Mittel Cinema Fest 2018

22. - 26. november 2018

Mittel Cinema Fest ponúkne počas piatich dní deväť hraných filmov rôznych žánrov, ktoré mali v Taliansku premiéru v aktuálnom roku 2018, získali ocenenia na rôznych festivaloch a niektoré na svoje uvedenie do domácej distribúcie ešte len čakajú. Okrem filmov renomovaných režisérov ako Mario Martone, Roberto Andò či Matteo Garrone dostanú už tradične priestor aj snímky novej generácie tvorcov. 

„Film je forma vyjadrenia spojená s každodenným životom, často ide príbehy, ktoré sú nám blízke, prihovárajú sa nám a nútia nás k zamysleniu. Filmové diela sú zrkadlom doby, v ktorej žijeme, čo platí aj pre snímky uvádzané v rámci 16. ročníka stredoeurópskeho festivalu talianskeho filmu -  Mittel Cinema Fest,“ povedal taliansky veľvyslanec na Slovensku Gabriele Meucci.

Šestnásty ročník prehliadky stredoeurópskeho festivalu talianskeho filmu Mittel Cinema Fest bude prebiehať od 22. do 26. novembra 2018 v kine Lumiere.

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Marcello Mencarini: Paparazzi a Dolce Vita | Mittel Cinema Fest

Marcello Mencarini: Paparazzi a Dolce Vita;

Masterclass to an exhibition Roma Suitcase. In Italian and Slovak only. Show more

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We’ll Be Young and Beautiful

Saremmo giovani e bellissimi; Letizia Lamartire, 2018, versions: SS

In the 90s, Isabella was eighteen and a star. 20 years later, she is still singing those same songs in small town bars with her son Bruno, playing guitar. It's because of him that her career stopped. At least it's what she tells herself. Show more

2D SS 15
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Naliehavé zjavenie | Mittel Cinema Fest

Troppa grazia; Gianni Zanasi, 2018,

-Lucia, a single mother, struggles to find the right balance between her teenage daughter, a complicated love story and her career as a geometer. Her professional future is compromised when she realizes that the future construction of an ambitious building turns out to be dangerous for the environment because of the inaccurate topographic maps of the city council. Show more

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Capri-Revolution | Mittel Cinema Fest 2018

Capri-Revolution; Mario Martone, 2018, versions: SS

Nachádzame sa v roku 1914, Taliansko sa chystá vstúpiť do vojny. Komunita mladých severoeurópanov našla na ostrove Capri ideálne miesto pre svoje skúmanie života a umenia. Ostrov však má svoju vlastnú a silnú identitu, stelesnenú v mladej pastierke kôz Lucii (Marianna Fontana). Film rozpráva príbeh tohto dievčaťa, ktoré sa vďaka túžbe po slobode dokáže odpútať od rodiny a pričleniť sa k záhadnej komunite vedenej maliarom Seybuom (Reinout Scholten van Aschat). Jedinečný ostrov Capri je na začiatku dvadsiateho storočia ako magnet priťahujúci každého, kto cíti túžbu po ideálnom svete, podobne ako Rusi, ktorí sa tu ako vyhnanci pripravujú na revolúciu. Ceny a festivaly: Annecy Cinema Italien 2018: Prima; Busan International Film Festival 2018: World Cinema; La Biennale di Venezia 2018: Venezia 75 - Premio Francesco Pasinetti, Premio ARCA Cinemagiovani, Premio Lizzani Show more

2D SS 15
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Dogman; Matteo Garrone, 2018, versions: CS

Marcello, a small and gentle dog groomer, finds himself involved in a dangerous relationship of subjugation with Simone, a former violent boxer who terrorizes the entire neighborhood. In an effort to reaffirm his dignity, Marcello will submit to an unexpected act of vengeance. Show more

2D Stream CS 15
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Hosť | Mittel Cinema Fest

L’ospite; Duccio Chiarini,

A bitter-sweet late coming of age about the problems of modern-day love. Show more

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Ukradnutý Caravaggio | Mittel Cinema Fest

Una storia senza nome; Roberto Andò, 2018,

Valeria is a ghostwriter for a screenwriter lacking inspiration. When she gets a plot of a new film by a mysterious character, an exciting intrigue starts. Show more

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Šťastný Lazzaro | Mittel Cinema Fest

Lazzaro felice; Alice Rohrwacher, 2018, versions: OR , CS : ita

Lazarro is a young man so kind and honest that he almost comes across as stupid. He lives in a remote corner of Italy in an isolated community of farmers that lost contact with the outside world decades ago. They diligently work for their cunning mistress without any wages, education or decent life conditions. However, as they have no frame of reference, they live a relatively happy life. Once the group of enslaved villagers is accidentally discovered by the police, the farmers discover the liethey’ve been living and set out for the city to fulfill their dreams. While the others are going through a reality check, Lazarro still remains almost movingly honest and inartificial in the midst of the modern world, a remnant of a past long lost. The magical film by Alice Rohrwacher paying an impressive homage to classical cinema won the prize for best screenplay at last year’s Cannes Festival. Show more

2D Stream OR CS 15
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Muž, ktorý kúpil Mesiac | Mittel Cinema Fest

L’uomo che comprò la luna; Paolo Zucca, 2018,

A Sardinian fisherman has promised the moon to the woman he loves. And Sardinian men always keep their promises. Show more

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Keď chlapci plačú | Mittel Cinema Fest

La terra dell’abbastanza; Damiano D'Innocenzo, Fabio D'Innocenzo, 2018, versions: SS : ita

Mirko and Manolo are best friends and live in the suburbs of Rome. They both live in poor conditions with their single parents, are still in school and struggle with occasional odd jobs to make ends meet. Together they share dreams of women, of sex and money, of a better life to come. After killing a man in a hit-and-run one night, they get involved with the local mafia and their lives change dramatically. Soon they find themselves doing the dirty work for their new bosses and have fresh blood on their hands. But lured by the dreams of easy money and illusions of a thriving career, they fail to realize the consequences of their choice. Show more

2D SS 15