Slovak Film Week 2022

Týždeň slovenského filmu sa uskutoční v Kine Lumière, premietne filmy a bude diskutovať o kinematografii.

Týždeň slovenského filmu je bilančná prehliadka, ktorá hodnotí, reflektuje a oceňuje tvorbu slovenskej kinematografie a v roku 2022 vám už po ôsmy raz predstaví domácu tvorbu uplynulého roka. Tento rok sa uskutoční od 4. do 10. apríla v Kine Lumière - kine Slovenského filmového ústavu.

Sme radi, že po predchádzajúcich dvoch ročníkoch, keď sa vzhľadom na pandemickú situáciu prehliadka konala v náhradnom jesennom termíne a online, sa tento ročník uskutoční naživo v kine a v plnom rozsahu. Jej program bude naozaj bohatý, celkovo ponúkne Týždeň slovenského filmu divákom vyše štyridsať celovečerných a krátkometrážnych filmov. Po jeho skončení už po druhý raz vyžrebujeme víťaza Diváckej ceny Týždňa slovenského filmu.

Divácky najúspešnejším filmom roka sa stala komédia Známi neznámi, na ktorú prišlo viac divákov ako na najnovšiu bondovku. K najžiadanejším a najoceňovanejším patril hraný film Cenzorka Petra Kerekesa, ktorý získal celý rad ocenení vrátane ceny za scenár z prestížneho MFF Benátky, hlavnej ceny z festivalu v Cottbuse či Strieborného Huga z Chicaga. Zaujímavosťou minulého roka je, že z pätnástich slovenských celovečerných dokumentov uvedených do kín v roku 2021 až deväť režírovali ženy – filmárky mladej a strednej generácie – a získali za ne ocenenia na MFF Karlove Vary či MFDF Jihlava. Celovečerný animovaný film Michaely Pavlátovej Moja afganská rodina bol dokonca nominovaný na Zlatý glóbus.

Dve minuloročné novinky vznikli v koprodukcii s Ukrajinou. Ako symbolické vyjadrenie podpory nášmu východnému susedovi sme sa rozhodli uviesť Predtuchy Viačeslava Kryštofovyča na úvod prehliadky a Cenzorku Petra Kerekesa v jej závere. Týždeň slovenského filmu ponúkne aj bohatý sprievodný program – hodnotiace panely, semináre o Petrovi Pišťankovi a Jelene Paštékovej, krst DVD, diskusie so známymi hosťami i program pre deti.

Na podporu pomoci a integrácie ľudí postihnutých vojnou na Ukrajine ponúkame osobám z Ukrajiny so štatútom dočasného pobytu či azylu možnosť navštíviť projekcie v slovenskom jazyku či s anglickými titulkami zadarmo.

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TSF 2022: Peter Bebjak – multižánrová filmová i seriálová tvorba | diskusia

TSF 2022: Peter Bebjak – multižánrová filmová i seriálová tvorba | diskusia; 2022, : slk

Režisér Peter Bebjak je v súčasnosti jedným z najproduktívnejších slovenských filmových i televíznych tvorcov. Diskusia s ním bude venovaná predovšetkým žánrovej rôznorodosti jeho tvorby vrátane seriálovej produkcie, uskutoční sa po projekcii filmu Správa. moderátor: Peter Gašparík Show more

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How I Became a Partisan

Ako som sa stala partizánkou; Vera Lacková, 2021, versions: OR , SS : slk, deu

A documentary about the Roma resistance fighters of WWII who fought and died for our freedom – then fell into complete oblivion and died for a second time. The director of the film has personal links to its subject matter. She learnt from her grandmother the story of her great-grandfather, who was a Roma partisan. His family of six – two babies, two older daughters, his wife and mother – were murdered during the war for his resistance activities. He himself had been interned in a concentration camp and only found out about their deaths when he returned home. After the war, he remarried to a woman who had experienced a similar fate – the Germans had murdered her husband. The director’s great-grandfather went on to have three daughters with his new wife, and the youngest of them was the director’s grandmother. Show more

2D Stream OR SS 12
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Známi neznámi | TSF 2022

Známi neznámi; Zuzana Marianková, 2020, versions: OR : ces, slk

Sladko horká komédia o partii českých a slovenských priateľov, ktorí sa schádzajú v pražskom byte, aby oslávili príchod Nového roku. Poznajú sa už dlho a aj toto stretnutie by sa nieslo v duchu klasickej silvestrovskej oslavy, keby… Keby sa nezrodil zdanlivo nevinný : dať mobilné telefóny na stôl a nahlas zdieľať každú správu a prichádzajúci hovor. Koľko toho o sebe nesmieme vedieť, aby sme mohli zostať priateľmi, milencami, manželmi, rodičmi…? Stačí jeden večer a z dobrých známych sa stanú neznámi. Show more

2D+4K 2D OR 12
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Shadow Country

Krajina ve stínu; Bohdan Sláma, 2020, versions: OR , CS : ces, deu

How to reconcile with killings committed by your own neighbors? How to face growing evil that nobody stands against? What can human will overcome and what is the value of humility and hope? Show more

2D Stream OR CS 12
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Reconstruction of Occupation

Rekonstrukce okupace; Jan Šikl, 2021, versions: OR : ces, slk

Jan Šikl has spent many years seeking out and collecting private film archives – faded footage of family lives, celluloid echoes of celebrations and everyday moments. It was in this way that Šikl eventually came across several hours of footage showing the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. These unique images long remained unseen – until 2021, when historical memory awakened from its long slumber. Reconstruction of Occupation is a cinematic adventure of a truly archaeological nature in which anonymous faces are transformed into living witnesses of the events that sent Czechoslovakia into two more decades of bondage. Show more

2D OR 12
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My Sunny Maad

Moje slunce Mad; Michaela Pavlátová, 2021, versions: OR , CD : ces

When Herra, a young Czech woman, falls in love with Nazir, an Afghan, she has no idea what kind of life awaits her in post-Taliban Afghanistan, nor of the family she is about to integrate into. A liberal grandfather, an adopted child who is highly intelligent and Freshta, who would do anything to escape her husband's violent grip. ( Show more

2D Stream OR CD 12
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TSF 2022: Panel o slovenskom animovanom filme 2021 | diskusia

TSF 2022: Panel o slovenskom animovanom filme 2021 | diskusia; 2022, : slk

Kritické zhodnotenie domácej tvorby minulého roka. moderátorka: Jelena Paštéková hostia: Jakub Spevák, Eva Šošková Show more

Stream 15
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To ta monarchia | TSF 2022 + SENior kino

To ta monarchia; Vladislava Sárkány Plančíková, 2020, versions: OR : slk

King Bee is a time-lapse documentary/comedy about contemporary society and times. The collective portrait of the people of Spišský Hrhov – a Slovak village featured in the New York Times – strives to find answers to whether or not ideal community life is still attainable. In the 21st century, our society emphasises the importance of individual self-realisation, thus forgetting about our interdependence. Are we just going to bitterly, yet with admiration, watch the prosperous bee kingdom? Show more

2D OR 12
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The Commune

Komúna; Jakub Julény, 2020, versions: OR : ces, slk

The desire for freedom in Communist Czechoslovakia led to the formation of a group of individuals who professed an inclination towards the principles of the underground movement. They became outsiders by their own choice, so that they could live freely. Today, they live predominantly in the past, unable to overcome suspicions of betrayal in the form of cooperation with the secret police. Throughout their story drifts the spirit of their tragically departed guru. In an effort to come to terms with the past, an old companion organizes a revival concert. Will these freethinkers reach a truce? Show more

Stream 2D OR 15
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The Auschwitz Report

Správa; Peter Bebjak, 2020, versions: OR : slk

This is the true story of Freddy and Walter – two young Slovak Jews, who were deported to Auschwitz in 1942. On 10 April 1944, after meticulous planning and with the help and the resilience of their inmates, they manage to escape. While the inmates they had left behind courageously stand their ground against the Nazi officers, the two men are driven on by the hope that their evidence could save lives. Emaciated and hurt, they make their way through the border and meet the resistance and The Red Cross. They compile a detailed report about the systematic genocide at the camp. However, with Nazi propaganda and international liaisons still in place, their account seems to be too harrowing to believe. Show more

2D OR 15
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Everest - Najťažšia cesta; Pavol Barabáš, 2020, versions: SS , OR

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2D Stream SS OR 15
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Once Upon a Time in Poland

Jak Bůh hledal Karla; Filip Remunda, Vít Klusák, 2020, versions: OR : ces, pol

In the middle of Europe, two nations coexist side by side, close to each other in many ways and yet worlds apart. The Czechs are dedicated atheists, while the Poles are born as baptized Catholics. Czechs shake their heads in disbelief at Polish piety, while Poles hold Czechs in contempt for living without God. A Czech documentary crew sets out on a summertime pilgrimage across Poland in order to investigate through the camera lens the actual situation regarding the notion of “Czech atheism vs. Polish religion”. Show more

2D OR 15
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Čiary; Barbora Sliepková, 2021, versions: OR : slk

The Lines depicts the everyday hustle and bustle of contemporary Bratislava, an exemplary post-socialist city whose inhabitants cope with the constant grind of urban construction, collapsing traffic and rising housing prices, in addition to their own woes. Blanka is a woman in her 50s, as alone in her apartment as in her life. Matuš, a young and motivated activist, hopes to become a municipal councillor despite his lack of marketing savvy. A cool real estate agent sells the dream of a happy life through Bratislava apartments. Two road workers paint traffic markings and when their shift is over, they drink beer in their boarding rooms and ponder the indifference of the city inhabitants. Danko, a queer music composer, lives in the city center with his mother in a modest flat. He takes long walks, listening to urban sounds, trying to capture the rhythm around him. Show more

2D Stream OR 15
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At Full Throttle

Láska pod kapotou; Miro Remo, 2021, versions: OR : ces, slk

The story of a life of struggle in a region left behind by the country's transition to market economy. The main protagonist is a divorced yet determined and dogged, fighting-against-the-odds quinquagenarian ex-miner Jaroslav whose health has thwarted his lifelong dream to become a racing driver. A new relationship with his childhood love Jitka brings frustrated Jaroslav new hope for his personal life as well as his auto racing dream: Jitka is an excellent driver who could hardly find a better mentor and mechanic than Jaroslav. Nevertheless, Jaroslav cannot get away from his past and the shape of his new hope remains uncertain. Show more

2D Stream OR 12
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Architect of Brutal Poetry

Architekt drsnej poetiky; Ladislav Kaboš, 2021, versions: OR : slk

An old man fails to recognise his own face in the mirror. He suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. Little by little, his memories get washed away. One day he decides to tell the story of his life to his reflection in the mirror. The man is Hans Broos – a famous Brazilian architect, Carpathian German by origin, born in Slovakia. The mirror he confesses to acts as a reflection of his own memories. Show more

2D Stream OR 12
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The Sailor

The Sailor; Lucia Kašová, 2021, versions: OR

Paul Johnson sailed the world all his life. He loved, drank and lived foolish, never truly living on land. Now he is turning 80. He drinks a liter of vodka a day and contemplates his life, his death. What is at the end of such a journey? ( Show more

2D OR 15
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107 Mothers

Cenzorka ; Peter Kerekes, 2021, versions: SS : ukr

Follows the real-life stories of 107 mothers in the Odesa prison in Ukraine. ( Show more

2D Stream SS 15
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Iná svorka | TSF 2022

Külön falka; Hajni Kis, 2020, versions: SS : hun

Tibor sa po návrate z väzenia zamestná ako vyhadzovač v nočnom klube. Má finančné problémy, prespáva u svojho brata a pre svoju povahu je v neustálom konflikte s okolím. Svoju divokú dvanásťročnú dcéru Niki nevidel už sedem rokov. Keď Niki, ktorá žije so starými rodičmi, zistí, že otca prepustili z väzenia, vyhľadá ho aj napriek ich zákazu. Toto stretnutie prinúti Tibora čeliť svojej minulosti a hľadať spôsob, ako sa stať svojej dcére ozajstným otcom. Po siedmich rokoch bez kontaktu sa otec a dcéra navzájom spoznávajú, pričom si uvedomujú svoje pevné spojenie a aj to, aké silné môže byť odpustenie. Film bude mať svetovú premiéru na MFF Karlove Vary v súťažnej sekcii Na východ od Západu. Inú svorku budeme distribuovať spolu s krátkym predfilmom Milý tati (Milý tati, Česká republika, Slovensko, 2021, far., 13 min), ktorý režírovala Diana Cam Van Nguyen. Show more

2D Stream SS 15
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Služobníci; Ivan Ostrochovský, 2020, versions: OR , SV : slk

The year is 1980. Michal and Juraj are students at a theological seminary in totalitarian Czechoslovakia. Fearing the dissolution of their school, the tutors are moulding the seminarians into a shape satisfactory to the ruling Communist Party. Each of the young students must decide if he will give in to the temptation and choose the easier way of collaborating with the regime, or if he will subject himself to draconian surveillance from the secret police. Show more

2D Stream OR SV 15
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The Pack

Smečka; Tomáš Polenský, 2020, versions: OR : ces

David, a talented 16-year-old-goalie freshly diagnosed with diabetes, joins a new ice-hockey team, the Wolves, where he becomes the outsider, bracing the avalanche of bullying that gradually gains speed. ( Show more

2D OR 12
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Očista; Zuzana Piussi, 2021, versions: OR : ces, slk

The law represents a fixed order of social relations. When this order is questioned, society finds itself immersed in uncertainty, in a fog. “Fog” is also the code name of the operation investigating the corruption of judges exposed in the Threema application found in the mobile phone of the infamous “entrepreneur” Marián Kočner. The documentary deals with what the Threema application exposed and the implications thereof. Through the (his)stories of the judges, entrepreneurs and ordinary people, the film maps out the consequences of the system of justice falling apart, which is fatal for the whole country, as well as for democracy. Show more

2D+4K 2D Stream OR 15
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The Man with Hare Ears

Muž se zaječíma ušima; Martin Šulík, 2020, versions: OR , ES

Josef is a sixty-year-old writer who thinks nothing can surprise him anymore. One evening, though, his phone rings and he finds himself caught up in a series of events that will turn his world upside-down. His best friend – also a writer – tries to commit suicide; his young girlfriend Katka tells him she’s pregnant; and the man with hare ears – his alter ego from one of his stories – appears to him in everyday situations. Show more

2D Stream OR ES 12
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Martin a tajomstvo lesa | TSF 2022: deťom

Martin a tajomstvo lesa; Petr Oukropec, 2021, versions: SD : slk

Deti zo skautského oddielu trávia svoje letné prázdniny na mieste, ktoré je ukryté uprostred hôr v romantickej lesnej oblasti. Tri týždne žijú ako divosi – spávajú v indiánskych stanoch típí, umývajú sa v potoku, varia si jedlá na ohni a zabávajú sa v okolitom lese. Tentokrát však skauti prichádzajú do svojho lesa naposledy. V dôsledku plánu ťažiť tu lítium môže ich divočina navždy zmiznúť... Hrdinom filmu je 11-ročný Martin, mestský chlapec rozmaznaný civilizačnými vymoženosťami, ktorého jeho otec prihlási do tábora uprostred divočiny, aby zažil „skutočné dobrodružstvo“. Lenže táborové hry Martina vôbec nebavia, radšej by trávil čas so svojím mobilom. V noci sa preto rozhodne z tábora utiecť, les ho však nepustí. Čarovné lesné bytosti trpia nedostatkom vody, ktorá sa ukryla pred „ťažiarmi“. Martinovi sa ukážu, lebo má tri predmety potrebné na ich záchranu. On však bytosti len zištne využije, aby mu pomohli vyhrať v táborovej hre. Keďže Martin svoju časť dohody nesplnil, čarovné tvory mu začnú škodiť, až sa napokon jeho podvodné konanie odhalí pred všetkými v tábore. Martin si uvedomí svoju chybu, postupne si nachádza cestu ku kolektívu a s pomocou dievčatka prezývaného Líška pomôže zachrániť les a vodu pred chamtivými, bezohľadnými dospelými. Show more

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Paradise on Earth

Raj na zemi; Jaroslav Vojtek, 2019, versions: OR , ES : slk

“Paradise on Earth“ is a documentary by Jaro Vojtek about journalist and war photographer, Andrej Ban. Jaro, as his friend, has been a silent witness to his struggles, failed relationships and depressions. Their intimate conversations, in contrast with the tragic and painful war and refugee crisis, form the foundation of the film’s concept. Jaro follows Andrej to various destinations around the world, the camera observing his interactions with people in need and his photographic work. “Paradise on Earth“ is a topography of individual and global struggles – an endless ongoing therapy. Show more

2D Stream OR ES 15
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Wrap Up and Disappear

Ubal a zmiz; Adam Hobzik, 2021, versions: OR : ces

Mireček and Dealer get the deal of the year. To sell all the weed to the Bulgarian. But then someone shouldn't have stripped their apartment of all their possessions. The worst night of their lives is just beginning and leads through Vietnamese parties, Žižkov private homes and the intensive care unit, down to the roots of their friendship. At the end of the story, Dealer discovers that having a friend is worth more than having the good stuff. Mireček finds love again and breaks free from the clutches of his despotic mother. Show more

2D OR 15