Archive Cinema - September 2018

Priatelia archívneho filmu,

v októbri pokračujú viaceré cykly z predošlého mesiaca. V cykle 25 rokov slovenského filmu mapujeme obdobie prvej polovice prvej dekády 21. storočia. Postupne vzrastá kvantita produkcie, a tak sa nakrúcajú aj filmy rôznych žánrov. Sokoliar Tomáš je rozprávka, Nič nekrváca večne  je zase akýsi metahoror, Slnečný štát  je sociálna tragikomédia. V tomto období nakrútili filmy aj tvorcovia ako Vladimír Adásek (Hana a jej bratia) či Katarína Šulajová (O dve slabiky pozadu), ktorí sa následne na poli kinematografie autorsky odmlčali. Naopak, vznikol aj dlhometrážny hraný debut divadelného a televízneho režiséra Juraja Nvotu, historická dráma Kruté radosti, pričom Nvota odvtedy nakrúca síce nie príliš často, ale pravidelne. V cykle Slovenský filmový rok 1968 sa opäť posunieme v čase o 50 rokov späť. Budete môcť vidieť detektívku Volanie démonov  Andreja Lettricha o vyšetrovaní požiaru v nábytkárskej továrni a vraždy dvoch zamestnancov podniku. Dokumentárny film Čas, ktorý žijeme  skupiny režisérov (Ivan Húšťava, Vlado Kubenko, Ladislav Kudelka, Otakar Krivánek a Jaroslav Pogran) zachytáva obrodný proces v Česko-Slovensku v roku 1968. Je to sugestívna výpoveď o spoločnosti, defilé politikov, jednoduchých ľudí a záznam historických udalostí od zimy 1967–68 do leta 1968. Napokon premietneme aj Rok na dedine  Martina Ťapáka a Karola L. Zachara – prierez zvykmi, hudbou, spevom a tancami slovenského ľudu v priebehu štyroch ročných období.

Pripomenieme si aj slovenského herca Stanislava Dančiaka, ktorý skonal nedávno (26. 10. 1942 – 4. 8. 2018). Smutnou zhodou okolností sa stalo, že v roku 2018 zomreli hereckí predstavitelia oboch hlavných mužských rolí vynikajúceho filmu Petra Solana Kým sa skončí táto noc  (ešte 5. januára zomrel Marián Labuda). Dančiak s Labudom vytvorili v tomto filme nezabudnuteľnú dvojicu inštalatérov Kvetinku a Miloša hľadajúcich erotické dobrodružstvo v prepychovom nočnom podniku.

V októbri sa uzavrie cyklus Taiwanská sezóna, ktorý pre FILMOTÉKU zostavila hosťujúca kurátorka Kristína Aschenbrennerová. Tento mesiac vás čaká napätie, násilie, nahota a zen. Začneme záhadným Najlepším tajným agentom (1963) bojujúcim proti japonským okupantom. Ako spolu súvisia ženské telo, pomsta a nespravodlivosť, predvedú V spisoch šanghajskej spoločnosti (1981) a Lady Ninja (1982). A spravodlivosť, krásu a zen prinesú Assassin (2001) a Dotyk zenu (1971). Za pomoc a spoluprácu pri organizácii cyklu Taiwanská sezóna ďakujeme Taiwanskému filmovému inštitútu, Ministerstvu kultúry Taiwanu, programu Taiwan Cinema Toolkit a Taipeiskej reprezentačnej kancelárii v Bratislave.

22. októbra sa dožíva 75 rokov jedna z najvýznamnejších francúzskych herečiek druhej polovice 20. storočia Catherine Deneuve. Vo FILMOTÉKE pripomenieme jej herecké umenie hneď siedmimi filmami z rokov 1964 – 2015. Pochopiteľne, tento výber je len zlomkom toho, čo Deneuve vytvorila pre strieborné plátno. Vďaka spolupráci s Francúzskym inštitútom na Slovensku vám však môžeme ponúknuť napríklad zreštaurovanú verziu herečkinho prelomového filmu Dáždničky zo Cherbourgu režiséra Jacquesa Demyho, ktorý získal v roku 1964 Zlatú palmu na festivale v Cannes. Zo šesťdesiatych rokov sú aj filmy Život na zámku  Jeana-Paula Rappeneaua a Benjamin  Michela Devilla. Z nasledujúcej dekády sme zaradili do programu Divocha  (opäť v réžii J.-P. Rappeneaua) a psychologickú drámu s prvkami hororu Stratená duša  Dina Risiho. Do programu sme zaradili aj dva filmy, ktoré Deneuve nakrútila s režisérkou Emmanuelle Bercot v posledných rokoch: Vlastnou cestou  a Hlavu hore.

V októbri vám ponúkneme aj jedinečnú projekciu v rámci cyklu Art of Silent Film. Klasický nemý film Gustava Machatého Erotikon  o spaľujúcej túžbe a vášni bude pri projekcii naživo hudobne sprevádzať zoskupenie plankTune v zložení Martina Kachlová a Paulína Rónaiová. 27. októbra si pripomenieme Svetový deň audiovizuálneho dedičstva projekciou pásma krátkometrážnych filmov vyrobených v roku 1963 (ide zároveň o rok vzniku Slovenského filmového ústavu, ktorého 55. výročie si taktiež vo FILMOTÉKE pripomíname). Uvádzané filmy prešli procesom digitálneho reštaurovania v Slovenskom filmovom ústave. Projekciou chceme poukázať aj na tento rozmer činností Slovenského filmového ústavu. Pri príležitosti výročia inštitúcie sme do programu zazaradili aj projekcie štyroch filmov, na ktorých sa SFÚ podieľal ako koprodukčný partner. Ide o filmy Kauza Cervanová, Felvidék – Horná zem, V tichu  a Válek.

V cykle Double Bill s podtitulom O požičovni mačiek a trianglovom orchestri sa prostredníctvom filmov Postava k podpírání  dvojice režisérov Pavla Juráčka a Jana Schmidta a Prípad Barnabáš Kos  Petra Solana pozrieme na absurdnosti života v minulom režime videné ako analógie obrazov naskicovaných Franzom Kafkom a rozpracovaných autormi absurdných drám. Postava k podpírání je kafkovským obrazom konfrontácie s nešvármi byrokratického aparátu a zaslepenosti ľudí. V Prípade Barnabáša Kosa vypľuje absurdný byrokratický stroj monštrum, umelo podopretú postavu. Profesor Rudolf Urc sa v rámci cyklu Očami filmových spravodajcov venuje tajným službám v akcii a filmová historička Eva Filová v cykle Kraťasy z archívu v pásme osvetových a propagačných filmov zasa téme utužovania tela i ducha.

Priatelia, dúfame, že si z nášho programu vyberiete. Dovidenia v prítmí kinosály.



Október 2018: Sokoliar Tomáš, Hana a jej bratia, Kruté radosti, Nič nekrváca večne, O dve slabiky pozadu, Slnečný štát


Dvadsaťpäť rokov slovenskej kinematografie je príležitosťou na bilancovanie, obrátenie sa späť a k návratu k filmovej tvorbe týchto rokov. Môžeme napísať, že súčasný stav slovenskej kinematografie je dobrý, predovšetkým z pohľadu toho, s akými problémami sa borila v 90. rokoch. Dá sa povedať, že v tej dobe prežívala až hibernovala. Okrem Martina Šulíka, ktorý bol v tom čase jediným pravidelne nakrúcajúcim filmárom, bolo v 90. rokoch nakrútených minimum kinofilmov. Dôvody sú všeobecne známe a súvisia so spoločenskou situáciou na Slovensku. Po roku 2000 sa situácia začala postupne zlepšovať, aj vďaka nástupu mladých talentovaných tvorcov dokumentárnych filmov, ktoré boli oceňované aj v zahraničí. Dnes už vidieť v slovenskej kinematografii určitú mieru diferenciácie (aj vďaka zvýšenému počtu nakrútených titulov). Vznikajú divácky úspešné filmy, aj umelecky hodnotné filmy, oceňované na zahraničných festivaloch.


Double Bill: O požičovni mačiek a trianglovom orchestri (DB)

Október 2018: Postava k podpírání; Prípad Barnabáš Kos


Skrz dva filmy tohtomesačného Double Bill-u sa absurdno nesie ako temný tieň znepokojenia a pocitu odcudzenia. To čo Kafka naskicoval ako obraz sveta a autori absurdných drám ešte dolaďovali, sa nám nakoniec ukázalo ako schizofrénne 20. storočie. Postava k podpírání je kafkovským obrazom konfrontácie s nešvármi byrokratického aparátu a zaslepenosti ľudí. V Prípade Barnabáša Kosa vypľuje absurdný byrokratický stroj monštrum, umelo podopretú postavu.


Slovenský filmový rok 1968 (SFR1968)

Október 2018: Týždeň vo filme 11/1968; Volanie démonov; Týždeň vo filme 16/1968; Zakliata dolina; Čas, ktorý žijeme; Týždeň vo filme 20/1968; Rok na dedine


Rok 1968 má pre moderné (česko)slovenské dejiny zásadný význam. V auguste sme si pripomenuli 50. výročie okupácie Česko-Slovenska, vpádu vojsk Varšavskej zmluvy na naše územie. Vo FILMOTÉKE sme sa rozhodli pozrieť sa bližšie na to, ako vyzeral „slovenský filmový rok 1968“. Náš komponovaný program by mal čo najvernejšie evokovať kinoprevádzku spred päťdesiatich rokov. Budeme premietať programové bloky pozostávajúce z dobových týždenníkov (vydaní Týždňa vo filme), krátkometrážnych filmov a dlhometrážnych filmov. Program nášho cyklu kopíruje distribučný rok 1968, to znamená, že filmy uvádzame chronologicky podľa dátumu ich premiéry v slovenských kinách v roku 1968. V októbri budete môcť vidieť detektívku Volanie démonov Andreja Lettricha o vyšetrovaní požiaru v nábytkárskej továrni a vraždy dvoch zamestnancov podniku. Aj v tomto filme sa objavili protagonisti kapitán Jakubec (Ladislav Chudík) a poručík Michalko (Viliam Polónyi), podobne ako v predošlých Lettrichových detektívkach Smrť prichádza v daždi (1965) a Vrah zo záhrobia (1966). Dokumentárny film Čas, ktorý žijeme skupiny režisérov (Ivan Húšťava, Vlado Kubenko, Ladislav Kudelka, Otakar Krivánek a Jaroslav Pogran) zachytáva obrodný proces v Česko-Slovensku v roku 1968. Je to sugestívna výpoveď o spoločnosti, defilé politikov, jednoduchých ľudí a záznam historických udalostí od zimy 1967–68 do leta 1968. Napokon premietneme aj Rok na dedine Martina Ťapáka a Karola L. Zachara. Film ponúka prierez zvykmi, hudbou, spevom a tancami slovenského ľudu v priebehu štyroch ročných období. Filmový kaleidoskop slovenského folklóru ukazuje ako sa na Slovensku ľudia zabávali, smútili, ako oslavovali či pochovávali svoje nádeje.


Taiwanská sezóna (TS)

Október 2018: Najlepší tajný agent; V spisoch šanghajskej spoločnosti; Lady Ninja; Assassin; Dotyk zenu


Z Taiwanu pochádza viacero významných filmárov a dôležitých filmov. V septembri a októbri by sme vám radi predstavili spolu 11 filmov z nich. Výber sa tiahne naprieč dekádami, ako aj žánrami. Prosto, wuxia, romantika a spoločenská kritika od 60. rokov 20. storočia po nedávno... V októbri nás čaká napätie, násilie, nahota a zen. Začneme záhadným Najlepším tajným agentom (1963) bojujúcim proti japonským okupantom. Ako súvisia ženské telo, pomsta a nespravodlivosť predvedú V spisoch šanghajskej spoločnosti (1981) a Lady Ninja (1982). A spravodlivosť, krásu a zen prinesú Assassin (2001) a Dotyk zenu (1971). Za pomoc a spoluprácu pri organizácii cyklu Taiwanská sezóna ďakujeme Taiwanskému filmovému inštitútu, Ministerstvu kultúry Taiwanu, programu Taiwan Cinema Toolkit a Taipeiskej reprezentačnej kancelárii v Bratislave.


Výročia osobností: Catherine Deneuve (VOCD)

Október 2018: Dáždničky zo Cherbourgu; Život na zámku; Benjamin; Divoch; Stratená duša; Vlastnou cestou; Hlavu hore

V októbri oslávi významná francúzska herečka Catherine Deneuve 75. narodeniny (nar. 22. 10. 1943). Počas svojej kariéry sa stala jednou z najvýznamnejších francúzskych herečiek druhej polovice 20. storočia. Vo filmoch sa začala objavovať už od roku 1956 (najskôr pod menom Catherine Dorléac). Prelomovou bola jej rola vo filme Jacquesa Demyho Dáždničky zo Cherbourgu. Film získal v roku 1964 Zlatú palmu na festivale v Cannes.Živote na zámku stvárnila Deneuve Marie, znudenú ženičku žijúcu počas 2. svetovej vojny s jej manželom Jérômom na vidieku. Marie sa túži dostať do Paríža. Kurizujú jej francúzsky špión, člen odboja a tiež nemecký veliteľ skupiny vojakov, ktorá zabrala ich Jérômov a jej dom. Benjamin Michela Devilla z roku 1968 rozpráva príbeh odohrávajúci sa v 18. storočí o mladíkovi, ktorý v prichádza žiť k svojej tete – grófke. Jej milenec ho školí v umení zvádzať a Benjamin sa vydáva testovať novonadobudnuté poznatky v praxi. Catherine Deneuve tu hrala postavu Anne, dievčaťa z vyšších vrstiev, sirotu, po ktorej túži aj gróf. V roku 1975 stvárnila Deneuve postavu Nelly v dobrodružno-romantickej komédii Jeana-Paula Rappeneaua Divoch o žene, ktorá uteká od svojho násilníckeho snúbenca. V Stratenej duši Dina Risiho (1977) hrala Deneuve po boku Vittoria Gassmana. Vo filme stvárnili tetu a strýka protagonistu Tina, ktorý prichádza bývať k nim do Benátok a odhaľuje tajomstvo záhadného domu. Vo FILMOTÉKE uvedieme aj dva novšie filmy s Catherine Deneuve, oba od režisérky Emmanuelle Bercot. Vo filme Vlastnou cestou sa šesťdesiatnička Bettie vydáva na cestu po tom, čo ju opustil milenec a jej rodinná reštaurácia má problémy. Vo filme Hlavu hore hrá Deneuve sudkyňu Florence, ktorá sa spolu so sociálnym pracovníkom Yannom snaží pomôcť vzdorovitému Malonymu. Ďakujeme Francúzskemu inštitútu za spoluprácu pri zostavení cyklu venovaného Catherine Deneuve.

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Secret Service in Action

Tajné služby v akcii; rôzni, 1946 – 1959, OV (sk) | filmotéka; 1946, versions: OR

Slovak documentary shorts. Show more

2D OR 15
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Before Tonight Is Over

Kým sa skončí táto noc; Peter Solan, 1965, versions: OR : ces, deu, slk

A film examining the feelings of different people spending the night in a fancy night club. It is a story of two young administrative workers saving their money throughout the year to spend a few carefree days; two plumbers seeking erotic pleasure; a construction-site manager embezzling the wages of all his team; an unacknowledged inventor and a former major of the British Army who becomes alcohol-addict due to the political oppression of the post-war period. Show more

2D OR 15
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Kauza Cervanová; Robert Kirchhoff, 2013, versions: SV : slk

Truth is simple, lies are complex. Normalization is an expedition into the dark depths of the publicly known and still publicized case of abduction and murder of a young medical student from 1976. Docu-tragedy on the right for justice is also looking for the truth in the labyrinth of lies. Show more

2D SV 15
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The Best Secret Agent

Tianzi di yi hao; Chang Ying, 1964, versions: SS

The first Taiwanese-language spy film produced in Taiwan, The Best Secret Agent is a remake of the 1945 movie of the same name that caused a sensation in Shanghai. Fueled by a dog-eat-dog plot and the changing faces of the “female spy” protagonist, the film has been likened to a Taiwanese version of the 007 movies. The film broke box office records in Taiwan and kick-started the popularity of Taiwanese-language spy movies for years to come. The Japanese occupation has been and still is providing a historical for all sorts of films produced by the countries of East and South- East Asian region. Here, young woman Tsui-Ying flees with her father from the Japanese occupation. She meets a young man, Ling-Yun, and falls in love, yet suddenly chooses to him and marries a traitor who serves the Japanese. She gets to live in a household threatened by regular assassination attempts as well as anti-Japanese spies. Show more

SS 12
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Felvidek: Caught in Between

Felvidék - Horná zem; Vladislava Plančíková, 2014, OV (sk + maď.) | filmotéka; Vladislava Plančíková, 2014, versions: OR

In her documentary on Hungarian-Slovak relations, Vladislava Plancíková focuses on the word "felvidék", which refers to the now non-existent northern part of Austro-Hungary. In a personal collage consisting of the stories of members of her Slovak-Hungarian family and of visual references to historical events, she follows the eventful and today often taboo history of the post-war fate of Hungarians on Slovak soil. The abstract topic grabs our interest not only through the witnesses' testimony, but also by using thre novel technique of animating real objects, including a number of contemporary and modern photographs. Show more

2D OR 12
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Demons Are Calling

Volanie démonov; Andrej Lettrich, 93´, 1967, OV (sk) | filmotéka; Andrej Lettrich, 1967, versions: OR

A detective story about the investigation of the causes of a fire that broke out at a furniture factory and searching for the murderers of its two employees. Show more

2D OR 15
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In Silence

V tichu; Zdeněk Jiráský, 2014, OV (sk) | filmotéka; Zdeněk Jiráský, 2014, versions: OR

In Silence is a stylised docu-drama drawing on the lives of actual Jewish musicians in Czechoslovakia and Germany who were persecuted during the Holocaust. In Silence depicts the contrast between the happy, joyful life and the suffering and humiliation in the concentration camps where music was the only instrument that helped people to survive or alleviate the fear of impending death. Show more

2D OR 12
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Válek; Patrik Lančarič, 2018, versions: OR

Miroslav Válek is a significant personality who in the past century left such a mark on Slovak culture that not to come to terms with him would mean leaving his essential role without any reflection. the film makes a responsible and objective contribution to this reflection. Válek’s “inner conflict” constitutes the basic starting point of the film. the conflict between Válek the poet and Válek the politician. the conflict between the intimate and the public, and vice versa. Show more

2D OR 12
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On the Society Files of Shanghai

Shanghai shehui dang'an; Wang Chu-Chin, 1981, OV (mandarín.) + AT, Taiwanská sezóna; Wang Chu-Chin, 1981, versions: ES

In Shanghai, Hai-Nan, son of a Chinese official, is found stabbed on the street. But when the culprit, Li-Fang, is apprehended, she refuses to reveal her motives. Meanwhile, a police officer grows suspicious of the officials’ rush to close the case. As he searches for leads in the case files, a shocking truth about Li-Fang is revealed. Adapted from the “scar literature” of Mainland China, this anti- communist film uses a woman’s drastic change in personality after she is raped as an allusion to the Mainland’s political corruption. The film is an important addition to the s. c. Black Movies or Social-Realist Movies that became popular through 1979-1983. Show more

ES 15
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Thomas the Falconer

Sokoliar Tomáš; Václav Vorlíček, 2000, OV (sk) + AT; Václav Vorlíček, 2000, versions: ES

A historical co-production with fairy tale elements. It concentrates on Tomás (Brano Holícek), a 14-year-old boy who lives beneath the castle of the powerful Lord Balador (Juraj Kukura). The boy is able to communicate with animals, and he tries to obtain the royal falcon - a symbol of freedom and faith. He also falls in love with Balador's daughter Formina (Klára Jandová), a girl who is to be married off against her will. Show more

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The Challange of the Lady Ninja

Nü renzhi (Lang nushen long jian); Lee Tso-Nam, 1982, OV (mandarín.) + AT, Taiwanská sezóna; Lee Tso-Nam, 1982, versions: ES

A martial arts sexploitation film wrapped in revenge and patriotism, The Challenge of the Lady Ninja’s story takes place in an imaginary world that uses China during WWII as its backdrop. The film was a commercial success for its fast-food-style fighting sequences and erotic elements, especially of the main heroine, the alluring warrior in hot red ninja garb, who also has the special skill set of spinning out of her clothes and fighting in her bikini when battling fearsome opponents. During the Japanese occupation of China, Xiao-Hui receives training in the martial art of ninjutsu in Japan, and becomes the first Chinese lady ninja. When she learns of her father’s death, she returns to Shanghai and discovers that her fiancé, Li Tong, has betrayed her and the country. To take revenge, Xiao-Hui gathers a group of female warriors to kill Tong. However, Tong’s real role in the whole scheme is yet to be revealed… Show more

ES 15
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The Barnabáš Kos Case

Prípad Barnabáš Kos; Peter Solan, 1964, versions: OR : slk

A satirical tragicomedy criticising hypocrisy, intrigues and provincial life-style. Barnabáš Kos is the triangle player in a big symphony orchestra who is unexpectedly appointed its director. The modest musician resists but soon he realizes what kinds of behaviour form the inevitable rules governing people´s careers. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Time We Are Living

Čas, ktorý žijeme; rôzni, 1968, OV (sk); Director: various, 1968, versions: OR

A full-length documentary about the Czechoslovak reviving process of 1968. A vivid report on society, its politics and ordinary people. An account of the historical events between the winter of 1967 and the summer of 1968. Show more

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Hannah and Her Brothers

Hana a jej bratia; Vladimír Adásek, 2001, OV (sk) + AT; Vladimír Adásek, 2001, versions: OR , ES

The film Hannah and Her Brothers is a joyous and poetic story about a „prison in freedom“, set in an urban environment. The story follows two lines – one of them taking place in a cabaret and the other one in the family of the main character Martin. The characters in the cabaret live as if in an entirely different world compared to that of Martin’s crazy family. Through Martin’s eyes we meet his parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins but also people living in the streets that he meets every day. Each character of this story has their own problems and resolves them in their own peculiar ways. Martin, surrounded by the net of these complicated relationships, searches for someone with a little understanding. > Legend: QFaK - Queer Film and Context Show more

2D OR ES 15
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Cinema Time VIII: How we improved body and mind

Kino čas VIII: Ako sme utužovali telo i ducha; rôzni, 1954 – 1965, OV (sk); Director: various, 1954, versions: OR

Slovak documentary shorts. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Assassin

Nie yin niang; Hou Hsiao-Hsien, 2015, OV (mandarín.) + ST (cz); Siao-sien Chou, 2015, versions: CS

9th century China. 10-year-old general’s daughter Nie Yinniang is abducted by a nun who initiates her into the martial arts, transforming her into an exceptional assassin charged with eliminating cruel and corrupt local governors. One day, she is sent back to the land of her birth with orders to kill the man to whom she was once promised – a cousin who now leads the largest military region in north China. After 13 years of exile, she must confront her parents, her memories and her long-repressed feelings. Nie Yin- niang must choose: sacrifice the man she loves or break forever with the sacred way of the righteous assassins. A slow burner narrated in stunning images and looks of Shu Qi and Chang Cheh, The Assassin is in no wan an action extravaganza with flying masters of secret arts. Show more

2D CS 15
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Cruel Joys

Kruté radosti; Juraj Nvot, 2002, OV (sk) + FT; Juraj Nvota, 2002, versions: OR

This simple story is the feature debut for well-known Slovak theater and television director Juraj Nvota. Set in a Slovak village at the turn of the last century, the story teems with passion, and repressed and hidden emotion. It delves into the search for identity, investigating both love and hatred, while dramatizing the tragic relationship between an adolescent girl and her ambitious father. Set against the striking though simple backdrop of a picturesque, even idyllic, landscape - one ostensibly cut off from any important historical, political, or social context whatsoever - the arrival of an unwanted individual evokes the onset of a cruel drama. Show more

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A Touch of Zen

Xia nü; King Hu, 1971, OV (mandarín.), AT + eST, Taiwanská ; King Hu, 1971, versions: SS

Zen must be understood not through verbal explanation, but through an enlightening experience. That is an idea that starches through the story of three fugitives, a scholar and two martial artists falsely accused of crime by an evil Eunuch. A Touch of Zen might not be the first or ground breaking within the wuxia genre nor filmography of its director King Hu, but is definitely is a most special one. If the many talents of wuxia heroes make them legends, A Touch of Zen is a kind of a legend of the legends. Not only its story carries several ideological layers, it is one of the most beautiful films made so far. The way King Hu works with the camera and employs the editing became a source of inspiration and school for masters of Hong Kong action cinema (Tsui Hark, John Woo), it is to be seen in modern wuxia films of Zhang Yimou (Hero, House of the Flying Daggers), of masterful Hidden Tiger Crouching Dragon by Ang Lee; and it doesn`t stop there – just watch the films of Ann Hui or Hou Hsiao-Hsien (n.b. Assassin) carefully. Show more

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Erotikon; Gustav Machatý, 85´, 1929, nemý + + živá hudba; Gustav Machatý, 1929, versions: CS , OR

Andrea is a young virgin who lives with her railwayman father. She is afraid of strangers, and is horrified when her father lets a young gentleman, Georg, stay overnight to escape from the rain storm outside. Her father goes off to work his shift leaving his daughter and the young man together. In the middle of the night, after she is woken up by a telephone call, Georg seduces Andrea, and leaves her the following morning to return to the city and his married lover Gilda. Andrea is left pregnant and alone and, rather than dishonour her father, wanders off to have her child. When it is stillborn, she seems at her lowest ebb, only for her to be attacked by a couple of would-be rapists. She’s rescued by another man, Gateman, who receives a serious injury from the assailants. Once fully recovered, indebted to each other, Gateman and Andrea marry, only for Georg to turn up and Andrea to realise she’s still in love with him. Show more

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A Year In The Countryside

Rok na dedine; Martin Ťapák, Karol L. Zachar, 1967, OV (sk) | filmotéka; Martin Ťapák, Karol L. Zachar, 1967, versions: OR

A mosaic of tradition, music, songs and dances of the Slovaks in the course of the four seasons of the years; it is a picture of the Slovak folklore reflecting the way people mourned or celebrated, and how they lived for or buried their hopes. > Show more

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Nothing bleeds forever

Nič nekrváca večne; Matej Hradský, 2003, versions: OR

Four young students depressed by bad economic situation are setting forward to search for the magnificent TREASURE of the AGES. Thanks to the Map they are getting through the darksome Slovak woods heading a mysterious castle, however they find out that the castle still has got its guardian. Show more

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Two Syllables Behind

O dve slabiky pozadu; Katarína Šulajová, 2004, OV (rôzne) + AT; Katarína Šulajová, 2004, versions: OR

It is a story of Zuza, a student of History of Arts, and her roaming between relationships, people, reality and fiction, and above all, a story about her struggle to find in all that confusion herself. The film is a mosaic of real and dreamlike situations, in which Zuza gets confused in her effort to obtain from life as much as she can in the shortest possible time. She wants to study, to find and enjoy the love of her life, to earn big money and to substitute her dysfunctional family with something else. The story takes place in present day Bratislava and Paris. Zuza is not a typical "poor" student. Besides studying, she earns her living as a dubbing actress and it seems she has got everything. She is independent, financially secure, popular, but in spite of all that she just wanders in her life from one place to another, from one person to the next one. She has neither permanent relationships, nor strong family ties and security that would bring a bit of order into her chaotic existence. The only exception is her eccentric grandmother Erzsebet, for whom Zuza cares dearly and who gradually reveals Zuza how to get out of the vicious circle where she is pointlessly seeking her happiness. Show more

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Etat de soleil

Slnečný štát; Martin Šulík, 2005, versions: OR : ces, slk

Set in the present, the four ordinary men in this story find themselves at crossroads in their lives. Karel, Tomas, Milan, and Vinc were once seduced by the possibility of making money in Ostrava's cosmopolitan melting pot. But times are changing - the company has offered their jobs to foreign workers. The friends try to solve their job loss by going into business themselves. But instead of the success they expected, they only sink deeper into debt and go through a number of unpleasant events that testify to their inexperience and naivety. Even their private lives become complicated. Personal crises and an inability to adapt to new conditions are the hallmarks of life in the real world, an environment scarred by existential uncertainty in a once rich industrial city... Show more

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The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

Les parapluies de Cherbourg; Jacques Demy , 1964, OV (franc.) + AT; Jean-Paul Rappeneau, 1964, versions: ES

A young woman separated from her lover by war faces a life-altering decision. Show more

2D ES 12
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Chateau Life

La vie de château; Jean-Paul Rappeneau, 1966, OV OV (franc. + angl. + nem.) + ST (sk); Jean-Paul Rappeneau, 1966, versions: SS

In the countryside near Normandy's beaches lives Marie, unhappy. It's 1944, she's married to Jérôme, a somewhat fussy milquetoast, diffident to the war around him and unwilling to move his wife to Paris, where she longs to live, shop, and party. A German outfit is bivouacked at Jérôme and Marie's crumbling château because its commanding officer is pursuing Marie. She's also eyed by a French spy working with the Allies as they plan D-Day. He woos her (posing to the Germans as her brother) and, in his passion, forgets his mission. Heroics come from an unexpected direction, and Marie makes her choice. Show more

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Benjamin ou Les mémoires d'un puceau; Michel Deville, 1968, OV (franc.) + ST (sk); Michel Deville, 1968, versions: SS

France, 1750s; Benjamin has spent his entire childhood and early adolescence in the sole company of his tutor Camille. Now that he is 17, he must go to live with his aunt Countess of Valandry and her lover, a Don Juan, Count Philippe de Saint-Germain, two wealthy aristocrats, at the château de Valandry. When he arrives at his aunt's estate, he is as pure as a boy of his age can be and his relatives' libertine lifestyle comes as a surprise to him. Fortunately for him, there is an abundance of attractive young women who are more than willing to help him make the transition from boyhood to manhood. After all, it is the duty of those who know to teach those who know not. It amuses Benjamin that Comte de Saint-Germain should throw over his mistress and go chasing after a younger woman, Anne, an orphan. Amid the wild revelry of a party, Anne offers herself to Benjamin to complete his initiation in the ways of love - before she takes the count as her husband. Show more

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1963; rôzni, 1963, OV (sk); Director: various, 1963, versions: OR

Slovak Film Institute is celebrating the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage by special screening on 27th October in Kino Lumière, the Cinema of the Slovak Film Institute, a selection of the digitally restored short documentary films produced in 1963, which is also the year of establishment of the Slovak Film Institute. The films, are part of the collection of the National Film Archive of the Slovak Film Institute (SFI) and were digitally restored mostly in the recent past. Films in this program: Chlapi z Gaderskej doliny (dir. Ladislav Kudelka), Kuchári (dir. Ivan Húšťava), Predčasná reportáž (dir. Jaroslav Pogran), Rozhovor (dir. Otakar Krivánek), Ruky (dir. Jozef Zachar), Voda a práca (dir. Martin Slivka). Show more

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The Savage

Le sauvage; Jean-Paul Rappeneau, 1975, OV (franc.) + AT; Jean-Paul Rappeneau, 1975, versions: ES

Caracas, Venezuela. Just after her engagement with Vittorio, Nelly runs away from him. As he pursued her, she looks for help to Martin, a French middle-aged man she met by accident. He helps her to escape and drives her to the airport and gives her a plane ticket to Paris. Then he thinks he can go back to his peaceful lonely life on his island. Of course, he is wrong and will be bothered again by Nelly... Show more

2D ES 12
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The Forbidden Room

Anima persa; Dino Risi, 1977, OV (tal.) + ST (sk); Dino Risi, 1977, versions: OR

Bizarre events keep occurring in an old mansion, and it's soon obvious that something mysterious is up in the attic. Show more

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On My Way

Elle s’en va; Emmanuelle Bercot, 2012, OV (franc.) + AT; Emmanuelle Bercot, 2012, versions: ES

Facing a failed relationship and a struggling restaurant, a woman hits the road for a trip with her grandson. Show more

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Standing Tall

La tête haute; Emmanuelle Bercot, 2015, OV (franc.) + ST (cz); Emmanuelle Bercot, 2015, versions: CS

A juvenile judge and a special educator are convinced that they can save the young delinquent Malony from himself and his violent ways. Show more

2D CS 15