Filmotéka - Január 2017

Priatelia archívneho filmu!


V januári si v programe Filmotéky pripomíname výročia viacerých osobností slovenskej a svetovej kinematografie. 15. januára by sa dožil 95 rokov herec Július Pántik. Jeho herecké umenie budete mať možnosť vidieť vo filme Varuj...! Martina Friča z roku 1946, v ktorom Pántik stvárnil postavu valacha Miša, a tiež vo filme režiséra Ladislava Helgeho Stud (1967). Projekciami filmov Kamarátky (1979) Štefana Uhra a Víkend za milión (1987)Dušana Trančíka pripomíname 70. narodeniny slovenského hudobníka a skladateľa Mariána Vargu (* 29. 1. 1947), ktorý k nim zložil hudbu. 13. januára uplynie 15 rokov od smrti slovenského filmového architekta, zakladateľa slovenskej filmovej a televíznej scénografie Antona Krajčoviča. Z jeho bohatej filmografie sme do programu zaradili dva filmy zo šesťdesiatych rokov minulého storočia, na ktorých spolupracoval s režisérom Štefanom Uhrom – Organ Tri dcéry.

Chceme vás tiež upozorniť na výročie popredného španielskeho režiséra Carlosa Sauru, ktorý sa 4. januára dožíva 85 rokov. Do programu sme zaradili celkovo šesť jeho filmov. Budete mať možnosť vidieť celú jeho tzv. flamenco trilógiu, ktorá pozostáva z filmov Krvavá svadba, Carmen Čarodejná láska, ďalej film Plač pre banditu z raného obdobia režisérovej tvorby (ide o jeho prvý farebný film), a napokon dvojicu filmov Anna a vlci Mamička oslavuje sté narodeniny. V posledných dvoch menovaných filmoch sa v hlavnej ženskej úlohe predstavila Geraldine Chaplinová.

8. novembra minulého roka umrel významný francúzsky kameraman Raoul Coutard. V 60. rokoch 20. storočia sa preslávil najmä vďaka spolupráci s enfant terrible francúzskej novej vlny – Jeanom-Lucom Godardom. Z ich dielne pochádza aj film Na konci s dychom, Godardov dlhometrážny debut, v ktorom mal Coutard dostatočný priestor na to, aby ukázal svoje kvality. Na filme Jules a Jim spolupracoval Coutard s Françoisom Truffautom. Aj v tomto prípade možno hovoriť o emblematickom filme novej vlny. Z neskoršieho obdobia, konkrétne z roku 1970, je film Priznanie režiséra Costu-Gavrasa, ktorý môže u nás rezonovať o to viac, že sa odohráva v bývalom Československu v období procesu so Slánským. Touto cestou by sme chceli poďakovať Ronaldovi Berganovi, ktorý pre nás napísal krátky úvod k cyklu Hommage: Raoul Coutard.

V cykle Double Bill uvedieme v januári Mulholland Drive Davida Lyncha a zatiaľ posledný film dánskeho rodáka Nicolasa Windinga Refna Neon Demon. Los Angeles je vo víziách oboch režisérov skôr mestom démonov než mestom anjelov: na začiatku oboch filmov prichádza do tohto mesta mladá žena s túžbou preraziť ako herečka alebo ako modelka a je konfrontovaná s temnými stránkami metropoly západného pobrežia USA a ľudskej duše (či už svojej, alebo niekoho iného). Sny sa v týchto filmoch veľmi rýchlo menia na nočné mory...

Na január sme v spolupráci s Goetheho inštitútom pripravili aj menší profil významného nemeckého režiséra Christiana Petzolda pod názvom Christian Petzold: Žáner, láska a peniaze. Celkovo budete mať vo Filmotéke možnosť vidieť šesť jeho dlhometrážnych hraných filmov z obdobia rokov 2000 – 2014. O tom, prečo sme sa rozhodli zamerať sa práve na Petzoldovu filmovú tvorbu, sa dočítate v samostatnom texte v tomto letáku.

Aj v novom roku pokračujú vám už dobre známe cykly Očami filmových spravodajcovKraťasy z archívu. Novinkou v programe Filmotéky je cyklus Filmový kabinet Extra, ktorým sa chceme takpovediac napojiť na vzdelávací cyklus Filmový kabinet. Ten v januári začne už svoje tretie vydanie. Ak budete mať záujem rozšíriť si obraz o témach preberaných na pôde Filmového kabinetu, cyklus Filmový kabinet Extra vám to umožní. Budeme doň pravidelne zaraďovať práve filmy, ktoré sa týkajú aktuálnych tém Filmového kabinetu.

Priatelia, na záver by sme vám chceli popriať šťastný nový rok a čo najviac fascinujúcich filmových zážitkov v roku 2017!

Dovidenia v prítmí kinosály. 

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Začiatky slovenského filmu

Začiatky slovenského filmu; Eduard Schreiber, Jaroslav Siakeľ, 74´, 1908 – 1921, nemý | Filmotéka; Eduard Schreiber, Jaroslav Siakeľ, versions: OR

Na začiatok roka si pripomenieme začiatky slovenskej kinematografie z toho čo sa zachovalo a môžeme ešte aj dnes premietať. A tak sa môžeme tešiť z hravých krátkych filmov bratov Schreiberovcov a sfilmovanému najznámejšiemu slovenskému príbehu o Jánošíkovi. Show more

2D OR 12
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Warn Him..!

Varuj...!; Martin Frič, 1946, versions: OR : eng, hun, slk

A drama about Slovaks who emigrated before WW I. It is focused on the life of Ondrej Muranica. He emigrates to America because of the hard life that is partly caused by Hungarian landowners. His dreams and hopes for a happier life are destroyed by a disaster in the mines where he works. Ondrej is declared missing.Years later he returns to his home country and finds out his wife married his best friend. Show more

2D OR 15
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K3 Na konci s dychom

A Bout de souffle; Jean-Luc Godard, 1960, versions: SS : fra

A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he reunites with a hip American journalism student and attempts to persuade her to run away with him to Italy. Show more

2D SS 15
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Jules and Jim

Jules et Jim; François Truffaut, 1962, OV (franc.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; François Truffaut, 1962, versions: OR

In Paris, before WWI, two friends, Jules (Austrian) and Jim (French) fall in love with the same woman, Catherine. But Catherine loves and marries Jules. After the war, when they meet again in Germany, Catherine starts to love Jim... This is the story of three people in love, a love which does not affect their friendship, and about how their relationship evolves with the years. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Confession

L’Aveu; Costa-Gavras, 1970, versions: SD , ES , OR : fra

Anton Ludvik, aka Gerard, is vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of Czechoslovakia. He realizes he is watched and followed. One day, he is arrested and put into jail, in solitary confinement. Will be shown the mental tortures during the investigations and how a faithful top-ranking civil servant is made to confess to treason. Based on the true story of Czechoslovakian communist Artur London. Show more

2D SD ES OR 15
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Stud; Ladislav Helge, 101´, 1967, OV (cz) | filmotéka; Ladislav Helge, 1967, versions: OR

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2D OR 15
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Mozaika 1957

Mozaika 1957; rôzni, 63´, 1957, OV (sk) | filmotéka; 1957, versions: OR

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2D OR 15
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Kamarátky; Štefan Uher, 1979, versions: OR : slk

A psychological story about a young woman, a mother of two children, whose husband leaves her for his lover. The woman desperately seeks help from her two best friends. Unfortunately they both have neither the willingness nor the time to share her problems. Show more

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Weekend For A Milion

Víkend za milión; Dušan Trančík, 72´, 1987, OV (sk) | filmotéka; Dušan Trančík, 1987,

A psychological story with a criminal plot. After committing two murders and stealing a huge amount of money, the perpetrators try to avoid being arrested by terrorizing the people staying at a holiday resort cottage. Show more

2D 15
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Night Train

Pociąg; Jerzy Kawalerowicz, 1959, OV (poľ.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Jerzy Kawalerowicz, 1959, versions: OR

A man, Jerzy, enters a train set for the Baltic coast. He seems to be on the run from something--and so does the strange woman with whom he must share a sleeping compartment. Show more

2D OR 15
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Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive; David Lynch, 2001, versions: OR , CS : eng, spa

A bright-eyed young actress travels to Hollywood, only to be ensnared in a dark conspiracy involving a woman who was nearly murdered, and now has amnesia because of a car crash. Eventually, both women are pulled into a psychotic illusion involving a dangerous blue box, a director named Adam Kesher, and the mysterious night club Silencio. Show more

2D OR CS 15
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The Neon Demon

The Neon Demon; Nicolas Winding Refn, 117´, 2016, OV (ang.) + ST (cz) | Cannes; Nicolas Winding Refn, 2016, versions: OR , CS

When aspiring model Jesse moves to Los Angeles, her youth and vitality are devoured by a group of beauty-obsessed women who will take any means necessary to get what she has. Be2Can Show more

2D OR CS 15
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The Organ

Organ; Štefan Uher, 1964, versions: OR : lat, pol, slk

A drama set in the Slovak Republic during the WW II. A young Polish soldier, a talented organ-player, hides from the fascists in a monastery in a small Slovak town. Here the choir-leader lacking talent is envious of Felix´s musical skills and his malevolence makes Felix leave his secure shelter among the monks. Show more

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Three Daughters

Tri dcéry;; Štefan Uher, 1967, versions: OR : ces, slk

An old folk ballad actualization about a father and his three daughters. After losing all of his possessions old Majda seeks shelter at his three daughters whom he had sent to cloister long ago to avoid the dividing of his property. Only his youngest daughter, although abandoned by her sisters herself, is willing to take care of him. Show more

2D OR 15
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Trezorové filmy II

Trezorové filmy II; rôzni, 85´, 1966 – 1969, OV (sk) | filmotéka; versions: OR

Pásmo krátkych filmov, ktoré sa z rôznych dôvodov ocitli v nemilosti, zostavila a predstaví filmová historička Eva Filová. Uvedené budú filmy: Zakliata dolina, Keď zaznie ticho, Návšteva prezidenta, Roľníci, Moja teta Vincencia, Interview v metelici. Zakliata dolina, Štefan Kamenický 1966 (13´) Dokumentárny film o živote ľudí v zaostalých oblastiach východného Slovenska. Keď zaznie ticho, Miroslav Horňák 1966 (20´) Ukážky z vystúpení súboru bratislavskej pantomímy v úlohe s Milanom Sládkom. Návšteva prezidenta, Leopold Bródy, Rudolf Ferko 1968 (10´) Filmová reportáž z návštevy prezidenta republiky armádneho generála Ludvíka Svobodu v Bratislave 22. a 23. apríla 1968. Roľníci, Jaroslav Pogran 1969 (14´) Dokumentárna poetická kompozícia o nádeji roľníkov na lepší život. Moja teta Vincencia, Július Matula 1969 (20´) Príbeh ženy, ktorá vie, kde je jej miesto. Interview v metelici, Karel Slach 1969 (14´) Koncipovaná reportáž s rozhovormi a časťou predstavenia Divadle na korze, ktoré bolo priamou reakciou na augustovú okupáciu roku 1968. Show more

2D OR 15
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The State I Am In

Die Innere Sicherheit; Christian Petzold, 102´, 2000, OV (nem.) + AT | filmotéka; Christian Petzold, 2000, versions: OR

Clara and Hans are left-wing terrorists who have been searched by police for almost fifteen years. Their increasingly rebellious daughter Jeanne begins to pose a threat to their security when she falls in love with a boy she meets on the beach. Show more

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K3 Strašidlá

Gespenster; Christian Petzold, 85´, 2005, OV (nem. + franc.) + AT | filmotéka; Christian Petzold, 2005, versions: OR

V Berlíne sa skrížia cesty troch žien. Film o neistote, samote a túžbe – o strate človeka a strate kontaktu s reálnym svetom. Postavy túžia po inej realite, čo im však nakoniec bráni byť súčasťou tej, v ktorej žijú. Show more

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Yella; Christian Petzold, 85´, 2007, OV (nem.) + AT | filmotéka; Christian Petzold, 2007, versions: OR

Christian Petzold's drama deals with a woman, who leaves her hometown for a promising job and a new life, but is haunted by the truths of the past. As her marriage to Ben broke and her professional career has no future in her native town in the Eastern part of Germany, Yella has decided to search for a job in the West. When she gets to know Philipp, a smart executive at a private equity company in Hanover, she becomes his assistant and gets involved into the world of ruthless and big business. Realizing her dreams could come true with Philipp's help, she starts hearing voices and sounds from her past, which menace her new and better life... Show more

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Jerichow; Christian Petzold; 93´, 2008, OV (nem. + tur.) + AT | filmotéka; Christian Petzold, 2008, versions: OR

The dishonorably discharged Afghanistan veteran Thomas returns to his home village of Jerichow. Ali, a local Turkish-German businessman, owner of a snack-bar chain, hires him as a driver. That's when Thomas meets Laura, his Turkish boss's young and attractive wife. A classic love triangle is born, unfolding in desolate northeast Germany, where thick forests suddenly end on cliffs overlooking the Baltic Sea. Caught between guilt and freedom, between passion and reason, the protagonists have no hopes for fulfillment of their dreams. Show more

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Barbara; Christian Petzold, 101´, 2012, OV (nem.) + AT | filmotéka; Christian Petzold, 2012, versions: OR

In 1980s East Germany, Barbara is a Berlin doctor banished to a country medical clinic for applying for an exit visa. Deeply unhappy with her reassignment and fearful of her co-workers as possible Stasi informants, Barbara stays aloof, especially from the good natured clinic head, Andre. Instead, Barbara snatches moments with her lover as she secretly prepares to defect one day. Despite her plans, Barbara learns more about her life that puts her desires and the people around her in a new light. With her changing perspective, Barbara finds herself facing a painful moral dilemma that forces her to choose what she values. Show more

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Phoenix; Christian Petzold, 2014, versions: OR , CS : deu

A disfigured Holocaust survivor sets out to determine if the man she loved betrayed her trust. Show more

2D OR CS 12
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Blood Wedding

Bodas de sangre; Carlos Saura, 67´, 1981, OV (špan.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1981, versions: SS

Group of dancers put Lorca's 'Blood Wedding' on stage, the tragic play about a married man who is still in love with his ex girlfriend, and tries to get back to her despite her planned wedding. Show more

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Carmen; Carlos Saura, 98´, 1983, OV (špan.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1983, versions: CS

A group of flamenco dancers are rehearsing a very spanish version of the Prosper Merimee's drama. Antonio (the coreographer) falls in love with Carmen (the main dancer). Their story then turns similar to the play. Show more

2D CS 15
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A Love Bewitched

El Amor brujo; Carlos Saura, 99´, 1986, OV (špan.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1986, versions: CS

In a Gypsy village, the fathers of Candela and José promise their children to each other. Years later, the unfaithful José marries Candela but while defending his lover Lucía in a brawl, he is stabbed to death. Carmelo, who secretly loves Candela since he was a boy, is arrested while helping José and unfairly sent to prison. Four years later he is released and declares his love for Candela. However, the woman is cursed by a bewitched love and every night she goes to the place where José died to dance with his ghost. Show more

2D CS 12
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Weeping for a Bandit

Llanto por un bandido; Carlos Saura, 99´, 1964, OV (špan.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1964, versions: CS

José María "El Tempranillo" fleeing from justice, takes refuge in Sierra Morena. After a period of hard learning, he becomes the leader of a group of bandits. Show more

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Anna and the Wolves

Ana y los lobos; Carlos Saura, 1973, versions: SS

The young but traveled Ana arrives in a manor in the countryside of Spain to work as nanny of three girls and finds a dysfunctional family: the matriarch is a sick old woman obsessed by death and having constant nervous breakdown; her son José was raised dressing girl's clothes until his First Communion and is obsessed by military clothes and stuffs; Juan, the father of the three girls, is a pervert since his childhood that writes pornographic letters to Ana; his wife Luchy has suicidal tendencies; and the mystic and religious eremite Fernando, who was inflicted to flagellation in his childhood, lives recluse in a cave. The presence of Ana disturbs the three brothers with tragic consequences. Show more

2D SS 15
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Mama Turns a Hundred

Mamá cumple cien años; Carlos Saura, 94´, 1979, OV (špan.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Carlos Saura, 1979, versions: CS

Ana is alive and married with Antonio; they arrive in the manor in the countryside of Spain where she worked as a nanny many years ago, for the centennial birthday of the matriarch. In their reunion, she finds that Jose died three years ago; Juan left his wife Luchy; Fernando is still living with his mother and unsuccessfully trying to fly a hang glider; and the three little girls are grown-up. Further, she discovers that the dysfunctional family is completely broken, and Luchy in embezzling mother's money. When Juan arrives for the celebration, he plots with Fernando and Luchy to kill the mother to get the inheritance. Meanwhile, Antonio has a brief affair with Natalia. Show more

2D CS 15
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Three Days of the Condor

Three Days of the Condor; Sydney Pollack, 113´, 1975, OV (angl.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Sydney Pollack, 1975, versions: SS

A bookish CIA researcher finds all his co-workers dead, and must outwit those responsible until he figures out who he can really trust. Show more

2D SS 15
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All the President's Men

All the President's Men; Alan J. Pakula, 1976, versions: SD

"The Washington Post" reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the details of the Watergate scandal that leads to President Richard Nixon's resignation. Show more

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Začiatky ČS filmu

Začiatky ČS filmu; rôzni, 102´, 1898 – 1919, nemý | filmotéka; versions: OR

Pásmo krátkych filmov – uvedené budú filmy: Dostaveníčko ve mlýnici, Smích a pláč, Výstavní párkař a lepič plakátů, Noční děs, Pražští adamité, Stavitel chrámu. Prvé tri filmy nakrútil Jan Kříženecký, priekopník a zakladateľ filmu v Čechách. Prvý krát boli premietané na Výstave architektúry a inžinierstva 19. júna 1898 v Prahe. Ostatné filmy tohto pásma sú už minutážou dlhšie a prezentujú rôznorodosť a invenčnosť vtedajšej hranej tvorby. Show more

2D OR 12