Cinevitaj 2018

Cinevitaj v tomto roku otvorí divadelný a filmový herec Carmine Maringola, ktorý uvedie film režisérky Emmy Dante Ulica v Palerme. Filmová prehliadka však bude venovaná predovšetkým Paolovi Sorrentinovi a potom Neapolu. Ponúkne prierez hranou tvorbou oscarového režiséra s lektorskými úvodmi filmového historika Juraja Oniščenka. Paolo Sorrentino je hrdý Neapolčan, svoj pohľad na Neapol nám však ponúknu prostredníctvom svojich filmov Matteo Garrone, či Ferzan Ozpetek. Dokument Ferrante Fever objasňuje, prečo sa Neapolská sága Eleny Ferrante stala takmer svetovým fenoménom.

5. 6. 2018, 19:30
Emma Dante: Ulica v Palerme / Via Castellana Bandiera / 2013, 93 min.

7. - 13. 6. 2018, 20:00
Paolo Sorrentino - retrospektíva
lektorské úvody k filmom: Juraj Oniščenko

18. 6. 2018, 20:00
Giacomo Durzi: Ferrante Fever / dok.; 2017, 50 min.

22. 6. 2018, 20:00
Matteo Garrone: Reality show / 2012, 115 min.

25. 6. 2018, 20:00
Ferzan Ozpetek: Temný Neapol / Napoli velata / 2017, 113 min.

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Via Castellana Bandiera

Via Castellana Bandiera; Emma Dante, 2016, OV (tal.) + ST (cz); Emma Dante, 2013, versions: CS

V jedno nedeľné popoludnie neľútostne veje na Palermo horúci juhovýchodný vietor. Dve ženy, Rosa a Clara, ktoré prišli osláviť svadbu svojho kamaráta, zablúdia v uliciach mesta a skončia v malej uličke Via Castellana Bandiera. V tej istej chvíli, v tej istej uličke oproti nim, v protismere prichádza ďalšie auto, v ktorom je natlačená rodina Calafiore a šoféruje ho Samira. Ani Rosa za volantom svojho Fiatu Multipla, ani tvrdohlavá Samira vo svojom Fiate Punto nemieni dať prednosť tej druhej. Dve ženy, zatvorené vo svojich vozidlách, stoja oproti sebe v nemom súboji, v intímnom násilí pohľadov. Súboj v ženskom vydaní, v ktorom sú obe strany odhodlané odoprieť si pitie, jedlo i spánok. Je to súboj neústupnejší, než palermské slnko a tvrdošijnejší, než prudkosť mužov, ktorí ich obklopujú. Pretože tak ako v každom súboji, je to otázka života a smrti... Ceny a festivaly: Göteborg Film Festival 2014: The Ingmar Bergman International Debut Award - Najlepší Film, La Biennale di Venezia 2013: In Concorso - Coppa Volpi za najlepší ženský herecký výkon (Elena Cotta), Cena Liny Mangiacapre, Cena Soundtrack Stars Film uvedie Carmine Maringola – jeden z predstaviteľov. Show more

BD CS 12
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L'uomo in più

L'uomo in più; Paolo Sorrentino, 2001, versions: CS : ita

The debut feature by acclaimed Italian director Paolo Sorrentino (La Grande Bellezza) is a stylish and blackly comic look at the dark side of fame. Evocatively set during the eighties, the film charts the decline of two men both named Antonio Pisapia who lead entirely separate yet strangely parallel lives. One (Toni Servillo, Gomorrah) is a pop singer who finds himself washed up after a sex scandal ends his run of success; the other (Andrea Renzi) a football hero whose playing career is abruptly cut short by injury. Sharply observed and featuring excellent performances from the two leads, Sorrentino's compelling film explores the personal consequences wrought by cruel reversals of fortune. Show more

BD CS 12
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The Consequences Of Love

Le conseguenze dell'amore; Paolo Sorrentino, 2004, versions: CS

Everyone has an unmentionable secret. But Titta Di Girolamo has more than one. It's obvious. Otherwise why would a fifty-year-old man, from the south, want to live for eight years in an anonymous hotel room in an anonymous town in the Italian part of Switzerland? Eight years without working. Apparently. Years of silence and cigarettes, years perched in the lobby or the hotel bar, elegantly dressed, but never allowing himself any luxuries. Show more

BD CS 15
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The Family Friend

L´Ami de la famille; Paolo Sorrentino, 2006, versions: CS : ita

Geremia, an aging tailor/money lender, is a repulsive, mean, stingy man who lives alone in his shabby house with his scornful, bedridden mother. He has a morbid, obsessive relationship with money and he uses it to insinuate himself into other people's affairs, pretending to be the "family friend". One day he is asked by a man to lend him money for the wedding of Rosalba, his daughter. Geremia falls in love at first sight with the bewitching creature and and soon indulges in a "beauty and the beast" relationship... Show more

BD CS 15
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Il Divo

Il Divo; Paolo Sorrentino, 2008, versions: CS : ita

The story of Italian politician Giulio Andreotti, who has served as Prime Minister of Italy seven times since the restoration of democracy in 1946. Show more

BD CS 15
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This must be the Place

This must be the Place; Paolo Sorrentino, 2011, OV (ang.) + ST (cz); Paolo Sorrentino, 2011, versions: CS

Cheyenne, a retired rock star living off his royalties in Dublin, returns to New York City to find the man responsible for a humiliation suffered by his recently deceased father during W.W.II. Show more

BD CS 12
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The Great Beauty

La grande bellezza; Paolo Sorrentino, 2013, versions: CS : ita, jpn, spa, zho

The story of an aging writer who bitterly recollects his passionate, lost youth. A portrait of today's Rome. Rome, in the splendor of summer. Tourists flock to the Janiculum Hill: a Japanese man collapses, felled by such beauty. Jep Gambardella – a handsome man with irresistible charm, despite the first signs of ageing – enjoys the city’s social life to the full. He attends chic dinners and parties, where his sparkling wit and pleasant company are always welcome. A successful journalist and inveterate seducer, in his youth he wrote a novel which earned him a literary award and a reputation as a frustrated writer. He masks his disenchantment behind a cynical attitude, which makes him view the world with bitter lucidity. On the terrace of his Rome apartment which overlooks the Coliseum, he hosts parties where “the human apparatus” – that was the title of his novel – is stripped bare, and where the comedy of nothingness is played out. Weary of his lifestyle, Jep sometimes dreams of taking up his pen again, haunted by memories of a youthful love which he still hangs on to. But will he ever manage it? Can he overcome this profound disgust for himself and others, in a city whose dazzling beauty sometimes leads to paralysis? Show more

2D CS 15
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Youth; Paolo Sorrentino, 2015, versions: CS , OR

Fred and Mick, two old friends, are on vacation in an elegant hotel at the foot of the Alps. Fred, a composer and conductor, is now retired. Mick, a film director, is still working. They look with curiosity and tenderness on their children's confused lives, Mick's enthusiastic young writers, and the other hotel guests. While Mick scrambles to finish the screenplay for what he imagines will be his last important film, Fred has no intention of resuming his musical career. But someone wants at all costs to hear him conduct again. Show more

2D Stream 2D+4K CS OR 15
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Ferrante Fever | Cinevitaj

Ferrante Fever; 2017, OV (tal.)+ eST; Giacomo Durzi, 2017, versions: SS

Tento film je putovaním, ktoré začína v Amerike a končí v uličkách Neapola, je to pohľad na dielo Eleny Ferrante prostredníctvom miest, ktoré sú dejiskom jej románov a cez pohľad a interpretáciu významných osobností, ktorí sú zároveň jej obdivovateľmi aj kritikmi. Poznámky režiséra: Tento film sa zrodil z vášne, ktorú prechovávam ku knihám Eleny Ferrante a z túžby preskúmať jej dielo v jeho komplexnosti. Je to pokus o zamyslenie sa nad úspechom Eleny Ferrante a jeho dôvodmi bez toho, aby sme sa nechali uniesť „bulvárnou snahou“ o pátranie po neznámej identite a zároveň sme sa snažili vyhnúť jednoduchému zdokumentovaniu faktografie. Našou výzvou bolo vyrozprávanie príbehu, ktorý možno nechcel byť vyrozprávaný. Show more

BD SS 12
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Reality Show | Cinevitaj

Reality Show; Matteo Garrone, 2012, OV (tal.) + ST (cz); Matteo Garrone, 2012, versions: CS

Luciano is a charming fishmonger whose unexpected and sudden obsession with being a contestant on a reality show leads him down a rabbit hole of skewed perceptions and paranoia. Show more

BD CS 12
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Napoli velata

Napoli velata; Ferzan Ozpetek, 2017, OV (tal.) + AT + eST; Ferzan Ozpetek, 2017, versions: SS

Adriana (Giovanna Mezzogiorno) na jednej oslave zachytí zvodné a provokatívne pohľady Andreu (Alessandro Borghi), sebavedomého a príťažlivého mladíka. Nedokáže uniknúť tomuto senzuálnemu a vášnivému stretu a trávi s Andreom noc. Zdá sa, že tým sa všetko nekončí a dvojica si dohodne stretnutie v nasledujúci deň. V Adriane rýchlo narastá silný cit, možno je to začiatok veľkej lásky, ktorá by jej mohla zmeniť život. Nastáva zvrat, avšak inak, než čakala. Situácia sa zvrhne, keď sa Adriana zapletie do zločinu, a následne sa ocitáva v centre pátrania, uprostred znepokojujúcich okolností. Je to otras, ktorý ohrozuje všetky jej istoty. V Neapole ponorenom do čara a zmyselnosti, rácia i šialenstva, zahaľuje život Adriany tajomstvo. Adriany, pohltenej nečakanou láskou a násilným zločinom. Show more

BD SS 15