Festival One World 2018

19. ročník Medzinárodného festivalu dokumentárnych filmov Jeden svet
11. - 16. 10. 2018

Lístky sú v predaji len vo festivalovej pokladni v priestoroch kina. Cena vstupenky: 3,00 €. Festivalová pokladňa je otvorená denne 30 min. pred prvým premietaním do začiatku posledného filmu.

Od vraždy novinára Jána Kuciaka a jeho snúbenice, archeologičky Martiny Kušnírovej, ubehlo vyše pol roka. Tá vražda a reakcia spoločnosti na ňu sa stali momentom, ktorý definuje dnešné dni. O vrahovi Jána a Martiny vieme po šiestich mesiacoch rovnako málo, ako v to ráno vo februári, ale o spoločnosti, v ktorej žijeme, sme sa za pol roka dozvedeli dosť. Toto poznanie sa pokúsi rozšíriť Medzinárodný festival dokumentárnych filmov Jeden svet, ktorý sa uskutoční od 11. do 16. októbra 2018 v Bratislave a od 15. do 18. októbra v Košiciach. Už 19 rokov otvára témy slobody, demokracie a ľudských práv. Tento rok ho venujeme spomienke na Jána a Martinu. „Tematicky festival, tak ako každý rok, reaguje na aktuálne dianie a naša nová provokatívna téma SHUT UP! má upozorňovať na hlas tých, ktorých chcú „mocní“ umlčať a vyzývať, aby sme neostali ticho,“ vysvetľuje nová riaditeľka Jedného sveta, režisérka a aktivistka Diana Fabiánová. „Každý z nás je zodpovedný za krajinu, v ktorej žije. Svojim konaním alebo mlčaním ju formujeme, dávame najavo, čo je tolerovateľné a čo nie. Festival Jeden svet odmieta mlčať. Prináša filmy a diskusie na témy, ktoré sa v našej spoločnosti „utultávajú“. Bude to 6 dní plných informácii, inšpirácii a podnetov, ako sa aktívne podieľať na zmene k rovnoprávnej a empatickej spoločnosti,“ dodáva.
Reaguje na to aj nová séria vizuálov festivalu Jeden svet, pod ktorú sa podpísal medzinárodne oceňovaný ukrajinský dizajnér Mykola Kovalenko, ktorý pre neslobodu opustil rodnú Ukrajinu. Spolu s jeho slovenskou domovskou reklamnou agentúrou Respect APP iniciovali unikátny projekt SHUT UP!, do ktorého sa zapojilo takmer 400 grafických dizajnérov zo 40 krajín a vytvorilo dielo-plagát ako spomienku na tragickú vraždu dvoch mladých, nevinných ľudí na Slovensku. Každé jedno dielo, či už z Číny, Iránu, Ruska, Ekvádoru, Švajčiarska alebo Jordánska aj Kanady pripomína, aká krehká je sloboda. Stovka z nich tvorí kolekciu, ktorá teraz ako výstava obchádza svet a bude aj súčasťou Jedného sveta.
Minulý rok sa filmového maratónu zúčastnilo okolo 10-tisíc divákov. Tento rok sa návštevníci môžu tešiť na 64 snímok v 6 sekciách, ktoré budú uvedené na Slovensku po prvýkrát, mnohé z nich za osobnej účasti zahraničných aj domácich tvorcov ako aj na vyše 20 sprievodných podujatí. Ambíciou 19. ročníka festivalu pod novým vedením Diany Fabiánovej je ponúknuť okrem silných filmových titulov aj čo najviac interaktívneho programu, vďaka ktorému sa z publika stanú angažovaní účastníci a účastníčky. Tento priestor vznikne na nových masterclassoch, workshopoch, multigeneračných premietaniach spojených s diskusiami a na prednáškach na pálčivé témy s hosťami. V programe sa odzrkadlí aj spolupráca s UNHCR, Minority Rights Group či knižným vydavateľstvom Absynt a kníhkupectvom Artforum.
Hlavným organizátorom festivalu Jeden svet je organizácia Človek v ohrození. Festival Jeden svet je jediným kultúrno-vzdelávacím podujatím na Slovensku, ktoré sa komplexne zaoberá ľudskoprávnymi a globálnymi témami.

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Spýtaj sa vašich; Barbora Berezňáková, 2018, OV (sk) ; Barbora Berezňáková, 2018, versions: OR

“Czechoslovakia and its socialist past is part of our mentality and we are in need of social reflection. The events of August 1968 are still alive in the memories of our parents and grandparents. They influenced their possibilities in life, their values, thinking and nonetheless the country to which we were born. We wanted to go beyond the history books and make the events more relatable through ʻregularʼ people and their stories, family histories, their fate and intentions that are still shaping up our country today.” Show more

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Pre-Crime; Monika Hielscher, 2017, versions: CS

We are almost constantly being watched by cameras in the city streets. Our computers collect and provide us with all personal data: what we like, who we meet and what we did last month. Police in several world capitals have already systematically linked this information together in an attempt to reduce crime. All the collected details from the lives of monitored citizens determine whether the police will preventively evaluate them as likely criminals or potential victims of a crime. But are 21st-century technologies really protecting us against evil or helping to deepen prejudice and social tensions? Show more

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need for meat

Vleesverlangen; Marijn Frank, 2015, OV (hol.) + ST; Marijn Frank, 2015, versions: CS

Marijn is a self-proclaimed meat junkie. But she does ask herself questions about her love of meat. What is the difference between the animal and the abstract piece of meat on your plate? Looking her steak in the eyes proves more difficult than expected. Marijn tries to get rid of her meat addiction and goes in search of answers in her film. In this personal and enlightening quest she uses a variety of methods. She takes on an internship at a cattle slaughterhouse, visits a poultry farm, talks to a psychologist and meets with a handsome chef. Her research leads to amusing but also interesting results. Show more

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Až přijde válka + diskusia | Jeden svet

Až přijde válka; Jan Gebert, 2018, OV (sk) + AT; Jan Gebert, 2018, versions: ES

Osemnásťročný Peter býva u rodičov a na prvý pohľad sa nijako neodlišuje od rovesníkov. Cíti sa ako vlastenec a pred niekoľkými rokmi založil organizáciu Slovenskí branci. Jeho intenzívnym vojenským výcvikom uprostred slovenských lesov prešlo vyše dvesto mladých mužov, ktorí hľadajú vedenie a vlastnú identitu. V maskáčoch a s maketami samopalov sa podrobujú jeho autoritatívnym sklonom. Peter verí, že jeho organizácia má budúcnosť, a plánuje jedného dňa odložiť uniformu a osloviť masy ako politik. Film o znepokojivom vzostupe nacionalizmu na Slovensku a o fungovaní moci. Show more

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The Red Soul

The Red Soul, Jessica Gorter, 2017, OV (rus) + AT + eST (cz); Jessica Gorter, 2017, versions: CS

At the end of the 1980s, eight per cent of Russians considered Stalin a great man and hero. Surveys today put this figure at 52 per cent. Millions of people died in labour camps and executions at the hands of Stalin. Nevertheless, in current Russian society there is a tendency to downplay the horrific side of Stalinʼs rule and to focus on his alleged virtues. The Dutch filmmaker Jessica Gorter travelled to Russia on behalf of the people whose families were affected by Stalinʼs terror, even those who believe that Soviet totalitarianism is preferable to democracy. Show more

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All the Dictatorʼs Men

Corée du Nord: Les hommes du dictateur, Marjolaine Grappe, 2018, OV (rôzne) + ST (sk); Marjolaine Grappe, 2018, versions: SS

North Korea has covertly developed a weapon whose secret the superpowers believed they alone possessed: the nuclear bomb. How has this country, ostracized by the international community and one of the worldʼs poorest nations, managed to build up such an arsenal? Five years of investigation will reveal, clearly and simply, the secrets behind the financing of North Koreaʼs nuclear weapons. A film revolving around the testimonies of the men and women at the heart of the system. Show more

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Stateless; Michael Drob, 2014, OV (ang, rus) + ST (sk) ; Michael Drob, 2014, versions: SS

In the late 1980ʼs, on the brink of the collapse of the Soviet Union, tens of thousands of Soviet Jews were finally allowed to leave the USSR. What these people did not expect was that their final destination, America, no longer welcomed them with open arms. In 1988, American policy suddenly changed and thousands of Soviet Jews were stranded in Italy. Stateless. This documentary captures that unique slice of history from the point of view of the émigrés as well as expert accounts of the situation from influential Jewish leaders. Show more

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Aktivisti; Petteri Saario, 2017, OV (fín.) + AT + eST (cz); Petteri Saario, 2017, versions: CS

Riikka lives in a small town in northern Finland, surrounded by a protected area. After a large international mining company shows an interest in metal mining at a national park, the young student decides to act. She must convince of her position several members of the city council, who see the mining company’s offer as an opportunity for local development. Riikka argues in vain that the concessions to industrial mining and the migration of a large labour force pose a threat to the region, and that there will be nothing left of nature for future generations. The documentary follows the story of a motivated girl who, although she experiences her first defeats among adults, confidently continues in her battle. Show more

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Cuban Rafters

Balseros: Carlos Bosch, Josep Maria Domènech, 2002, Ov (špan) + ST (sk); Carlos Bosch, Josep Maria Domènech, 2002, versions: SS

A human adventure of people who are shipwrecked between two worlds. In the summer of 1994, a team of Spanish public television reporters filmed and interviewed seven Cubans a few days before their risky venture of setting out to sea in homemade rafts to reach the coast of the United States. Six made it far enough to be picked up at sea by the U.S. Coast Guard. When these rafters were finally allowed to go to the United States, the film crew went with them to a string of several cities. Seven years later, the film crew visits them again, to discover that their destiny has been in the United States. Show more

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The Cleaners

The Cleaners; Hans Block, Moritz Riesewieck, 2018, OV (ang) + AT + eST (cz) ; Hans Block, Moritz Riesewieck, 2018, versions: CS

Anyone can upload anything to the internet. But not everything will stay. Tens of thousands of cleaners work every day to ensure that users only get to see approved content. Their job is to find and remove anything inappropriate. They are anonymous, but the filmmakers were lucky to get in touch with some “content moderators” that work in Manila, Philippines. Theyʼve seen it all: from child pornography to terrorist. Their inevitable decline in mental health is not the only problem of their job. Where is the line between preventing the spread of evil and pure censorship? Show more

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The End of Meat

The End of Meat – Eine Welt ohne Fleisch: Marc Pierschel, 2017, OV (nem, ang) + AT + eST; Marc Pierschel, 2017, versions: CS

German director Marc Pierschel crosses continents to chart the mutual influence of the animal industry and the shape of our society. The starting point of his exploration is Germany, where the wind of change has so far been strongest. Large chain stores have pure vegan sections, and more and more vegan restaurants are emerging throughout the country. But are people really capable of consistently replacing meat with meatless products? What are the stories of those who have chosen to make this change? The documentary seeks answers among various respondents. Show more

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Hranice práce; Apolena Rychlíková, 2017, OV (cz) + AT ; Apolena Rychlíková, 2017, versions: ES

A hospital laundromat, a poultry company, a supermarket, a razor blade factory and a waste sorting room. Journalist Saša Uhlová spent about a month in each job, enough to discover that people on a minimum wage do not lead very happy lives. They spend almost all their time at work, do overtime, weekend and night shifts, never take breaks, and often work when sick. Lunch or a tram ride are luxuries they can't afford. Poverty is just one aspect of their suffering... Show more

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City of Ghosts

City of Ghosts; Matthew Heineman, 2017, OV (ang., arab.) + AT + eST (cz; Matthew Heineman, 2017, versions: CS

The terrorist Islamic State organization occupied Raqqa in 2014 and made this city their headquarters in Syria. Hamoud, his brother Hassan, and other journalists from the activist group known as “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” risk their own lives to uncover the crimes committed by terrorists and disprove their propaganda. When Islamic State partly uncovers their network, Hamoud and Hassan must leave their hometown. However, they remain connected with their sources in Raqqa and continue to inform the world about life in the city. They gain international recognition for their work, but they are not safe even in exile. Show more

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Nerodič; Jana Počtová, 2017, OV (cz) + AT; Jana Počtová, 2017, versions: ES

“As a little girl, I dreamed of one day having a big family,” says Czech documentary filmmaker Jana Počtová. “Instead, I am getting older and gradually shedding my illusions. And around me I can see that I am definitely not alone.” In her new film she is chiefly concerned with finding an answer to the question of whether or not to have children. And under what conditions is it right to bring them up? This mosaic of non-traditional forms of (non)parenthood suggests that raising children is no longer confined to biological parents and does not need to be divided into traditional mother and father roles. Show more

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Pre-Crime; Monika Hielscher, 2017, versions: CS

We are almost constantly being watched by cameras in the city streets. Our computers collect and provide us with all personal data: what we like, who we meet and what we did last month. Police in several world capitals have already systematically linked this information together in an attempt to reduce crime. All the collected details from the lives of monitored citizens determine whether the police will preventively evaluate them as likely criminals or potential victims of a crime. But are 21st-century technologies really protecting us against evil or helping to deepen prejudice and social tensions? Show more

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The Poetess

The Poetess; Stefanie Brockhaus, Andreas Wolff, 2017, OV (arab) + AT + eST (cz) ; Stefanie Brockhaus, Andreas Wolff, 2017, versions: CS

Millionʼs Poet is no ordinary talent contest. The superstars sought among contestants from Muslim countries do not have to sing or dance, but to recite their own poetry. The professional and lay jury decided that Hissa would become the first woman to take part in the contest, and her bold poems soon made her a star of Western and Arab media. Her open criticism of conservative norms and religious gender taboos earned her enthusiastic applause, but also death threats. The story of a woman who is able to combine her deep religious beliefs with profound criticism of theocratic dogma. Show more

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City of Ghosts

City of Ghosts; Matthew Heineman, 2017, OV (ang., arab.) + AT + eST (cz; Matthew Heineman, 2017, versions: CS

The terrorist Islamic State organization occupied Raqqa in 2014 and made this city their headquarters in Syria. Hamoud, his brother Hassan, and other journalists from the activist group known as “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” risk their own lives to uncover the crimes committed by terrorists and disprove their propaganda. When Islamic State partly uncovers their network, Hamoud and Hassan must leave their hometown. However, they remain connected with their sources in Raqqa and continue to inform the world about life in the city. They gain international recognition for their work, but they are not safe even in exile. Show more

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Blue; Karina Holden, 2017, versions: CS

The ocean is where life on Earth began and its ecosystem has a major impact on the climatic conditions of the entire planet. At first glance it still looks like an unlimited reservoir of life. But over half of the animals have disappeared from the ocean during the last 40 years. The film features various experts who demonstrate how the disruption of one link in this open structure has a chain reaction effect on the others. However, the film is not just a message about the alarming state of our environment; it also depicts the inspirational stories of several people who have decided to become active protectors. Show more

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Rien nʼest pardonné; Vincent Coen, Guillaume Vandenberghe, 2017, OV (fran.) + AT + eST (cz); Vincent Coen, Guillaume Vandenberghe, 2017, versions: CS

Zineb El Rhazoui does not hide her critical views on Islam and religion. To seek freedom of expression she went to France, where she became a columnist at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The film follows a key five-year period of her life from 2011 to 2016. In 2015, Zineb had to overcome the shock of her colleaguesʼ murder. In the coming months, she was confronted with life under constant threat and massive security measures, while also preparing for the birth of her child. Despite losing the illusion of security in the midst of Western society, Zineb remains determined to fight fanaticism. Show more

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Occupation 1968

Okupácia 1968; Director: various, 2018, versions: SS , ES

A documentary project about August 1968 is a collective subjective view on soldiers of the “allied” armies, on the occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968, and on the role the soldiers played in it. The main question is how a “small fry” behaves in the face of a “big story”. What role do their personal responsibility, personal point of view or morals play, and what happens when they have to choose between saving one’s life and obeying orders? Show more

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A Dignified death

‘t Is goed zo; Jesse van Venrooij, 2018, OV (hol.) + ST (sk); Jesse van Venrooij, 2018, versions: SS

Eelco chooses death by legal euthanasia. A film about his mission, breaking the taboos, but also about intense fellowship and farewell. Show more

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Cirkus Rwanda

Cirkus Rwanda; Michal Varga, 2018, versions: OR : mul

Rosťa Novák, the principal of Cirk La Putyka ensemble, father, professional, artistic workaholic and perfectionist, agrees to make a joint project with the Future Vision Acrobats from Rwanda. For the first time in his life, Rosťa heads to the African continent. Right away it becomes clear that this will not be an easy feat. How will he deal with his culture shock? Will he be able to join the European sense for accuracy with the African haughtiness? The new show is about the clash of the two very different cultures. The question, though, is, whether this mutual project will produce winners or losers. Show more

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need for meat

Vleesverlangen; Marijn Frank, 2015, OV (hol.) + ST; Marijn Frank, 2015, versions: CS

Marijn is a self-proclaimed meat junkie. But she does ask herself questions about her love of meat. What is the difference between the animal and the abstract piece of meat on your plate? Looking her steak in the eyes proves more difficult than expected. Marijn tries to get rid of her meat addiction and goes in search of answers in her film. In this personal and enlightening quest she uses a variety of methods. She takes on an internship at a cattle slaughterhouse, visits a poultry farm, talks to a psychologist and meets with a handsome chef. Her research leads to amusing but also interesting results. Show more

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La storia di Irmela, una donna contro il nazismo: Vincenzo Caruso, 2017, OV (nem,. ang.) + ST; Vincenzo Caruso, 2017, versions: SS

Irmela is a peculiar Berlin pensioner. Armed with spray paint, a scraper and cleaning products, she has been fighting tirelessly against hate symbols every day for 30 years. No anti-Semitic posters, swastikas or homophobic slogans are safe from her. The 70-year-old Berliner paints over, scrapes off and erases everything related to discrimination of any kind. Not even neo-Nazi threats or conflicts with law enforcement deter her. The film on the one hand examines the German ultra-right, while on the other presents a psychological portrait of its heroine. Show more

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Mama Colonel

Mama Colonel; Dieudo Hamadi, 2017, OV (svah.) + AT + eST (cz); Dieudo Hamadi, 2017, versions: CS

Colonel Munyole, more commonly known as “Mama Colonel”, works for the Congolese police force and heads the unit for the protection of minors and the fight against sexual violence. Having worked for 15 years in Bukavu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, she learns she is transferred to Kisangani. There, she finds herself faced with new challenges. Through the portrait of this extraordinarily brave and tenacious woman, who fights for justice to be done, this film addresses the issue of violence towards women and children in the DRC and the difficulty of overcoming the past war. Show more

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My Unknown Soldier

Môj neznámy vojak; Anna Kryvenko, 2018, versions: OR

When the armies of Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968, not only Czechoslovak citizens but also the occupiers were suffering, as they were often called in the army at the last minute. Almost 50 years after the unfortunate moment of the European history, we are discovering surprising humanity in the soldiers, who tried to cope with the terrible aftermath, which they had personally caused. For the first time we uncover stories of desperate personal sacrifices of soldiers who have committed suicide not being capable of living with the guilt from what they caused, even though indirectly, as they were executors of someone else’s will. This film is not about general justice, it is a story about becoming an “occupier” without his or her own intention. Show more

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Time Thieves

Time Thieves; Cossima Dannoritzer, 2018, OV (rôzne) + ST; Cossima Dannoritzer, 2018, versions: SS

Forget water, oil and rare earths – there is a new resource everyone wants: our time. Time Thieves reveals how companies monetize our time without our knowledge and how the social networks have, in their own words, become ‘the new clockmakers’. Who hasn’t come across the situation where an airline has us printing our own boarding passes and checking in our own luggage, saving the company a fortune in working hours? Who hasn’t spent hours assembling a piece of furniture, or struggled with an automatic cashier? Haven’t we all asked ourselves who should be paying whom for doing all the work? Show more

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Švédi z osady; Katarína Farkašová, 2018, versions: SS

Some children have two parents, some four: two biological parents and two adoptive. But which set of parents have influenced them more? Alex, Christofer and Erik are Slovak Roma who were adopted into Sweden in the 1990s. The film follows their journey back to Slovakia to visit their biological parents and to find answers to their questions: Who are we? Where are we from and why did our biological parents give us up? Do we look like them? On this journey, the camera records sometimes funny, sometimes emotional moments full of humanity. Show more

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Shootball; Fèlix Colomer , 2017, OV (špan. + kata.) + ST (sk); Fèlix Colomer, 2017, versions: SS

Spotlight in documentary. Shootball tells the story of the major case of minor sexual abuse in Spain, which took place in Catalunya Marists schools (13 paedophiles and 42 reports). It includes the unique testimony of Benitez, the paedophile who abused more than 20 children during 30 years. For the first time in documentary a paedophile confess sexual aggressions and tries to explain the reason throughout a psychological and emotional tale. Pending the outcome of the trial, the most harassing is todayʼs freedom of Benitez, who can calmly stroke in his village while children are all around him. Show more

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Fates of Freedom

Osudy slobody; Jakub Šuvada, 2018, OV (sk) + AT; Jakub Šuvada, 2018, versions: ES

Socialism, censorship, thought control... Even those problems could be solved by the Velvet revolution in 1989. Today, in 2018, we are still not at the winning end. The democracy that our parents fought for at the time is unfortunately only a change of a so-called political suit. In the past, banned artists represented a distressful life in a socialist state through their works. And they prove the need for a creative artistic freedom. Considering freedom has always been the most important attribute in work of an artist or a journalist. However, lives of young people became victims of such freedom as well... Show more

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Golden Dawn Girls

Golden Dawn Girls; Håvard Bustnes, 2017, OV (ang. + gr.) + AT + eST (cz) ; Håvard Bustnes, 2017, versions: CS

“What happened to Greece?” In order to better understand why a movement proclaiming racial superiority, violence and hatred has gained such popularity in what is the cradle of European democracy, Bustnes decided to make a documentary about the women who stand behind it. Careful of what they say in front of the camera, they no longer watch their mouths when they think that nobody is filming or listening. Their unguarded opinions, combined with scenes from the various actions organised by the women fighters of Golden Dawn, create an impressive yet disturbing picture of what is happening in today’s Greece. Show more

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Silvana; Mika Gustafson, Christina Tsiobanelis, Olivia Kastebring , 2017, OV (rôzne) + AT + eST (cz); Director: various, 2017, versions: CS

Silvana is an angry young woman who raps about how “this world is fucked up”. Her mother is Lithuanian, her father Syrian, and she is a feminist lesbian. This is the cocktail that gave rise to Swedish rap superstar Silvana Imam. Silvana’s courtship with Beatrice Eli, the pioneer of feminist pop, has strengthened her influence on the LGBT community. People can fall in love with their personalities without liking their music. The directors of this highly emotional film have managed to capture an intimate portrait of the famous “power pussy” who is fearless onstage but often doubts herself after the show. Show more

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Dreamcatcher; Kim Longinotto, 2015, OV (ang) + eAT + ST (cz); Kim Longinotto, 2015, versions: CS

The pimps beat them, keep their money, humiliate them. They want to quit. But most prostitutes are afraid to take this step. Until they meet Brenda. – The streets of Chicago at night. Brendaʼs car stops next to a woman in the street. Brenda starts talking to her and knows right away what the woman is going through. She knows all the tricks of the trade, the threats of customers and pimps. Herself a former prostitute, she decided to help women and girls who find themselves on the streets or become victims of sexual assault because of desperate family circumstances. All the women have unique stories. Show more

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A Better Man

A Better Man: Lawrence Jackman, Attiya Khan, 2017, OV (ang) + ST (cz); Lawrence Jackman, Attiya Khan, 2017, versions: CS

Attiya was 16 when she met Steve. It was the first serious relationship for both of them and the couple soon began living together. But Steve beat Attiya practically every day during their two-year relationship. He called her racist names, thrashed her with his fists... “I thought this was what relationships are like,” recalls the troubled Attiya in a therapy session, also attended by Steve, twenty years later. “I expected him sooner or later to kill me.” This intimate film sensitively examines the process of healing souls damaged by domestic violence, seeks its causes and how a vital debt can be repaid to the victims. Show more