Slovak Queer Film Festival 2020 - Echoes

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Ammonite Ammonite

Ammonite; Francis Lee, versions: SS : eng

In 1840s England, acclaimed but overlooked fossil hunter Mary Anning works alone on the rugged Southern coastline. With the days of her famed discoveries behind her, she now searches for common fossils to sell to tourists to support herself and her ailing mother. When a wealthy visitor entrusts Mary with the care of his wife Charlotte Murchison, she cannot afford to turn his offer down. Proud and relentlessly passionate about her work, Mary initially clashes with her unwelcome guest, but despite the distance between their social class and personalities, an intense bond begins to develop, compelling the two women to determine the true nature of their relationship. Show more

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Little Girl Petite fille

Petite fille; Sébastien Lifshitz, versions: SS : fra

7-year-old Sasha has always known she was a little girl, even though she was born a boy.As society fails to treat her like the other children her age – in her daily life at school, dance lessons or birthday parties – her supportive family leads a constant battle to make her difference understood and accepted. Multi-award winner Sébastien Lifshitz follows Sasha and her family for a year, capturing with his insightful, delicate and subtle camera their truly moving moments of joy and the many challenges they face together. Show more

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A Good Man A Good Man

A Good Man ; Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar, versions: SS : fra

Benjamin and Aude want to have a baby, but when they find out that it is not possible for Aude to conceive, Benjamin comes up with a plan to solve their dilemma. Actress Noémie Merlant (Portrait of a Lady on Fire) once again takes on a formidable LGBTI role and excels as Benjamin, as does French actress and musician Soko as her onscreen partner. Inspired by actual events, this courageous film is about love and familial bonds that transcend the confines of gender. Its world premiere was originally to be included in the official programme at Cannes 2020, until it was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Show more

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Drobci 2 Drobci 2

Drobci 2; Vanda Raýmanová, Michal Struss, versions: OR : slk

To je Ben a to je Tom – dvaja bratia ako hrom! Nerozluční kamaráti, dvaja malí bratia, ktorí ani chvíľu neobsedia a spoločne spoznávajú svet plný dobrodružstiev. S čím a na čo všetko sa dokážu spoločne hrať? Čo sa vyliahne z vajíčka? A vyhrajú boj so zlým počasím? Príďte sa pozrieť do Kina doma na to, ako chlapci spoznávajú svet, ako si vedia navzájom pomôcť a čo všetko spoločne zažijú! Séria krátkych animovaných príbehov je určená pre deti predškolského veku. Po projekcii pásma sa bude nielen o Drobcoch, ale aj o zážitkoch pri ich animácii rozprávať Martina Mlichová (Filmový kabinet deťom) s režisérkou Vandou Raýmanovou. Pásmo najnovších epizód: VAJCE, RAKETA, DÁŽĎ, ROZCVIČKA, POKLAD a OSLAVA. Show more

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Chlapci z partie The Boys in the Band

The Boys in the Band ; William Friedkin, versions: SS : eng

Eight friends organize a birthday party. They’re ordinary folks, mostly living completely ordinary lives, not standing out in any particular way – except their sexual orientation. When they’re together, they can be themselves, and so the gathering starts in an air of laid-back fun. As the evening progresses, however, things take a turn towards the unexpected. First among the “mistakes” made by Michael, the host, is to invite Alan, a straight friend of his. In his second slip-up, the strapping young Tex, a gift for birthday boy Harold, arrives too soon, ruining what was supposed to be a joke about a “midnight cowboy”. The mood grows tense, eventually culminating in a showing of true colours the likes of which no one expected… Highly provocative upon its release, William Friedkin’s cinematic adaptation of a Mart Crowley play was one of the first films to openly depict gay themes and feature a nearly all-gay cast. Show more

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My Life as a Courgette Ma vie de courgette

Ma vie de courgette; Claude Barras, versions: CD : ces

Courgette is an intriguing nickname for a 9-year-old boy. Although his unique story is surprisingly universal. After his mother's sudden death, Courgette is befriended by a police officer Raymond, who accompanies him to his new foster home filled with other orphans his age. At first he struggles to find his place in this strange, at times, hostile environment. Yet with Raymond's help and his new-found friends, Courgette eventually learns to trust, finds true love and at last a new family of his own. Show more

2D Stream CD
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Memories of A Teenager Yo, adolescente

Yo, adolescente ; Lucas Santa Ana, versions: SS : spa

Od samovraždy Zabovho najlepšieho priateľa a požiaru v miestnom tanečnom klube Cromañón, v ktorom sa konali ilegálne recitály, uplynie rok vyplnený nepovolenými večierkami v opustenom sklade a prežívaním na strednej. Všetky pocity a zaznamenaniahodné okamihy života si nájdu miesto v blogu Ja, tínedžer, ktorý je pre Zaba jediným útočiskom.Film Ja, tínedžer uvádzame na tohoročnom FFi v akomsi argentínskom Double Bille s filmom Marca Bergera Lovec. Oba približujú temnejšie stránky dospievania súčasných mladých gejov. Kruh sa uzatvára i na úrovni realizačného tímu – režisér Lucas Santa Ana je zároveň producentom Lovca. Show more

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Summer of 85 Summer 85

Summer 85; François Ozon, versions: CS : fra

It’s the summer of 1985, radios and boomboxes are humming with the sounds of The Cure, Bananarama and Rod Stewart, and 16-year-old Alexis meets the older, charismatic and mysterious David. Thus begins a friendship filled with boat rides, motorcycle trips, sleepless nights, freedom and discovery of the adult world. Their adventures rapidly gain intensity until everything fatefully goes awry, leaving Alexis the prime suspect in a police investigation… Director François Ozon returns to his roots as a masterful storyteller, this time over an authentic mid-1980s backdrop imbued with zeitgeisty atmosphere. Show more

2D Stream CS
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Young Hunter El cazador

El cazador ; Marco Berger, versions: SS : spa

15-year-old teenager, is left alone athome when his parents travel to Europe for a month. One day he meets Mono at the skatepark. But meeting with Mono offers much more than the connection,intimacy, and sex he was looking for. He lands in a chilling situation that possibly makes him feel more alone than he already was. Show more

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Shiny Shrimps Les crevettes pailletées

Les crevettes pailletées; Maxime Govare, Cédric Le Gallo, versions: SS : fra

Le Goff, an Olympic champion at the end of his career, makes a homophobic remark on live TV. His punishment is to coach the Shiny Shrimps – an amateur gay men’s water-polo team whose greatest ambition is to qualify for the Gay Games in Croatia, where the sexiest LGBT athletes from around the world gather to compete. With Matthias’s help, will the Shiny Shrimps have what it takes to become queens of the pool? Show more

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I Carry You with Me I Carry You with Me

I Carry You with Me; Heidi Ewing, versions: SS : spa

Ambition and societal pressure propel an aspiring chef to leave his soulmate in Mexico and make the treacherous journey to New York, where life will never be the same. An epic love story spanning decades is sparked by a chance encounter between two men in provincial Mexico. Based on a true story. Show more

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Love Is the Devil Love Is the Devil

Love Is the Devil; John Maybury, versions: SS : eng, fra

British artist Francis Bacon is among the most important figures of 20th-century art, his oeuvre spanning a wide spectrum of techniques and expressional registers, ranging from photocollage to pop art. This cinematic treatment of Bacon’s life is an explosion of nearly incomprehensible fragments of imaginative visions, static glimpses of everyday rituals and, above all, insights into Bacon’s complicated relationship with his lover George Dyer, who finds living with the egocentric artist impossible to endure. The film focuses on evoking the artist’s feelings of isolation and various mental states, capturing Bacon through his own expressional lens, in part by employing a collage-like narrative technique. Show more

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Brokeback Mountain Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain; Ang Lee, versions: SS : eng

Who doesn’t remember the firestorm that swept Slovak cinemas 15 years ago, when Slovakia still seemed to be on its way to becoming a normal, tolerant country? This film about two cowboys who fall in love in the summer of 1963 hasn’t aged a bit. Upon its release, it shattered numerous stereotypes, aroused fierce passions and ultimately helped the public to view the LGBT community in a more positive light, both in Slovakia and beyond. The film earned a place among the classics of queer cinema, winning scores of prestigious awards, including three Oscars. Come and relive the times when these two cowboy lovers taught us tolerance and the power of love and friendship. Show more

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The World To Come The World To Come

The World To Come; Mona Fastvold, versions: SS : eng

Somewhere along the mid-19th century American East Coast frontier, two neighboring couples battle hardship and isolation, witnessed by a splendid yet testing landscape, challenging them both physically and psychologically.{Venice IFF 2020: Queer Lion, Fanheart3 Award} Show more

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A Perfectly Normal Family En helt almindelig familie

En helt almindelig familie ; Malou Reymann, versions: CS : dan

There are things Emma’s life she’d really rather not deal with – and they’re piling up. As if tolerating her pubescent older sister, grappling with her first feelings for boys and getting used to a new football coach weren’t enough, on the very day when she’s finally supposed to get the dog she’s always wanted, she learns that her mum is divorcing her dad because he…wants to become a woman. Can 11-year-old Emma possibly come to grips with all this?{Rotterdam IFF 2020: Big Screen Award} Show more