustáv Husák a ďalší sú zachytení v bežných rozhovoroch medzi sebou, vzniká mozaika záberov, ktoré vystihujú obraz doby a jej vnútornú vypätú atmosféru. Show more

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My Unknown Soldier

Môj neznámy vojak; Anna Kryvenko, 2018, versions: OR

When the armies of Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968, not only Czechoslovak citizens but also the occupiers were suffering, as they were often called in the army at the last minute. Almost 50 years after the unfortunate moment of the European history, we are discovering surprising humanity in the soldiers, who tried to cope with the terrible aftermath, which they had personally caused. For the first time we uncover stories of desperate personal sacrifices of soldiers who have committed suicide not being capable of living with the guilt from what they caused, even though indirectly, as they were executors of someone else’s will. This film is not about general justice, it is a story about becoming an “occupier” without his or her own intention. Show more

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Válek; Patrik Lančarič, 2018, versions: OR

Miroslav Válek is a significant personality who in the past century left such a mark on Slovak culture that not to come to terms with him would mean leaving his essential role without any reflection. the film makes a responsible and objective contribution to this reflection. Válek’s “inner conflict” constitutes the basic starting point of the film. the conflict between Válek the poet and Válek the politician. the conflict between the intimate and the public, and vice versa. Show more

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Okupácia 1968 | Okupované leto

Okupácia 1968; Director: various, 2018, versions: SS , ES

A documentary project about August 1968 is a collective subjective view on soldiers of the “allied” armies, on the occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968, and on the role the soldiers played in it. The main question is how a “small fry” behaves in the face of a “big story”. What role do their personal responsibility, personal point of view or morals play, and what happens when they have to choose between saving one’s life and obeying orders? Show more

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My Unknown Soldier

Môj neznámy vojak; Anna Kryvenko, 2018, versions: OR

When the armies of Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968, not only Czechoslovak citizens but also the occupiers were suffering, as they were often called in the army at the last minute. Almost 50 years after the unfortunate moment of the European history, we are discovering surprising humanity in the soldiers, who tried to cope with the terrible aftermath, which they had personally caused. For the first time we uncover stories of desperate personal sacrifices of soldiers who have committed suicide not being capable of living with the guilt from what they caused, even though indirectly, as they were executors of someone else’s will. This film is not about general justice, it is a story about becoming an “occupier” without his or her own intention. Show more

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Válek; Patrik Lančarič, 2018, versions: OR

Miroslav Válek is a significant personality who in the past century left such a mark on Slovak culture that not to come to terms with him would mean leaving his essential role without any reflection. the film makes a responsible and objective contribution to this reflection. Válek’s “inner conflict” constitutes the basic starting point of the film. the conflict between Válek the poet and Válek the politician. the conflict between the intimate and the public, and vice versa. Show more

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Okupácia 1968 | Okupované leto

Okupácia 1968; Director: various, 2018, versions: SS , ES

A documentary project about August 1968 is a collective subjective view on soldiers of the “allied” armies, on the occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968, and on the role the soldiers played in it. The main question is how a “small fry” behaves in the face of a “big story”. What role do their personal responsibility, personal point of view or morals play, and what happens when they have to choose between saving one’s life and obeying orders? Show more

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Okupácia 1968 | Okupované leto

Okupácia 1968; Director: various, 2018, versions: SS , ES

A documentary project about August 1968 is a collective subjective view on soldiers of the “allied” armies, on the occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968, and on the role the soldiers played in it. The main question is how a “small fry” behaves in the face of a “big story”. What role do their personal responsibility, personal point of view or morals play, and what happens when they have to choose between saving one’s life and obeying orders? Show more

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My Unknown Soldier

Môj neznámy vojak; Anna Kryvenko, 2018, versions: OR

When the armies of Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968, not only Czechoslovak citizens but also the occupiers were suffering, as they were often called in the army at the last minute. Almost 50 years after the unfortunate moment of the European history, we are discovering surprising humanity in the soldiers, who tried to cope with the terrible aftermath, which they had personally caused. For the first time we uncover stories of desperate personal sacrifices of soldiers who have committed suicide not being capable of living with the guilt from what they caused, even though indirectly, as they were executors of someone else’s will. This film is not about general justice, it is a story about becoming an “occupier” without his or her own intention. Show more

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My Unknown Soldier

Môj neznámy vojak; Anna Kryvenko, 2018, versions: OR

When the armies of Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968, not only Czechoslovak citizens but also the occupiers were suffering, as they were often called in the army at the last minute. Almost 50 years after the unfortunate moment of the European history, we are discovering surprising humanity in the soldiers, who tried to cope with the terrible aftermath, which they had personally caused. For the first time we uncover stories of desperate personal sacrifices of soldiers who have committed suicide not being capable of living with the guilt from what they caused, even though indirectly, as they were executors of someone else’s will. This film is not about general justice, it is a story about becoming an “occupier” without his or her own intention. Show more

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August 1968: Čas, ktorý žijeme + Tryzna + Čierne dni | Filmotéka špeciál | Okupované leto

August 1968; Director: various, 1968, versions: OR

ČAS, KTORÝ ŽIJEME Réžia: Vladimír Kubenko, Ladislav Kudelka, Jaroslav Pogran, Otakar Krivánek, Ivan Húšťava ČIERNE DNI Réžia: Ladislav Kudelka, Milan Černák, Štefan Kamenický, Ctibor Kováč TRYZNA Réžia: Vladimír Kubenko, Peter Mihálik, Dušan Trančík Výraznejšie spoločenské uvoľnenie po ťažkých 50-tych rokoch nastalo v Československu až v druhej polovici sedemdesiatych rokov. Na politickú situáciu "pražskej jari" bezprostredne reagovali viaceré filmy. Kolektív autorov: Ivan Húšťava, Vlado Kubenko, Ladislav Kudelka, Otakar Krivánek, Jaroslav Pogran nakrútil celovečerný dokumentárny film Čas, ktorý žijeme o obrodnom procese v Československu v roku 1968. Sugestívna výpoveď o spoločnosti, defilé politikov, jednoduchých ľudí a záznam historických udalostí od zimy 1967 / 1968 do leta 1968. Tento film bol po roku 1969 v časoch normalizácie zakázaný a uložený do trezoru. Show more

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Jan Palach

Jan Palach; Robert Sedláček, 2018, versions: OR

The biographical film follows Jan Palach during 1968 and 1969 and shows final 6 months of his life and the decision. Show more

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